News and Information


by Harry Cooper

315 Blau

If you know what this means, please contact SHARKHUNTERS HQ immediately. If you have no idea what is 315 BLAU, forget we asked and you'll read some fascinating history in a few months on the pages of our KTB Magazine thanks to CAP'N CLOAK 'N DAGGER, our SHARKHUNTERS Chief of Intelligence.


It's that time again - the time when our SHARKHUNTERS Members can help our organization grow, and save some money in the process it is time for the 1994 MEMBERSHIP CONTEST! We have changed the rules slightly this year and the changes are in the favor of you, the Members and contestants. For every five new Members you sign up, you will receive another year of Membership - AT YOUR CURRENT RANK - so in other words, if you are at ADMIRAL level and sign up five new Members, you win another full year of Membership at ADMIRAL level. And of course, there is the BIG WINNER .... The SHARKHUNTERS Member who signs up the MOST new Members in 1994 (minimum of 30) will win a LIFETIME Membership at the ADMIRAL level! Don't wait, get your friends interested now and get a jump on the other competitors...EVERYONE can win.

    JOE BURGES (605-A-1988) 3
    JAY FIONDELLA (1072-1989) 2
    PETER STANFORD (1761-1991) 2
    RADM EUGENE FLUCKEY (2169-C-1992) 2
    JIM SUTTNER (2309-C-1992) 2
    RADM ERICH TOPP (118-LIFE-1985 1
    MARC COHEN (166-A/LIFE-1986) 1
    SKIP ASAY (898-1989) 1
    CHIEF JIM WATSON (2028-1991) 1
    WAYNE JENEVEIN (2416-1992) 1
    ADM FEIGL (3042-1993) 1

These Members are off to a great start - but YOU can still get into the thick of the race and win additional years of Membership in our SHARKHUNTERS. Don't forget; LOU HOUSE (2243-A/LIFE- 1992) holds the record for single year recruiting at 58 new Members in 1993 and the record for total recruiting at 111 - what Member will attempt to top LOU's record?


Is a Japanese word. Literally, it means "BANG AND SINK" and thanks to YOYA KAWAMURA (1739-LIFE-1991) who graciously sent us a copy of a videotape, quite unique and extremely.

This film is now in our SHARKHUNTERS RESEARCH CENTER and copies can be obtained from this office as well. YOYA, many thanks for this extremely interesting videotape.

Questions from HANK and the MAJOR

MAJOR JIM ROSE (78-C-1984) and PROFESSOR HENRY KEATTS (59-1990) ask:

Did the Germans have 'suicide' subs in the War? If you have the answer and can help, please let us know here at SHARKHUNTERS HQ and we will pass your response along. And thanks in advance.


About a year or so ago, SHARKHUNTERS was incorporated here in the state of Florida. Thanks to our LEGAL ADVISOR, GREG SCOTT (2012-A1991) our SHARKHUNTERS emblem has been legally registered with the US government as our official trademark.

And now, thanks to our TYPESETTER, PEN HARMS, our KTB Magazine has its legal "ISSN" number which registers our Magazine with the US government and Library of Congress database, which is an internationally recognized access for researchers around the world.

Our SHARKHUNTERS organization has come a long way in the past eleven years and a lot of it was thanks to the help of our Members just in the past year. Many thanks from SHARKHUNTERS HQ!


When PAUL-HENRIK ROSCHIER (3443-1994) joined SHARKHUNTERS, the country of FINLAND became the 43rd nation in which there are SHARKHUNTERS Members. WELCOME ABOARD, FINLAND!

Return to Key Largo

Remember our SHARKHUNTERS informal gathering at the HOWARD JOHNSON TIKI BAR (Mile Marker 102) Saturday evening, 2 April this year beginning around 6pm. Mark your calendar NOW so you don't miss out.

Grab Your Passport

Here are some of the SHARKHUNTERS events planned for 1994, so you may plan your vacation time.

  • JUNE - Major week in Chicago including the 50th Anniversary of the capture of U-505 by the USS GUADALCANAL Task Force; re-enactment of the D-DAY invasion on Lake Michigan; we sleep one night ON BOARD USS SILVERSIDES!
  • JULY - You don't need a passport for this one - the Annual SHARKHUNTERS 4th of July gathering at HQ.
  • SEPTEMBER - SHARKHUNTERS return to France and Germany.

Full details will appear in future KTB, Magazine issues, and you will receive your sign-up brochures in plenty of time to send in your reservation. But plan those vacation days NOW so you are not on the outside looking in.

50th Anniversary

Have you sent in your registration for the SHARKHUNTERS week in Chicago yet? Don't ait - this is a MAJOR event, with the city of Chicago and the Department of Defense, so there will be a tremendous number of people in town during this week. It will be impossible (or MIGHTY expensive) to get a hotel room on your own during that week but SHARKHUNTERS has rooms blocked, and we will enjoy VIP seating at these major events, whereas anyone attending on their own will wind up far from the action.

Remember, all SHARKHUNTERS Members and their guests enjoy a $300 savings off the overall cost of this trip, which means that the total cost is only $997 per person - and it would be impossible to even get a hotel for that amount for this week. Please get your reservation here fast. Once our bus is all filled up, we cannot accept any more on this historical week.

Potshot Venture

What was this? GREG THEW (1661-1990), the son of our friend BOB THEW (333 - + - 1987), found a photo of his grandfather, Joseph Thew and Admiral Lockwood, taken in April 1942. The words "POTSHOT VENTURE" were written on it. Joseph Thew was Skipper of the old NAUTILUS USS 167) before the War, and it was Joseph Thew who designed the TWIN DOLPHINS of the US NAVY Submarine Service.

Who can tell us - what was the POTSHOT VENTURE? Thanks in advance.

Visitors WELCOME!

January must have been the month for SHARKHUNTERS Members to visit here at our RESEARCH CENTER: BELL HARBOWY (2897-1993) came by for a visit and a few days later, so did our friend FRED FAETH (1456-1990). It was FRED, a WW II veteran of the US NAVY ARMED GUARD, who first tangled with the magazine of the AMERICAN LEGION and told their editor that the statement they printed that U-Boaters sometimes machine-gunned men in the water was absolutely false. That started our attempt to show the people at the LEGION magazine that this was merely old wartime propaganda and that they should publish either a retraction of that statement or at least publish some of the dozens upon dozens of letters from WW II combat veterans who know that this was not true. They not only failed to publish a retraction, they didn't have the guts to even publish any of these letters! While the AMERICAN LEGION is a great organization, it appears the guys running their magazine are a little timid; maybe it is a good thing those weren't the guys in command during WWII.

During the month of February, we received three more visitors

MALCOLM WADE (2115-1992)
CHUCK CALVO (3201-C-1993) who helped us get aboard USS CABOT
MITCHELL SAPP (3176-1993) whose father was on USS FESSENDEN when they sank U-1062, one of the boats on a mission to/from the Far East.

WELCOME to our HQ, and if you will be in the area, give us a call to let us know you are coming - and we'll see you then.

On Bended Knee...

Once again, we're making our plea to ALL American submarine veterans of World War II - please send us YOUR story. Put it on an audio cassette tape, type it out on your computer, or even the old ROYAL typewriter, scribble it with your Grandson's crayola on an old newspaper if you must - but PLEASE send it here so we can print it in our KTB Magazine and archive it for other researchers to use in the distant future. Your history will not die with you, but your own personal story might if you don't send it in. In advance, thanks very much.

In The Conning Tower

We just received a phone call from the MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY to give us the good news - they will unlock what has up-to- now been the HOLY of HOLIES; the conning tower of U-505 and we will be allowed inside! Normally this is NEVER done, but they are doing it for our SHARKHUNTERS and the groups on the boat for these festivities. Don't miss this rare chance to actually LIVE history - reserve your space now!

Skinny-Dipping in Goring's Lake?

A report has reached this desk dig one of our Members, one of the "COMPANY MEN" had gone skinny-dipping in Goring's Lake at CARINHALL; that he almost bought a TIGER tank from an east European government; and why he has an IRON CROSS embedded in his own swimming pool.

Obviously, we cannot mention the name of this member unless he gives us the green light. So, Colonel Skinny-Dipper what's the story here?

Video Catalog

Some Members have said they like what they saw in our CATALOG of GOODIES, but wish they could get a really GOOD look at the various PRINTS, MUGS, PRIDE ITEMS etc. Well, now you CAN!

We have produced a videotape of all the great items you will find in our SHARKHUNTERS CATALOG OF GOODIES and you can see them in living color and in great detail, right in your own living room.

Just send $5 to cover postage and ask for the VIDEO CATALOG and we will rush it right out to you - AND we will enclose a GIFT CERTIFICATE good for $5 on anything you order. Heads you win; tails you can't lose! Order yours today!

Sharkhunters to Publish a Book

As our Members know, we have been planning to compile all the items that you have read in our "THE WAY IT WAS" section and make a book out of them. Well, it has happened! NOONTIDE PRESS has accepted our book, which is titled I 1U- BOAT11 written by SHARKHUNTERS and it is in the hands of the proofreader now for "polishing". When will it be available? We will know that by the time KTB #105 comes out.

To our Members who have sent in their history on audiotape or in writing, THANK YOU! These are the stories that will make up this book. To our Members who served in ANY manner in the War who did not send in their memories - there is still time to do it now. The book "U-BOAT" is already set and no more can be added, but this is VOLUME I. When we gather another 20 or so memories from Members, we will make up VOLUME II and so on and so forth. Please become a part of history.

If you served in any capacity, in any branch of the service, from any country during World War II, please make an audio tape or write your memories down and send them here. We will print them in our KTB Magazine, then put them into our next book, but most important - YOUR portion of the history that WAS World War II will be preserved for historians and students for years and years ahead. Please send YOUR memories today.

Computer Fund

Quite some years ago, DOC BROWN (265-A-1986) initiated this very important fund for SHARRHUNTERS when he donated $100 to be used toward the purchase of our very first computer. Anyone who knows business today knows that it is absolutely impossible to run an organization the size of SHARKHUNTERS without a computer, so we bought an IBM-PC and it served our purposes for a year or two.

As SHARKHUNTERS grew, Members helped with gifts to this fund, and we bought a new IBM 286. Our service to you, our Members improved greatly. We always listed those who did send money for this fund, and the latest Members to help are:

    BERT ROUSSE (420-1990)
    LARRY HAGENAH (1232-C/LIFE-1989)
    CDR PATTI YOUNG (946-1989)
    KENNY CHOW (695-1988)

and we always get help from BILL CUSTER (1764-A/LIFE-1991), owner of a chain of computer stores in the area with super prices and service without charge.

But as always, technology changes, SHAREHUNTERS grows, and we needed much better and faster computers, so we have bought a new IBM 486 with quite a bit of support equipment and programs. Even with our special help from BILL, we had to borrow approximately $3,000 for these items, and so we're forced to re-open this vital fund and again ask you, our Members, to help retire this debt.

All Members who contribute to our COMPUTER FUND will have their name on a scroll that will be kept on display in the COMPUTER ROOM, so all can see who helped with our computers. I hope YOU will send a few dollars to help us retire this debt. Thanks in advance.

Sustaining Members

SUSTAINING MEMBERS are those who, through their monthly pledges, help with routine bills, such as the Sharkhunters telephone bill which usually runs in excess of $200 each month. They help Sharkhunters grow and continue to tell the honest story of the U-Boot-Waffe and all the submarine navies of WWII. I hope YOU help.

We need YOU to join this special group. Your name in each issue will remain in the archives of many countries because our KTB Magazine is kept in PERMANENT archival files in them; including the NATIONAL ARCHIVES of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA (19-1983), the BRAZILIAN NAVY ARCHIVES (180-1986), LIBRARY OF CONGRESS (798-1988), the ITALIAN SUBMARINE ARCHIVES (1049-1989), the GERMAN U-BOAT MEMORIAL (1225-1989) and many more.


It is easy to join this special group - pledge any amount you will send each month and you are immediately added to the list of outstanding members who help us grow. Will you help? Thanks!

Just for comparison, when this SUSTAINING FUND was created by C.D. HESLER (832-A/LIFE-1988) in 1988, there were only 800 members in Sharkhunters, and we thought that was a lot.

Today, just four years later, there are MORE THAN 3,300 MEMBERS! So, you can see how the expenses have more than quadrupled. I hope we can count on YOU for this critical assistance. In advance, many thanks!

    CHUCK HESLER (832-A/LIFE-1988)
    A. J. TARANTINO (1496-1990)
    ANTHONY GALAZ (959- 1989)
    BILL LUND (610-1988)
    R. M. CLARE (1571-1990)
    OLAF VEATH (1711-1990)
    ART AYDELOTTE (787-1988)
    NORMAN E. HARMS (2215-A-1992)
    RICHARD FORTUNE (1960-1991)
    PAUL WAGNER (2037-1991)
    ART JACOBSON (2154-1992)

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© Copyright 1999 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at
Sharkhunters International, Inc., PO Box 1539, Hernando, FL 34442, ph: 352-637-2917, fax: 352-637-6289, e-m: