Did You Know?

U-Boat and Submarine Facts

by OBLT Ernst Schmidt (10-1983)

.....the absolute maximum time to stay submerged for U-Boats was 72 hours or three full days? Cdr Tillessen in U-516 in September 1944.

.....the British Coastal Command alone was using 1,500 aircraft on submarine control, while the total of Allied planes so employed must have been more than twice that number?

.....in 1940 to 1942 U-Boats could reach the open ocean, clearing the Bay of Biscay from France, in less than 48 hours? But after that time, it took up to seven days because of radar and aircraft? At these outgoing attempts, most U-Boats were sunk or had to return to base for repairs.

.....Submarines are first planned on paper, then modeled in wood and plastic, and finally built of steel.

.....Today's modern submarine can fully submerge in about one minute and once submerged, can travel much faster UNDERWATER than on the surface,

.....For entertainment on U.S. submarines, there are movies, television, technical libraries, ice cream machines, juke boxes - and there have even been boxing matches held on board.

.....The SILENT SERVICE began as a separate command within the U.S. Navy in 1914. Prior to that, American submarines were included in the destroyer command - talk about strange bedfellows!

Some WEIRD things are going on; here are a few:

  • We were recently contacted by an outfit called TAOS Industries, who wanted to SELL a Russian FOXTROT submarine to us.

  • The diving newspaper UNDERWATER USA reports that, since Cuba is now open to tourists and divers, a Denver based organization called SEA CAM is planning to dive near the infamous BAY OF PIGS to dive on ALL THE U-BOATS SUNK THERE! It would seem easier if they just went to nearby Utah and dive on all the U-Boats sunk there - they have just as much chance finding U-Boats in the GREAT SALT LAKE as they have off the Isle of Pines.....there are NONE THERE! Don't waste the bottom time.

    7th Largest Ship Ever Sunk

    From the data gathered by CAPT. ROBERT THEW (333-+-1987) we learn that the 7th largest ship ever sunk by submarine was the 28,124 ton French merchant ship CHAMPLAIN. She was sunk on 21 June, 1940 by U-65 under von Stockhausen.

    For KTB #111 next month, do you know what was the 6th largest ship ever sunk by submarine, and what was the submarine?

    Little Known Submarine Facts...

    This quiz began in KTB #102 and is intended only to improve your knowledge of submarine and naval history.

    Answers to last month's quiz:

    36. The 'darkest day' for American submarines was 24 Oct, 1944 when three submarines were lost. USS TANG under RICHARD J. O'KANE (1540-+-1990), was sunk by a circular run of her own torpedo and all but 9 of her 87 man crew were lost; USS SHARK II was sunk in the Formosa Straits with all 87 men lost; USS DARTER went hard aground on a reef off the South China Sea but no one was lost. This was the only day in World War II in which the USN lost more than one submarine.

    37. The last naval surface engagement of World War II was the battle between the I.J.N. cruiser HAGURO and five RN destroyers in the Malacca Strait. HAGURO was sunk on 17 May, 1945.

    38. The first USN aircraft carrier sunk in World War II was CV-1, USS LANGLEY. She was sunk near Java on 27 February, 1942 while she was functioning as a seaplane tender. She was so badly damaged by Japanese bombs that she was sunk by the USN.

    39. It was HMS ARK ROYAL that was sunk by U-81 under FRITZ GUGGENBERGER (269-+-1987) on 15 November, 1941 as the RN battle group neared Gibraltar. GERRY RICHTER (214-LIFE-1985) was Radioman on U-81 then.

    40. The 19th most successful USN submarine Skipper was Chuck Triebel, in command of USS S-15 and USS SNOOK.

    For KTB #111 next month, do you know:

    41. How did the I.J.N. compare with the USN in carrier strength at the beginning of World War II in 1941?

    42. When the war began, what was the newest carrier in the USN?


    44. How successful were the German U-Boat attacks off the American Atlantic coast in early 1942?

    45. Who was the 18th most successful USN submarine Skipper?

    This should give your brain a workout until next month.....

    Other AXIS Submarine Losses

    29 June, 1940 the Italian submarine UEBI SCEBELI was sunk by aircraft at 35.29N x 20.06E.

    29 June, 1940 the Italian submarine RUBINO was sunk by RAF aircraft at 39.10N x 18.49E.

    22 August, 1940 the Italian submarine IRIDE was sunk by British aircraft from HMS EAGLE in the Gulf of Bomba.

    30 September, 1940 the Italian submarine GONDAR was sunk by British aircraft and HMAS STUART at 31.33N x 28.33E.

    2 October, 1940 the Italian submarine BERILLO was sunk by HMS HAVOCK and HMS HASTY at 33.09N x 26.24E. 6 October, 1940 the Italian submarine GEMMA was sunk by Italian ASW boats at 36.00N x 28.00E

    Submarine Trivia

    Only the very best of the Navy is considered acceptable for submarine service. Volunteer applicants are given tough physical as well as psychological screening before even being accepted for training. Those who make the grade are further tested and trained in the SUBMARINE SCHOOL at New London and on board operating submarines.

    After one full year service in submarines, those who pass all the tests are qualified to wear the TWIN DOLPHINS with pride.

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    © Copyright 1995 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
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