American Legion Post
is Selling Your Heritage!

USS Cabot "Jeep" Carrier

by Harry Cooper

There is only one 'JEEP' carrier left in the world, and that is the 'IRON LADY' of the Pacific, USS CABOT. This baby flattop was one of a group of ships that were initially laid down as 11,000 ton cruisers, but the War in the Pacific demanded air power rather than cruiser squadrons, so many of these cruisers were finished as baby flattops.

USS CABOT took part in many major Pacific battles in World War II and was called the 'IRON LADY' by those who knew and loved her. She was the most highly decorated light carrier in the War against Japan! Her logbook recalls: "25 November, sailing in confined waters off Leyte, 40 KAMIKAZES attacked the carriers INTREPID, ESSEX and CABOT. The CABOT hit by two suicide planes, killing 36, large holes in this flight deck and hull, and a severely damaged catapult. The carriers were ordered to withdraw to Ulithi Atoll 1,200 miles to the southeast."

With the War finally over, USS CABOT was given to the Spanish Navy who re-named her DEDALO and made her the Flagship of their Fleet. This new navy owed nothing to the 36 American sailors who perished when the KAMIKAZE planes slammed into her hull, into a crowded compartment - but every year, on the anniversary of those brave men giving their lives, the Spanish Navy held Memorial Services in this very compartment where those American seamen died in World War II.

Several years ago, the Spanish Navy, in a wonderful and friendly gesture, gave this treasured piece of American History to a group in Kenner, in the New Orleans area. This group was going to open the ship to the public and it would be both a Memorial and Museum to the men who died in service to the United States, and a measure of friendship between the United States and Spain.

As our Members have read, I was on board USS CABOT some months ago, along with a few other SHARKHUNTERS Members, and this ship is in good enough condition that she could be opened to the public with just a little elbow grease, from the hangar deck up - and that is really all that any carrier Memorial has open to the public. The C.I.C is in full working order! I informed the President of American Legion Post #377 that holds control of USS CABOT, that the ship could be cleaned up in short order and be making money (which is what Legion Post #377 seems to hold dear) rather than sitting dockside. As our readers remember, this fell on deaf ears and nothing was done about it.

According to our sources in the New Orleans area and also writings in the TIMES-PICAYUNE, it appears that the 'IRON LADY' could withstand anything the enemy could throw at her but she cannot withstand what her own country has decided for her - USS CABOT is to be sold for scrap! Those 36 American sailors, killed in action for their country, mean nothing but money that can be made by selling CABOT for her steel.

There will be a short delay, some even hope for a miracle - as the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has stopped the sale of the ship for a short time, because they have found PCBs in the ship's electrical system and the EPA has told the CABOT-DEDALO Foundation, which is more or less a part of Legion Post #377, that they may not sell the ship until the PCB material has been removed.

A reader of the TIMES-PICAYUNE wrote: "How pitiful has the Legion become to let such a piece of history disappear? I feel sorry for the American Legion Post #377, which mortgaged the Post; I can only hope they get their money back.

"Where is our sense of pride in God and country? Is it in the casinos or set so far back in the recesses of people's minds that they no longer care?"

In another article in the TIMES-PICAYUNE, we read that these people are going to Federal court to stop the EPA from halting the sale - so they can cash in on the 'IRON LADY' at the scrap yard. It says: "The owner, the CABOT-DEDALO Museum Foundation, is seeking a temporary restraining order in federal court to block the EPA's effort to stop the ship's exportation." In other words, it seems that these guys just want the bucks.

The article goes on to say: "The Foundation has said it is selling the 51 year old warship because it is in debt and cannot afford to convert the ship into a naval museum, as originally planned. The ship, used in many major Pacific Ocean battles in World War II, has been sold to a Singapore firm, Sayani Enterprises PTE Ltd, which plans to scrap it in India.

"Bernie Klein, spokesman for the foundation, said that even if the EPA finds enough of this material on board to stop its export, the foundation will go ahead with its plans to sell the ship for scrap."

All this makes one wonder about American Legion Post #377. What about those 36 men who died in the fight? The Spanish Navy took the time to honor those men every year, but this group only wants to sell the ship for the bucks.....who cares about those 36 sailors who gave their lives during the War; let's turn this ship into cash!

What about the ship herself - USS CABOT is the only 'JEEP' carrier left in the world and this was THE MOST DECORATED of the baby flattops in the Pacific. Once she has been broken up, there can be no more baby flattops on this earth. And on this ship the C.I.C. is still operating!

What about the Spanish Navy who gave that ship to us? They thought, in good faith, that this ship would be opened as a Memorial and Museum and that this would further increase the ties between our countries, much like the situation between the Greek Navy and our US Navy when the Greeks gave back a Destroyer Escort (USS SLATER) in World War II configuration. That ship is in good hands at the USS INTREPID Museum in New York and will be there for everyone to visit and enjoy, and to remember our guys who fought and died in a bloody war. But USS CABOT will bring money to the guys in Legion Post #377.

They have stated in the TIMES-PICAYUNE article that they cannot afford to convert the ship into a naval museum - well then, why not give or sell (a word they seem to hold so dear) the ship to another American Museum so that USS CABOT will not go to the breaker's yard but will remain as a historical monument to the history of the US Navy and the men who served, and those who paid the ultimate price?

I telephoned Legion Post #377 to ask all these questions, but (as I was warned) they were not answering their phones - so I left a message. No one called back. I wrote to Legion Post #377 with these questions, but no answer came. Could it possibly be that they really don't want a way to save this ship, this history? Could it be that they really DO only want the money?

Haven't we broken up enough Memorials? Haven't we wished there were just a few more WW II battleships, carriers, tin cans, DE's, PT boats, P-51 fighters, B-17 bombers, B-24......the list could go on and on, but to have a priceless piece of American history in our hands only to have other Americans sell this history for money, is beyond my understanding. And I must say, I find it most distressful for another Navy to give a ship to a group in this country, with the understanding that the ship will be turned into a museum, only to find that Post #377 will SELL THE SHIP to a scrapyard for money. Where is the honor of a man's word?

If you want to let American Legion Post #377 know how you feel, they are located at:

American Legion Post #377
3740 Florida Blvd
Kenner, LA
and the telephone number is (504) 466-8825.

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© Copyright 1994 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at
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