More from 'Silent Otto'

U-Boat Commander (Gunther Prien) and
Ten Years and Twenty Days (Karl Donitz)

by Dick Cole (204-A-1986)


Paperback edition published by Award Books, New York in 1969, containing 159 pages, no photographs. Also published in Great Britain by Allan Wingate publishers, no details available.

This book is a translation of a WW II German release. If it was ghost written or co-authored, no credit is given. It would be surprising if Prien had the time to write this book unassisted before his death in March 1941. While most of the book deals with Prien's pre-War experiences, the final one-third relates some incidents from his war cruises. Few dates or specific details are given, but comparison to other sources suggest that the summer of 1940 is the latest time period covered.

When reading this book, be aware that chronological order is not followed, as the final chapter covers Prien's most famous deed, his Scapa Flow ventures and the sinking of the ROYAL OAK. This occurred in October 1939, prior to some of the events that are described earlier in the book. This is an interesting book if you are able to find a copy.


Hardbound edition published by World, Cleveland, no date, contains 500 pages, 14 photographs. Paperback edition published by Nordon Publications, New York, no date given, contains 269 pages, no photographs. Paperback edition published by Leisure, New York, no details known.

The memoirs of the man who resurrected the U-Boat force between the wars, and who was its Commander-in-Chief for the duration of the War, are vital to the understanding of the waging of the U-Boat warfare. The book provides an insight into the strategy, tactics and politics that influenced much of the action, but also includes a surprising amount of detail. Toward the end of the War, less of Donitz's time was devoted to U-Boat affairs, as he successively replaced Raeder as head of the Kriegsmarine and Hitler as head of state. The memoirs cover only Donitz's military career, with few personal details.

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