Bulletin Board

RCN Dolphins,
Mush Morton Memorial,
Russia's Submarines


Thanks much to MIKE EPSTEIN (5-LIFE-1983) for his gift of a set of Royal Canadian Navy submarine TWIN DOLPHINS. These are the cloth dolphins, embroidered with gold thread, and they go into our SHARKHUNTERS collection of international emblems.


Who doesn't know of this prestigious publication? It is a listing of all the important people (so they say) in America, and the GOLDEN EDITION of this book, the 1996 edition, is currently being prepared. for publication next year. I am quite pleased, very proud - and extremely surprised to announce that HARRY COOPER (1-LIFE-1983) will be included in this volume.


ART JACOBSON (2154-1992) was one of the first to join our Aviation history group, EAGLEHUNTERS. His number is a very enviable (30-1994), as we are just about to 300 Members now.

He suggested an idea for EAGLEHUNTERS that also makes sense for SHARKHUNTERS. This will be a section in which we give locations and details of submarines on Memorial display around the country and around the world.

If you can send information and a brochure on a submarine Memorial display, we'll run it in SHARKFINDERS. Thanks ART.

U-44 (WW I)

RON HICKOX (3145-1993) would like to know a little about this boat, as a friend of his has a submarine combat badge with the Crown and the U-Boat, and "U-44" is stamped on the back. Any information will be most welcome - thanks.


We received word from MARTIN SCHAEFFER (189-1986) that a Memorial will be erected to 'MUSH' Morton and the crew of USS WAHOO (SS 238) in Japan. The brother of GEORGE LOGUE (1879-1991) was in the crew of WAHOO and still sleeps on the floor of the ocean of the Japanese coast.

According to what we get from MARTY, half the cost of this $70,000 Memorial will be raised in the US, but it is unclear where the other half will be gathered.

Worldwide Submarine Proliferation in the Coming Decade

We have recently received a report from the Office of Naval Intelligence which, while beginning with the history of the submarine, goes on to make some interesting predictions. It reads:

Submarines have participated in American history since the Revolutionary War, but their value in naval warfare was first dramatically demonstrated during the American Civil War. It was not however, until the advent of the diesel engine and steam driven torpedo in the 20th century that the submarine became accepted as an essential weapon by leading fleets of the world.

The submarine's destructive record in the First and Second World Wars is well documented, and since then, strategic missile submarines have emerged as a major guarantor of a global strategic balance of power. A modern submarine force ensures to those who possess it regional or worldwide military influence.

The growth of submarine capability and the submarine's growing ability to escape detection by antisubmarine forces are of increasing concern, due to the large number of foreign fleets now operating one or more submarines, and the sheer numbers and widespread distribution of submarine forces around the world. Not all - - or even the majority - - of these foreign submarines are potential threats of course, but a good many are now owned by countries with demonstrably hostile or uncertain intentions. As submarine technologies continue to improve, the danger lies in the proliferation of those formidable capabilities into the hands of nations whose interests or actions may be hostile to the United States or its allies.

The most popular submarine in the world today is the German designed 209 Class diesel submarine.



Now and in the year 2,000

SSN 5145
TOTAL 181122

On 8 June, 1993 Major General Pavel Grachev stated:

    "A nuclear submarine fleet is the FUTURE of the armed forces. The number of tanks and guns will be reduced, as well as the infantry, but a modern navy is a totally different thing. The governments of all developed countries understand this very well."

While the new Russia is less threatening due to recent political changes and current economic turmoil, it nonetheless continues to operate a highly capable submarine force. Indeed, heavy emphasis continues to be placed on submarine construction and maintenance programs. Russia is conducting a complex balancing act, trying to meet its economic priorities while still demonstrating its commitment to maintaining strong strategic forces, thus retaining superpower status. While many Russian military research and development programs and activities have been curtailed, those surviving are more sophisticated and more technically advanced than previously demonstrated.


The Russian Navy considers the submarine to be its most powerful naval platform; the submarine force can target land-based as well as sea-based targets. In turn, Russian submarines can themselves be targeted by only the most modern submarines or antisubmarine systems. Russian nuclear-powered strategic ballistic missile submarines (SSBN) are slated to take an increasing percentage of the remaining Russian strategic strike force to sea; these SSBN's are to be protected by modern, extremely capable nuclear and conventionally-powered attack submarines. The Russian Minister of Defense, Army General Pavel Grachev, has publicly stated that

    "A nuclear submarine fleet is the future of the armed forces."

Older, maintenance-intensive submarines are being taken out of service and replaced by fewer but qualitatively more capable and sophisticated units. Funding for the Russian submarine force, though reduced, continues: new system upgrades are being installed during overhauls, and construction continues on current submarine classes as well as on the next generation nuclear powered attack submarine.

This heavy concentration of Russian national resources on the submarine force comes at a high cost to the rest of the Russian military. Significant sacrifices have been made in the strategic bomber forces, strategic rocket forces, and the navy's surface forces as well as in the armor, infantry and artillery capabilities of the Russian Army.

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© Copyright 1995 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com
Sharkhunters International, Inc., PO Box 1539, Hernando, FL 34442, ph: 352-637-2917, fax: 352-637-6289, e-m: sharkhunters@hitter.net