by Donald E. Brynelsen
Artwork by Baron Engel
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In this short adventure, designed to be an introduction to the Timeship: TITANIC! concept, the players are all passengers of the famed luxury liner. Their last memories, before all hell broke loose with the ship's abrupt transit through a dimensional portal, were of the activities on the late evening of April 14, 1912 as the ship steamed through an ice field in the north Atlantic. While those caught on deck were either driven insane, or killed instantly when an energy arc incinerated them, the vast majority of the ships complement were knocked unconscious. When they awaken, they discover themselves not only in a different location, but a different time as well. WHERE ARE WE? As the players come to, their first perception is that something is very, very wrong. People rush about in mass confusion, while members of the crew try to restore order. Smoke floats through the air, generated by an unseen fire somewhere. A fire control detail with buckets rushes by while an officer is directing anyone up and about to go out on deck away from the choking fumes. As they stumble out into the darkness on deck, another astonishing sight greets the players; a small white craft is pacing the liner and pointing a searchlight across her flanks. The booming voice of a man hails the ship. Presently the Captain appears on the wing bridge and returns the hail of the smaller vessel. The two exchange words for several moments, and the players are able to make out the words: Chicago, Lake Michigan, and 1997. A few minutes later, the players feel the great ship start to slow down until at last she floats motionless while the smaller craft comes alongside. After she is made fast, a man comes up a ladder slung from a hatch and comes aboard three decks below. After some time, the man will appear on deck and the players can get a better took at him. His attire will seem strange to them; rumpled tan trousers, turquoise shirt, dark blue jacket with the words O'Donahue Midwest Marine emblazoned on the back, a baseball style cap with the name of the United States former President Roosevelt on it. He will go to the rail and pull a small device from a jacket pocket. The device seems to allow him communication with the man still aboard the craft moored below. After several minutes, the man returns the device to his pocket, and follows an officer up a stairway to the boat deck above. Anyone curious about the man will learn that he is in a meeting with the Captain and other ship's officers. This meeting will go on for a little more then an hour. Later, anyone on A deck might encounter him in one of the stair landings (fore and aft grand staircase), or in the corridors outside the cabins. He appears to be looking for a particular cabin, and might enlist a players aid in finding it. If questioned, he will reveal he is seeking a relative who is aboard (she's in cabin A-14). Once he locates the cabin, he will knock on the door, and a young woman will answer. The two talk for several moments, and the man reveals that he is a "distant relative". Anyone who checks the passenger list will learn that the young lady is Beatrice O'Donahue, returning from Europe to her families home in Maine. WELCOME TO THE FUTURE Gamemasters should give the players a little time to try and figure out what exactly happened to the ship and themselves, or attend to wounds, before proceeding with this next phase of the adventure. About two hours after the strange man came aboard, stewards and other ship's personnel begin to circulate amongst the passengers, requesting them to go outside to the boat deck for an important announcement from the Captain. Once there they find just about the entire ships complement packed on the deck. Here and there pockets of unrest break out as people get the mistaken idea that the ship is in some kind of danger and is being abandoned. Soon the Captain and his senior officers appear on the roof of the first class lounge, along with the man from the smaller vessel now tied alongside. The Captain raises his hands to request silence then begins to speak through a megaphone: Ladies and Gentlemen, if I might have your attention please! I know you are all concerned about what occurred and are wondering where exactly we have come to. I now have an answer, and I must warn you, you will find it most hard to believe. But believe it we must, as I have been shown proof that it is true. By what means, and for what reason I do not know, we have somehow been transported forward in time to the year 1997, and are currently on America's Lake Michigan, some thirty miles off the coast of the city of Chicago. Captain O'Donahue will now explain further. As a wave of disbelief sweeps the crowd, The man from the smaller ship takes up the megaphone and starts to speak: My name is Captain Donald O'Donahue, and you may have already seen my vessel, the Princess Alice III. I am a resident of the city of Chicago, and I'm here to tell you that you are indeed in the future and currently some thirty miles off shore from the city. There is one problem however; history records that on the night of April 14, 1912 this ship struck an iceberg and sank a little over four hours later, taking about 1,500 of you with it! My only guess is that you are all from some parallel timeline, yanked somehow into my own. You are now 85 years in the future, and I have no idea how you'll be able to get back to your proper time or if it is even possible. In the morning I will escort the Titanic to Navy pier where she'll be able to tie up. I have to warn you, you will see things beyond your comprehension, everything here in the future will be totally alien, our dress, music, and what we eat. Also, your arrival here will cause a sensation and the pier will no doubt be crowded with those wishing to get a closer look at you. So I must ask that none of you attempt to venture ashore, until escort can be provided. After Captain O'Donahue finishes, he will try to answer any questions the players might have. Below are a few probable ones along with his answers: Can we get word to our families that we're safe?
What if we can't get back to our proper time, what then?
Why should we believe you?
Gamemasters note: for emphasis, you might want to have a modern jetliner fly overhead. ARRIVAL As dawn breaks in the morning, the Titanic gets under way with the Princess Alice III in the lead. As it draws closer to the city, the players will being to see things that will astound them -- towering glass and steel skyscrapers; news helicopters that buzz about the legendary ship and cameramen hanging out the doors to film her arrival. One of these will venture too close to the bow and catch a rotor on the ships side, sending the aircraft spiraling away to eventually crash into the lake. This image should be terrifying to people that never before seen a helicopter. On Lakeshore drive traffic is backed up (nothing new there), as people stop to gawk at the apparition out of the past, while hundreds of small pleasure craft swarm about her girth (including several fools on jet skis who are getting their jollies jumping the ship's wake). As the Titanic approaches the pier, several police boats chase away the Curious and allow three tugs to come alongside and guide her into the harbor. Some fireboats are also on hand, spraying water high in the air as a salute. Once the ship is secured at the pier, the mob packing it clamors to go aboard despite the efforts of police to hold them back. The news media has set up cameras at almost every vantage point, and some of them actually shout questions at the passengers. All in all it is a picture of unbridled pandemonium. For the next few hours, it will he impossible, (if not foolhardy) to go ashore with the circus going on down on the pier. About two hours after the ship docks, Captain O'Donahue returns with several other people, including a Dr. Barton, arriving by water, since the mob has effectively closed off all land access. They set up equipment in the first class lounge, and other common areas, and for the rest of the day while conducting seminars to bring the passengers up to speed on the events of the past 85 years. Clever gamemasters owning a portable television and VCR, can play snippets of historical documentaries for the players to help recreate this event. Noticeably, the subject that seems to gain the most attention, outside of this century's two world wars, is the fate of the Titanic. As the story of the tragedy unfolds and footage is shown of the rusted wreckage on the ocean floor, several people weep while others watch in stunned silence. The prospect, one way or the other, should affect the PCs. Except for searchlights playing along her flanks, and several isolated incidents in which newspeople and other curiosity seekers attempt to get aboard, the night will pass uneventfully. In the early hours of the following morning, several buses arrive at the pier. The announcement is made that anyone who wishes to see the city will be able to do so aboard the buses which have been arranged for by Captain O'Donahue. Those that do go will be warned that they are not to wander off, and to follow the instructions of the guides. Those that choose to remain aboard the Titanic can attend more seminars or assist in repairs. WONDERLAND BY THE LAKE Amidst the glare of TV lights and cameras, the players and other passengers may who elect to tour the city. Many will disembark at this point and walk to the buses. Police have formed a strong cordon between the ship and the buses, insuring that no one is physically confronted, but with all the flashbulbs going off and all the reporters shouting questions, it is still a chaotic scene. Further evidence of the starkness of the situation can be found in the headlines of several tabloid publications -- one of which proclaims that someone named "Elvis" is aboard the ship. With police escorting them, the buses pull away from the pier bound for a days tour of the cities highlights. Gamemasters not native to the Windy City should invest in a good tourists guide so they can describe the sights to be found on the lakefront, loop and downtown area. Be sure to include some of the more famous landmarks, such as Buckingham Fountain, Sears Tower, Hancock Building, the Picasso outside the Daly center, and the Billy Goat Tavern. Describe what the players are seeing in terms of how they'd appear to someone from the late Edwardian period, namely how indecently woman on the streets appear to be dressed, the shapes of the cars and buses - where's the crank to start it?. The music being played by street entertainers and blaring from passing motorists would make them world seem noisy and obtrusive to someone from 1912. Allow the players to experience our era's cuisine, such as a Big mac and fries at McDonald's, or Chicago style deep dish pizza. Generous GMs should have fast food ready at the game table for the players to "examine". Due to the limited amount of time available, it also best to confine the tour to the Loop, areas adjacent to the Loop, and the lakefront - Adler Planetarium, and the Field Museum of Natural History. Players should be allowed to get out and look around if they want, but it should be stressed that they are curiosities themselves, and they should stay -- with the group for their own well being. PARADISE LOST When the tour groups return in the early evening, they'll be escorted back aboard. Dr. Barton is conducting tests with some strange equipment on the boat deck. Players may hear him mention an "energy cocoon" surrounding the ship. Curious PCs and scientists may want to watch the experiment going on. Captain O'Donahue's craft is tied alongside the Titanic and he is currently on the bridge going over some things with Captain Smith. The players should have sometime to talk with the other NPCs and maybe get a few questions answered before things get rough. Suddenly, Barton's equipment causes a fiery eruption (similar to St. Elmo's fire) to race all along the Titanic's hull. Moments later, the ship begins to shudder as lighting arcs dance about. Down on the pier panic erupts as people flee whatever is occurring. Give the players a chance to figure out that this energy cocoon is not safe, and getting below deck would be wise. A brilliant flash of light follows the lightning and the Titanic vanishes from sight, headed into the unknown. NPC Stats Beatrice
Beatrice is Captain O'Donahue's great aunt. In our timeline she survived the sinking of the Titanic and as an old woman enthralled him with her stories of the disaster. This Beatrice however, in the 1912, was returning to the family home in Maine after a tour of Europe with friends, when the Titanic took a different route. She does not realize that the Captain is blood kin, and the descendent of her elder brother. She believes him to be a distant cousin and finds his modern mannerisms quite attractive. Beatrice stands about 54" and has rich reddish brown hair. She speaks with a slight brogue picked up from her father and her Irish nursemaid. She has a quick mind and will be fascinated by all she sees while touring present day Chicago. Linden Monroe
Linden, an investigative reporter for the Midnight Star -- a supermarket tabloid -- is the black sheep in a long family tradition of reporters, dating back to his grandmother, Lindy (see "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly" in issue 22 of SHADIS). In Chicago to cover a story about UFOs abducting people and animals from the Lincoln Park Zoo, Linden stumbled upon the story of his life when the Titanic arrived. Now he's getting into just about everyone's hair as he attempts to get an exclusive interview with the ship's crew and passengers. Linden will resort to whatever means necessary to get it he's already tried to sneak aboard the ship, and will hound the groups touring the city constantly, citing the public's "right to the truth." Linden is about 5' 11" in stature, and slightly overweight. He'll be dressed in a sport coat and stacks, both sorely in need of pressing, and have a 35mm camera slung about his neck which he'll use to snap photos at every opportunity. Back to Shadis #45 Table of Contents Back to Shadis List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1996 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |