
Variety of Sharkhunter Information

by Harry Cooper

Welcome Otto: Sharkhunter Advisory Board Member

REAR ADMIRAL OTTO KRETSCHMER (122-LIFE-1985) has agreed to serve on our SHARKHUNTERS ADVISORY BOARD in 1995. There is no need to go into his outstanding qualifications, as they speak for themselves as do his WW II accomplishments - most successful submarine Commander of ANY Navy in World War II and the first of only five U-Boat Skippers to win the KNIGHTS CROSS with OAK LEAF CLUSTER and CROSSED SWORDS.

We are pleased and honored to have OTTO KRETSCHMER serve on our ADVISORY BOARD. I must confess that he, like CAPTAIN NED BEACH (1163-LIFE-1989), made me promise NOT to die on his watch. OKAY, I promise.

Goodbye Bud Dana: Term Ends

BUD DANA (245-A/LIFE-1987) has served on our SHARKHUNTERS ADVISORY BOARD for some years now, but his term has expired and we say 'THANK YOU' to BUD for all his help with the difficult decisions that sometimes face our SHARKHUNTERS.

BUD and his wife STELLA (245 1/2 A/LIFE-1987) are still the SHARKHUNTERS and EAGLEHUNTERS official videographers and over the years with TASK FORCE ALPHA, BUD has become one of the world's experts on bunker and tunnel systems.

Welcome Marc Cohen

MARC COHEN (166-A/LIFE-1986) will replace outgoing BUD DANA (245-A/LIFE-1987) on our SHARKHUNTERS ADVISORY BOARD & his term will run until 2001. MARC is a dedicated Member of SHARKHUNTERS, a serious historian and collector of the KRIEGSMARINE. Even though he has already won his A/LIFE Membership, MARC is still spreading the word about SHARKHUNTERS and doing his best to sign up new Members all the time. MARC will serve on the BOARD until 2001. WELCOME ABOARD, MARC.

Welcome Professor! Sharkhunters Advisory Board

As you know, since SHARKHUNTERS has become so large, we have decided to have two Members on the BOARD OF ADVISORS for each year, and that we should have these BOARD Members selected for ten years in advance. With an eye to that goal, we are pleased to announce that PROFESSOR TOM MACKIN (146-A-1985) will serve on our ADVISORY BOARD until 2002. Those who know TOM and his wife, Kathy, know them to be nice people and a lot of fun to be with. They traveled Europe with us in 1988 and more than once when SHARKHUNTERS were in Chicago. TOM is a Music Director at his local high school and it was TOM and his band that first played the KRETSCHMER MARCH in public since the end of World War II. WELCOME PROFESSOR!

Welcome Gerd Thater: Sharkhunters Advisory Board Member

As SHARKHUNTERS grows and the need for ADVISORY BOARD Members expands, we are pleased to announce that our good friend GERHARD THATER (194-LIFE-1986) has accepted a position on this BOARD. GERD was one of a very few fortunate to have survived a passage through the Straits of Gibraltar not once - but TWICE! He went through the first time as I.W.O. on another boat, then as Skipper of U-466. After his TYPE VII-C boat was destroyed dockside by USAAF bombers at Toulon, he returned to Germany and became Skipper of U-3506, a TYPE XXI ELECTRO-BOOT. This is one of the three boats in the ‘LOST BUNKER’ that are soon to be permanently sealed.

With the birth of the new German Navy (the BUNDSMARINE), GERD joined and eventually retired at the rank of FrigettanKapitan. GERD is a fine man, a good friend, and we are pleased to welcome GERD to our ADVISORY BOARD until the year 2002.

Shutterbug Schatz: Photos Used Around the World

Over the past couple years, the US NAVAL INSTITUTE (1008-1989) has used photos shot by DR. ERWIN SCHATZ (1629-1990). The cover photo of the March 1992 issue of PROCEEDINGS had a shot by SCHATZ of sailors from many nations walking side by side under the heading of “A GLOBAL NAVAL FORCE? WHY NOT?” which, incidentally, is not an idea that we at SHARKHUNTERS agree with.

In the March 1993 issue, the photo of the new Italian submarine PRIMO LONGOBARDO is another shot by SCHATZ.

Another shot by SCHATZ appeared in the Italian magazine “IL PICCOLO” when a group of Austrians visited Italy.

These are great photos all - and DR. SCHATZ took quite a few of us and for us when our SHARKHUNTERS toured Russia in 1992. Good shooting ERWIN, we enjoy your work.

Iron Coffins: Request for Copy

Who hasn't read this tremendous book about the life of HERBERT WERNER (18-1983), a Skipper who was in action from the early days right through the end of World War II? Of all the books written about the Battle of the Atlantic, this is one of the absolute best.

We need a copy or two here at SHARKHUNTERS. Who has a copy (or two) that you will sell to us here at HQ? Please call or write and let us know as soon as you can. Thanks in advance.

“Kiel Experiment” : Tesla and Stealth Technology

Who can give us additional information about the KIEL EXPERIMENT and Nikola Tesla? This is WW II technology that apparently has given a tremendous boost to the STEALTH technology of today. Anything at all that you can tell us will be most appreciated. Thanks in advance.

SHARKHUNTERS in 45 Countries!

When MARK PEARSON (1881-1991) was recently shipped to GUAM, that island nation became the 45th country in which there are SHARKHUNTERS Members. Welcome to Guam, MARK and I hope you can sign up some more Members there.


REAR ADMIRAL DAVID M. GOEBEL 3320-1993) just got his second STAR and is off to a new assignment. Congratulations ADMIRAL GOEBEL.

Our hard-working Chief of SHARKHUNTERS Intelligence, CAP'N CLOAK 'N DAGGER has received a promotion to REAR ADMIRAL, thanks to the hard work and some of the most AWESOME information to ever come out of World War II Europe. We will not reveal too much yet, but I will tell you that some of our notions of what took place at the end of World War II and for two or so years after, will have to be re-written.

Thanks to RADM CLOAK 'N DAGGER, it will be SHARKHUNTERS who will be the first to report these history-shattering facts. I will tell you this:

Feuerland is Found! Tierra Del Fuego

We have the SPECIFIC locations for NINE secret U-Platzes in the TIERRA DEL FUEGO area of South America - PLUS the locations for EIGHTY secret U-Platzes around the world. These U-PLATZES were used by certain ships and boats to rest and repair anything damaged as well as to take on fresh water found locally and in a few places, where to meet German supply ships to take over fuel and supplies.

As I said, there is MUCH MORE that will be released soon - don't miss a single issue of our KTB Magazine!

Who will be interested in the expedition to FEUERLAND? Let me know, as it appears that we will go to this area the end of 1995.

Welcome Colleen

As we get more and more busy here at SHARKHUNTERS/EAGLEHUNTERS, the work load grows and so we welcome our new data input clerk Colleen O’Conner to our HQ. She will take a lot of the day to day work off my shoulders so I can concentrate on getting our KTB and FB Magazines out - ON TIME!

Sharkhunters History Trips The Best!

Our BUSINESS CONSULTANT, DR. JAMES J. CARROLL (2391-A-1992) travels all over the world, both on his own as well as part of various tour groups, and he told me that our SHARKHUNTERS history trips to Germany (and the rest of Europe) were the best he had ever been on. We thank JAY for his kind words, and since he tells us that most of these trips usually cost around $4,000 I guess we should boost the price of our SHARKHUNTERS history trips too.....but we will not. Ours is an organization of good Members, and I just can't stick in a fat profit. So watch your mailbox closely over the next few weeks and your invitation to another great SHARKHUNTERS history tour will be peeking out at you.

Acoustic Torpedo : Technical Question

MICHEL GUERIN (902-1994) has a technical question that we cannot answer, so any U-Bootfahrer (or anyone with the answer), please let us know the answer to this question.

‘How and what was the exit setting mechanism of an acoustic torpedo used for?”

Thanks in advance to all who send their answer. Membership Contest

The 1994 Membership Contest is in the final stretch now, and some Members have made sure they receive at least one more year FREE Membership - some are winning more than one year FREE!


For every five new Members you recruit, you win ONE MORE YEAR of SHARKHUNTERS Membership - FREE! The Member who recruits the MOST new Members this year (minimum of 30) will win a LIFE Membership at the ADMIRAL rank. We will send brochures to you, no charge of course, to help you get your share of new Members - just write or call. Pass them out at Militaria shows or gun shows, give them to friends who are interested in the history of the U-Bootwaffe and other submarine navies.- YOU can WIN!

JOE BURGES (605-A-1988) 51 (possible new record!)
LOU HOUSE (2243-A/LIFE-1992) 11
J. C. RUCKS (338-1987) 8
PETER STANFORD (1761-1991) 5

SKIP ASAY (898-1991) 4
JIM SUTTNER (2309-C-1992) 4

JACK GOODIER (127-1990) 3
WILLIAM WOLFE (976-1989) 3
YOYA KAWAMURA (1739-LIFE-1991) 3
NORMAN E. HARMS (2215-A-1992) 3
RALPH TAYLOR (3342-1994) 3

MARC COHEN (166-A/LIFE-1986) 2
BUD DANA (245-A/LIFE-1987) 2
ERNST ZUNDEL (956-1989) 2
JAY FIONDELLA (1072-1989) 2
DON GLASSER/DESA (1150-1994) 2
J. P. MASSEY (1748-C/LIFE-1991) 2
JOHN HANKINS (1979-1991) 2
CHIEF JIM WATSON (2028-1991) 2
LEROY KOETZ (2954-C-1993) 2

HARRY CULLEN (289-1987) 1
V. E. BAUER-TAPIA (408-1987) 1
ROBERT KOSKO (708-1994) 1
FRED FAETH (1456-1990) 1
WALLY MYERS (1633-1990) 1
STEVE SHOCK (2213-A/LIFE-1992) 1
LOU vander STREET (2246-A/LIFE-1992) 1
WAYNE JENEVEIN (2416-C-1992) 1
ALFRED FRIEDRICH (2468-1992) 1
BLAYNE WEIDENER (2558-1992) 1
RICHARD HENRICK (2568-1992) 1
ED UDITIS (2772-1993)1
STEVE FLETCHER (3002-1993) 1
ADAM FIEGL (3042-1993) 1
MIKE WEBER (3239-1993) 1
TIM KIZOREK (3457-1994) 1
PETER CHELEMEDOS (3619-1994) 1
CHARLES WOLF (3707-1994) 1
DAVID MAXWELL (3842-1994) 1

We are nearing the end of the 1994 Membership CONTEST - but there is still plenty of time for YOU to win one or more years of Membership FREE! Will anyone topple the record set by LOU HOUSE (2243-A/LIFE-1992) of 58 new Members in one year or his overall record of 111 new Members (plus 11 more in this contest = 122 total)? Our Britisher in the US NAVY submarine combat service is closing the gap - will he top 58 in these last few months? We’ll see.....but EVERYONE can be a winner if you just sign up at least five new Members this year. GOOD LUCK.

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© Copyright 1994 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles articles are available at
Join Sharkhunters International, Inc.: PO Box 1539, Hernando, FL 34442, ph: 352-637-2917, fax: 352-637-6289,