Kelley Cabot
Wannabe cult leader
Skills: Acting, gardening, hand-to-hand
combat, law enforcement, gambling, guns, knives, occultism,
horseback riding
Motivation: Acquire dark, mystic powers
Weakness: Paranoid schizophrenic
29 years old, light red hair in a widow's peak, pale blue
eye, eye patch, 6'1", 175 lbs., tall, thin, and evil
Kelley Cabot was an actor, though not a very good one.
Plagued by bad reviews, he sought comfort in alcohol and
occasional drug use. He grew to hate the company of others,
and eventually his drinking got him kicked out of his last,
acting troupe. But Cabot had an even stranger addiction.
While studying to play Faust, he fostered an interest in
the occult. It was casual at first, but his increasing substance
abuse made it seem like reality. He collected a few odd tomes
on the subject while binging his way across the country, and
by the time he reached the coast he fancied himself a sorcerer
possessed of arcane powers.
At the end of his fortunes, he passed himself off to the
people of White Pine Bay as a law enforcement professional.
His debonair style, good fashion sense, and strength of
personality endeared him to the citizens, and they readily
gave him the position of chief constable. He took full
advantage of the opportunity and now has a small network of
spies and agents that keep him informed of all the goings-on
in town. He's tough on criminals, and the town knows not to
cross him, but his influence is much greater than most citizens
Cabot has gone out of his way to make Smith
comfortable here in town, and the citizens know Smith is a
personal friend of the officer. The constable wants his new
best friend to trust him implicitly so that, when the time
comes, he'll have no trouble killing him. The PCs will also
enjoy Cabot's hospitality until he can separate them from
Smith. If the lawman discovers the group's future technology
or documents, he'll be confused, but it'll still seem pretty
acceptable in his drug-addled mind.
If he can't spend time with the party, he'll use every
waking moment to double-check his plans and keep tabs on
the newcomers through his contacts.
Quote: "Any friend of Auburn Smith's is a
friend of mine! Say, have you ever been deer hunting?"
Thugs and Cultists
Skills: Melee weapon (varies), hand-to-hand
combat, horseback riding or driving a cart, occupational skill
Motivation: Varies-, most just like pushing
people around
Weakness: Blind loyalty
Cabot has about 20 of these single-minded individuals
working for him. Some are victims of blackmail and are
working with him under duress. A few are legitimate deputies
who ostensibly help keep the peace but actually work for the
constable because the job has its own perks (like being above
the law). The rest are drifters that have come through town
and have been recruited for their select personality traits, i.e.,
they enjoy breaking bones almost as much as the boss.
When PCs are confronted by one of these people, the
GM should remember their motivations. If Cabot only keeps
their loyalty through extortion, they might be talked out of
doing something rash. Few of them are terribly bright, and
fewer still show much initiative.
Quote: "Nothing personal, mister, but $10
buys a lot of loyalty. 'sides, it's good exercise
Smithtime traveler
Skills: Knowledge (New England),
diplomacy, finance, 19th-century guns, history, piano,
research, horseback riding
Motivation: Return to present day
Weakness: Naivete
26 years old, dark brown hair, brown eyes, 5'11 ", 160
lbs., glasses, easygoing but clearly out of place everywhere
in this time
A native of White Pine Bay, Auburn Smith was well-
schooled, receiving his MBA from the University of Maine
with a minor in history. He made a small fortune scouring the
Northeast for antiques and properties to buy and sell. He has
made another modest fortune in 1870 by investing small
amounts of money where he knows the profit will be.
Smith's eccentricity has made him a minor celebrity in
the area. Most strangers would get a small-town brushoff, but
thanks to the relationship he has developed with the chief
constable, he gets invited to parties and dinners where he
spins fanciful yarns and tells jokes no one has heard yet. He
enjoys Kelley Cabot's company, unaware of the constable's
ulterior motives. He trusts the officer, and will not realize the
danger he poses unless the party convinces him. Smith carries
with him his latest journal, hence the gap of missing time in
his accounts. There's not much of value in it.
Smith is eager to return home, always fearful of altering
history. He can dole out historical facts as well as information
about his trip back. He hid the clock in the wall because he
wasn't able to fathom how it worked, and when the wormhole
disruptions stopped, he sensed a problem. His experience
with it can still provide cryptic hints, however.
A sentimental type, Smith will be sure to enjoy the last
of his stay here until it's time to go. When he isn't settling up
his affairs in town, he'll continue to hang out with Cabot and
try to wheedle the adventurers to do likewise.
Smith left the present about a year before the party
did, but he won't mind "losing" six months' time if it means
getting back to his own era.
Quote: "This building was erected in 1850 by
a fishing company after... say, was Clinton elected
Professor Alistair ClementHistorian
Skills: Management, knowledge (New
England), history, art, research, teaching
Motivation: Uncover history's secrets
Weakness: Epilepsy
46 years old, a shock of thick, wavy gray hair, dark
blue eyes, 5'5", 150 lbs., smartly trimmed beard and mustache,
pudgy but very personable
Alistair Clement is a fixture in White Pine Bay.
Everyone in town knows him, and he knows all of them,
having hit most of them up for donations of money or material
for the Society. He's not a pushy man, and has entertaining
stories about the town, making him a favorite at fairs and
public events. His work keeps him busy much of the time, but
he'll gladly leave the Society in the hands of an assistant
should a historical discovery call him away.
Professor Clement is a mixed blessing. If the GM
decides to send him along for the trip, his knowledge of
history is amazing; it rivals that of Auburn Smith. But this is
balanced out by Clement's epilepsy, a crippling and perhaps
deadly handicap in 1870. Clement's greatest advantage is his
knowledge of local genealogy; it may help avoid costly time
traveling mistakes and could come in handy if the party
misses their window of opportunity and needs to backtrack
family lines.
If he arrives with the party, the professor won't be as
enamored by Cabot's charms as Smith is; historical revelation
will capture his attention far more readily. Nevertheless, he
will accept invitations to accompany the two of them in hopes
of observing the culture in action firsthand. Should the party
get stuck for clues, the GM may have Clement remember
something helpful about the lawman or the town itself.
Quote: "The whole family was fishermen
except for him. He cheated at cards for a living, and ... oh! Is he coming over here?"
A Time Travel Adventure for Any System
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