Off to Germany

TV Documentary and Computer Games

by Harry Cooper

In mid-June, HARRY COOPER (1-LIFE-1983) took not one but two film crews to Germany, interviewing some of the great Commanders. One of the film crews with producer STEVE AMES (2331-1992) and camerman Martin Doblmeyer, will produce television documentaries that tell the HONEST story of the U-Bootfahrer without propaganda and prejudice. We'll let the Membership know when you may watch this on television, and STEVE assures us that SHARKHUNTERS will be mentioned prominently in the credits.

The other crew consisted of producer Dennis Kilgore and cameraman Dale Tendick from DYNAMIX Company. Their company produces some of the finest computer simulations of.....just about anything. Some of their simulations include "ACES OF THE PACIFIC" which is about the American submarines in World War II, and "ACES OF THE SKIES" which is about the air war in World War II. This new simulation, called "ACES OF THE DEEP" will be the most advanced computer simulation ever! With the CD version for instance, if your orders are to penetrate a convoy and attack, the operator just hits a key or two and there is OTTO KRETSCHMER (122-LIFE- 1985) himself, telling how he would penetrate a convoy screen. If you are ordered to run the Straits of Gibraltar, just push the key & there is CAPTAIN GERHARD THATER (194-LIFE-1986) who ran this gauntlet not once, but TWICE, and he tells how it is done - RIGHT ON YOUR SCREEN!

There were also interviews with CAPTAIN REINHARD HARDEGEN (102- LIFE-1985), CAPTAIN OTTO WESTPHALEN (329-1987), RADM ERICH TOPP (118- LIFE-1985), CAPTAIN JURGEN OESTEN (1681-1990), WILHELM GRAP (213-1986) who was a veteran of U-506 during the LACONIA Incident, and of course with the youngest combat submarine Skipper of World War II, OBLT HANS- GEORG HESS( 125-LIFE-1985).

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© Copyright 1994 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at
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