by Rob Vaux
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For those of you who were expecting the long anticipated "Jai Alai Players and RPGs" editorial saved especially for our Gen Con issue -- I'm sorry to say it's been put on hiatus. As this issue was going to press, I was informed that we'd been voted the Origins Award for Best Professional Gaming Magazine. We would be remiss in our duties if we didn't take a little time out to say thanks. I'm always surprised when someone out there takes notice of our little nickel-and-dime squirrel show. Doubly so when death threats and high explosives aren't involved. So to be acknowledged with something like an Origins Award is as gratifying as it is confusing. "Wait they dig us? Good God, what do we do now?!" Behind the befuddlement, though, is a lot of good people working as hard as they can to put out a magazine every month. Nothing in this industry arises without a team effort, and the award we just go belongs to every member of our particular team. Who are they? Here's a quick list: First and most importantly, there's D.J. Trindle. SHADIS was D.J.'s baby for nine of the last twelve months, giving him bragging rights over anything good that may have sprung from it. Deej is doing role-playing stuff these days, but his impact on SHADIS is indelible, and continues to be felt in every issue. (His desk is also five feet from mine, which lets him periodically look over at my work and scream "You're doing it wrong!" right in my ear.) Cris Dornaus, our incredible Art Director, who cheerfully performs enough work to kill most breeds of livestock. A big part of the magazine's look is her doing, and comes about only after long hours of flogging artists and laying out visuals Without her, SHADIS would have all the pep and pizazz of a bowl of oatmeal. Matt Staroscik, the homeless vagrant of Alderac Entertainment. He never does the same thing twice for us, and things wouldn't be the same without him. Any time we need an article on the fly, or an idea on how to make the magazine cooler, there's Matt, ready to step up and bat for us. Marcello Figueroa, our Ad Manager, and Ray Lao, our Circulations Manager. These two get the grunt work of SHADIS, while the rest of us are partying on their shoulders. Marcello coaxes our revenue out of the advertisers with a skill that P.T. Barnum would envy; Ray keeps all our distributors and subscribers happy by getting them wha need when they need it. Both of them thankless-but-necessary jobs that every publication depends on. Maureen Yates, our office manager and only flak jacket. She keeps our noses to the stone, and makes sure the big bad outside doesn't get too nasty for us. I've never seen anybody who can handle angry Canadians the way she can. All of the writers and artists whose words appeared in these pages in the last year. Space prevents me from naming them all, but they're the life blood of the magazine, and the real reason we received this award. If you're out there, you who you are. Thank you, one and all. (Now work, you hacks. You're under deadline.) John Zinser and Dave Seay, the uberbosses started this whole thing. Everything that comes out of this office started with them, and fit to give us all jobs that don't involve the "would you like to super size that?" I'm grateful to them for the opportunity they provided. Dave Williams, Matt Wilson, and John all of whom are involved with other project, days. They worked on SHADIS during the days when men were men and paychecks were myths. All three of them helped the mag through some tough times, and we're all better off as a result. On a personal note, I need to acknowledge and thank Kim Mohan, who edited Dragon during its glory years of the early 80s. There many editors out there worth looking up both D.J. and I have found a lot to admire Mohan's work. Everything we've dot SHADIS has been inspired -- one way or another by the example he set. He showed how strong a role-playing magazine can be; take at any of his issues if you don't believe me. Last and far from least, there's you, gentle reader. Everyone who takes the time to thumb through an issue make the hard work and long hours perish in an instant. It wouldn't be the same if you guys (for starters, there'd be a lot more zines in our warehouse), and we're going to best to justify your faith in us. Thanks for giving us the chance. Back to Shadis #39 Table of Contents Back to Shadis List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1997 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |