written by marco pecota
artwork by carl frank
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A sentry's call broke through the steady sounds of men working and talking. "Comrade Captain! Come look!" Captian Karpov turned his eyes toward a nearby hill. He could make out several armoured vehicles, their occupants busy with the task of covering them with camouflage nets. He didn't recall any armoured units from HQ's map dispositions... "Dmitri! Misha! Come on, let's check out those tanks! Maybe our comrades have some vodka to share!" Karpov's men unslung their rifles and fell in behind him as he buttoned his jacket and put on his officer's cap. The captain walked with an easy gait and tried not to let his men see him unbutton the flap of his pistol holster. As they approached the hill, the men could see that the armoured vehicles were already covered with camouflage netting, obscuring their shapes. None of the crew members could now be seen. "Officer in command! Please report!" shouted Captain Karpov. A tanker stood up, dressed in the familiar coveralls of the Russian Army. "Da comrade! No problem comrade! " Karpov was puzzled by the tanker's broken accent. Then he noticed the exposed tracks of the tank - the roadwheels were unlike those of any Russian tank! With a shout Captain Karpov hurriedly drew his pistol as his men raised their rifles. But it was too late. The disguised German tankers brought their deadly MG34 machine guns into action and the sounds of ripping bullets filled the air. Captain Alexei Gregorovitch Karpov and his men were cut down in a bloody heap as the tanks roared into action against the rocket battalion. The battle for Stalingrad had begun. ambush on the volga "Heinz! Erwin! Take the point. Manfred, Chris, with me. Ritter, you and Neumann take the MG42 out front." Feldwebel Ernst Hartwig issued orders to his panzergrenadier squad in a hushed voice. Night had fallen on the beseiged city, and enemy snipers were everywhere, but especially here, in the contested zone. Hartwig's unit, II Battalion of the 103rd Panzergrenadier Regiment, was deep inside the city, and Hartwig had been ordered to run a night recce. His men were battle-hardened veterans of the Eastern campaign, but nothing had prepared them for house-to-house bloodbath that was Stalingrad. Still, Hartwig thought with pride, his men had become proficient, even expert in the savage hand-tohand fighting that the Ivans gave them, with their Molotov cocktails and Stalingrad spades. The men moved silently down the ruined street. The full moon that shone down illuminated the scene with an eerie glow. The panzergrenadiers stepped carefully through the rubble, eyes always moving, piercing the shadows... Shots rang out, seeming to come from all sides. Heinz dropped to the pavement. Beside Hartwig, Manfred's chest erupted in blood as Maxim bullets thudded into him. Ritter swung the big MG42 around. The tearing cloth sound of 1100 rounds per minute provided a high counterpoint to the staccato bursts from the squad's MP40 machine pistols. The panzergrenadiers were quick to action, but were obviously outmatched in an ambush. Hartwig spotted an alley, safe from enemy fire. As Ritter laid down suppression with the MG, the squad made a dash for it. The alley soon emerged onto another, broader street, and the night was curiously silent again. As Hartwig thought about Heinz and Manfred, lost in the ambush, a gleam ahead caught his eye. The moon was shining on the waters of the Volga River, just a few hundred metres ahead. The street appeared undefended. Their reconnaisance mission was a success. (The commander of 11 Battalion, Hauptmann Domaschk, quickly shifted the unit into the gap, followed by the 36th Panzer Regiment. By dawn of the next morning, the Germans had consolidated a narrow corridor to the Volga and began rear attacks on outflanked Russian positions. Both Hauptmann Domaschk and the Panzer commander were awarded the Knight's Cross for their bold action.) random scenario creation These rules allow you to randomly create a miniature combat scenario for Stalingrad - Tactical Combat Simulations, but may also be used for any miniature game. Victory points include the miniatures eliminated as well as certain conditions set forth in each scenario. An explanation of each scenario is given below. objective This states each player's victory condition. This is what the player must accomplish to win the scenario. As soon as a player achieves the indicated objective(s), that player wins, the scenario ends and no further action takes place. In most cases players must tally up how many ECPs worth of figures they have destroyed, exited the board etc. This information is what is used to determine victory conditions. forces This describes the total forces available to each player for the entire scenario. Players should mutually decide how many ECP they will use in the scenario. In many cases one player will have more than another to complete his objective. This will be listed under forces. set-up This describes the set up the gaming area. Any figures, counters and scenery which are placed on the board prior to play, as well as any other special start up procedures are also described. We suggest that an area of no less than 4 feet by 4 feet be used for the gaming area. This should be expanded by 1 foot in one direction for each 10 additional figures used in the engagement, up to a maximum of a total of 4 feet by 8 feet. Scenery can be placed on the gaming area with the cooperation of both players. The players take turns placing scenery (trees, buildings, hills, walls, ditches, rubble, rivers, etc.) onto the board. Except for the buildings provided by the basic boxed set, no piece should be bigger than 6" x 6". Alternatively, one player may place all of the scenery and his opponent then chooses which victory condition he will have for the scenario. Figures which start on the board are considered to have cover of 2 unless otherwise indicated. Figures may be set up with any initial facing. entry This section describes when and where the forces are brought onto the board. Entry on to the board occurs anytime during the active player's action phase. Only the active player's figures can move on to the board. For the purposes of entry we will call the shortest width of the playing area the short end. special rules Any special rules which are specific to the scenario are given under this heading. leadership The players start the scenario with all of their leadership. Thus, they can spend leadership to modify the first initiative roll. Leaders which are off the board (not dead) can not trace Line of Sight (LOS) to any other figure and can only use leadership for initiative or by assigning it. Figures off the board (not dead) can be assigned leadership. The following are charts to randomly create a scenario. In the boxed game numbered chits will be provided. These are drawn form a cup to determine the scenarios. Each time you want to play a scenario you can either use some of the pregenerated ones included in this book or use these charts to create new and unique ones. A certain amount of cooperation and imagination is still needed between the players. general objectives
move through Objective: One player is defending and the other must move his forces through the opposing line and off the board. The defending player receives victory points equal to the EPC of the opponent's figures eliminated (half if only wounded), while the attacker receives victory points equal to the EPC of the figures which exited (half if wounded) from the battlefield though the designated area. Turns: 5 plus 1d6. Only roll d6 at the end of the 5th turn. Forces: The attacking player has twice as many EPC as the defending player. Set-up: The defending player sets up his figures on the board using the hidden placement rule. She may place them anywhere on the board that she likes. She also designates which side of the board the attacker must exit his forces. Entry: The attacker enters his forces from the opposite end of the table from which she must exit through. assault Objective: One player is defending and the other must occupy at least 2 buildings in or behind the line of defense with more of his forces than the defender by the end of the game. The defending player receives victory points equal to the EPC of the attackers figures eliminated (half if only wounded), while the attacker receives victory points equal to the EPC of the defenders figures eliminated (half if only wounded) plus he must occupy at least 2 buildings in or behind the line of defense to be victorious. Turns: 6 plus 1 d6. Only roll d6 at the end of the 5th turn. Forces: The attacking player has three times as many EPC as the defending player. Set-up: The defending player sets up his figures on the board using the hidden placement rule. He may place them anywhere along the center of the board that he likes, but none may be more than 3 inches from each other. There must be at least 2 buildings behind this line of defense. The attacker may place his figures within 6 inches of the short end of the board. Entry: None meeting of patrols Objective: Eliminate more EPV of figures than your opponent (half EPC if only wounded) by the end of the game. Turns: 5 plus 1d6. Only roll d6 at the end of the 5th turn. Forces: Both sides have equal EPC of figures. Set-up: Both players may place his figures within 6 inches of opposite ends of the battlefield. Entry: None take and hold Objective: Have more EPV of figures than your opponent (half EPC if only wounded) in the designated objective building by the end of the game. Turns: 5 plus 1d3. Only roll d3 at the end of the 4th turn. Forces: Both sides have equal EPC of figures. Set-up: Both players may place his figures within 6 inches of opposite ends of the battlefield. At least 1 objective building (minimum size is 4" x 4") must be placed in the center of the board. Entry: None seek and destroy Objective: One player is defending and must prevent the attacker from finding and destroying an object (like a small ammo, fuel or food supply dump), while the other must find and destroy it. The defending player receives victory points equal to the EPC of the figures he's eliminated (half if only wounded), while the attacker receives victory points equal to the EPC of the figures of the defender killed (half if wounded) plus and extra 250 EPC for destroying the objective. Turns: 6 plus 1d6. Only roll d6 at the end of the 5th turn. Forces: The attacking player has twice as many EPC as the defending player. Set-up: The defending player sets up his figures on the hoard using the hidden placement rule. He may place them anywhere on the board that he likes. He also plots the objective item using the hidden placement rules. It must not be within 12 inches of the boards edge. The attacker must place his figures within 6 inches of the short end of the board. Entry: None. Special: If the attacker is within 10 inches of the objective and has LOS, then he has found it. At least one figure must then move within 2 inches and spend 3 APs to destroy it. escort Objective: One player is defending and the other must move his forces through the opposing line and off the board with their escorting figure. The defending player wins by eliminating the escorting figure while the attacker wins by exiting their escorted figure. Turns: 6 plus 1d6. Only roll d6 at the end of the 5th turn. Forces: The attacking player has one and a half as many EPC as the defending player. Set-up: The defending player sets up his figures on the anywhere on the board that he likes. She also designates which side of the board the attacker must exit his forces through. The attacker may place his figures within 12 inches from the opposite end of the table from which he must exit. Entry: None Special: The attacker secretly designates which figure is the escorted figure. defend to the death Objective: Attacker must eliminate more EPC than defender. Attacker receives victory points equal to the EPC of the figures of the defender killed (half if wounded). Defender receives victory points equal to the EPC of the figures of the attacker killed (half if wounded) plus twice as many EPC as figures he has left on the board after the game is over. Turns: 7 plus 1d3. Only roll d3 at the end of the 6th turn. Forces: Attacker has twice as many EPC than defender. Set-up: The defender sets up his figures in a 12 x 12 inch area in the center of the board. The attacker may set his figures up anywhere on the board but not closer than 12 inches from the defenders position. Entry: None race Objective: Reach and hold an objective building or area. Both forces must race to the one objective and have more EPC worth of figures within 2 inches of the objective. Turns: 7 plus 1d3. Only roll d3 at the end of the 6th turn. Forces: Both sides have equal EPC of figures. Set-up: An objective building or area (minimum size is 4" x 4") is set up at one end of the short end of the battlefield within 6 inches from the far edge and centered along it. Entry: Both forces enter from the opposite end of the board from the objective. They may enter from any point within 12 inches of one of the corners. Players enter their figures from opposite corners. breakout Objective: The escaping player must exit as many figures as possible off of any edge of the board while the attacker must stop this from occurring. Attacker receives victory points equal to the EPC of the figures of the escaping player killed (half if wounded), while the escaping player receives victory points equal to the EPC of the figures of the attacker killed (half if wounded), plus twice as many EPC as figures he exits the board. Turns: 6 plus 1d3. Only roll d6 at the end of the 6th turn. Forces: Attacker has twice as many EPC than defender. Set-up: The defender sets up his figures in a 12 x 12 inch area in the center of the board. The attacker may set his figures up anywhere on the board, but not closer than 12 inches from the defenders position. Entry: None secondary objectivesPlayers may mutually elect to use secondary objectives. Simply place the numbered chits into a cup and draw one each. Keep this secret from your opponent until the end of the game.
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