By Larry Granato
Artwork by Prof Herbert
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Table I: Sidekicks1. Alter Ego/Deputy Dude: An NPC who serves as an alter ego is the PC's counterpart, conscience, or primary aide. It could be someone like a twin, clone, or android which has been programmed with a personality like the PC's, It might be a double (a look-alike, perhaps created magically). In other cases the PC may find a wise advisor or discerning assistant who has a very good understanding of what he wants. This person can stand in for the PC in a limited way. Characteristics: Able to carry out the PC's wishes in his absence; protective of their position. 2. Beneficent Buddy: A very helpful sidekick who may be a wealthy philanthropist, a superhero or superpowerful being. This NPC usually only appears when the PC is in considerable trouble. Although the benefactor may actually be much more powerful than the PC, his assistance is restricted in many ways, and in game terms the NPC plays a subordinate role to the PC. Characteristics: Varies, but may use the PC as a pawn in higher causes. 3. Combat Comrade: A supporter who's been though several battles with the PC; they may have met in combat. In other cases, they have a link through some confidential endeavor. This gives a NPC an inside line on the PC. Characteristics: Gruff, blunt, won't put up with any B.S. from the character. 4. Creature Crony: A sidekick which is a creature or thing (of normal size or greater). It could be an intelligent magic item, a fabulous war horse, a pet dragon, a robot fighting machine, etc. In the TV series Knight Rider, the computerized car was the sidekick. Characteristics: Varies widely. Note that the sidekick, because of its unusual properties, may be a cause of difficulties. 5. Eager Beaver: A follower who doesn't lack for initiative; he has enough for a whole crew of hirelings. His impulsiveness, curiosity, and brashness inevitably put him ahead of the party, out on his own, and always in trouble. Characteristics: Won't follow orders (if they mean staying behind), first to volunteer, pokes into things better left alone. 6. Faithful Follower: The basis of this relationship is one of trust and devotion. The NPC idolizes the PC perhaps because he saved his life, or some other such heroic act. Characteristics: Dedicated, dependable, easily upset by criticism of the PC. 7. Imperfect Pair: Actually two inseparable fellows. Generally, one is more intelligent, serious, and refined than the other, who may be vigorous, luckier, and more prone to get in trouble. They argue a lot. Characteristics: Varies, but the two complement each other perfectly.
8. Lackluster Lackey: This hireling is of average skills and abilities. He doesn't have much in the way of initiative, inspiration or innovation; he is the typical follower and only follows orders. If the PC pays special attention to the hireling's development, he might improve. Otherwise, he just stays the same. Characteristics: See "The Adventures of Joe Genero". 9. Loyal Love Interest: A PC who engages in a romantic relationship may find that their sweetheart could be a potential follower. In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Karen Allen's character Marion was a superb sidekick for Indiana Jones. Characteristics: Spunky, tough, smart, but may be a liability or distraction under certain conditions. 10. Menial Minion: This a very low level/low-skill NPC who also has low self-esteem. The character is reliable enough for mopping up around the office, or something similar, but is incapable of anything more. He may be the only NPC a poor or obnoxious PC can get as a follower. Characteristics: Hand-wringing, wistful looks, likes to play with the PC's weapons when they're not around. 11. Mother Hen: This NPC has a an overly protective and interfering attitude about the PC. Their good intentions are outranged by their zealousness. In their eyes, nobody (or nothing) is good enough for the PC. Characteristics: Fussy, nosy, overcautious. 12. PC Junior: A less-powerful version of the PC, possibly someone who is being groomed to follow in his footsteps. This could include the character's offspring. The GM should note that many characters could go through a "rebellious" period if they're being forced into a mold they don't like or are not ready to accept yet. Later on, they may demand more responsibility and authority. Characteristics: Similar to the PC's, but less in scale. 13. Parallel Pursuits: Common interests or a shared avocation are what make this PC a follower. If the PC's and NPC's goals begin to diverge, the character will reconsider his service. Characteristics: Single-minded, intense. 14. Pocket Pal: A minuscule follower who has special abilities. In many of Andre Norton's science fiction stories, the protagonist has a small alien critter as a companion. Fantasy RPGs often have familiars or other tine creatures who can become a follower. Characteristics: Stealthy, quick, low combat skills, can't take much damage. 15. Reliable Relative: A GM can generate family lines for PCs, such as those offered in SHADIS #20 and #21. Family members are almost always very loyal, but tend to argue and nag more than hirelings, and consider themselves the PC's equal. Characteristics: Bond of blood, knowledge of family history, including embarrassing anecdotes about the PC. 16. Senseless Stooge: Probably the lowest form of useful sidekick available, this NPC is below average in most skills, and has an extraordinarily thick skull. He is loyal, if nothing else, and enjoys mayhem and destruction, although he's not too careful about what he's aiming at. Characteristics: Crude, clumsy, takes lots of damage, needs orders repeated three or four times. 17. Secret Sidekick: This is a mysterious supporter who is unknown to the public and maybe even other members of the party. In a DC comic, the "Haunted Tank" was inhabited by the spirit of J.E.B. Stuart, who helped its commander. The secret sidekick's assistance is usually limited to advice. This category also includes sagacious old folks, cryptic masters, sentient computers, and sundry gurus who assist the PC in a confidential manner and watch their exploits from a distance. Characteristics: Varies greatly. 18. Spear-Carrier: An anonymous supporter of inconsequential ability who is simply around to carry the PC's gear or perform other simple tasks like answering the phone. This includes pages, servants, valets, aides, etc. Characteristics: None. 19. The Specialist: Highly proficient in one field, or has a set of skills oriented towards a particular area. This includes specialized character classes or non-human races. Characteristics: Taciturn, suspicious. 20. Techno-toady: This follower does not normally go on adventures, but furnishes, maintains, and repairs a PC's possessions and equipment, or otherwise provides support, research, and information. They could be a swordsmith, armorer, scientist, archivist, legal secretary, or engineer. Characteristics: Socially awkward, competent, indecisive in combat situations. Table II. Shoddy SidekicksNaturally, a leader wants to have the best followers possible. However, fully half of all prospective followers will be riffraff and knuckleheads, although this may not be apparent at first. They may be recommended by "friends" who have some axe to grind, or simply see the PC as an easy mark. Getting a sidekick is not necessarily a one-way deal. Some NPCs may resist becoming one for a variety of reasons. Also, followers with undesirable characteristics may force themselves on the PC or insinuate themselves into his company. 1. Ardent Bootlicker: This henchman's only skill is sycophancy. He excels at buttering up the PC or anyone else he thinks he might profit from. Characteristics: Fawning, exaggerates compliments, never tells bad news. 2. Brainless Blowhard: An insufferable egotist who spins interminable yarns of his courage and bravery. But when it comes to actual fighting, he's nowhere to be seen. Characteristics: Loud, blustering, arrogant. 3. Lowlife Leech: A person who wants to profit from their connection with the PC. As long as the character is successful, they will support them, but setbacks will cause them to leave for greener pastures. They will manipulate information to promote their own interests. Characteristics: Lying spying, sneaking. 4. Luckless Loser: A walking disaster area. A PC who has one of these as a follower might be better off with a powerful enemy instead. Alternatively, a more gentle referee might just saddle the PC with a sidekick who is merely incompetent. Characteristics: Extremely klutzy, breaks or causes equipment to malfunction, fumbling and shrieks generally alert opponents to his presence, may entangle or trip PC during crucial moments. 5. Narrow-Minded Nitwit: This whiny nit-picker will interpret his orders in the most limited way possible, and never allows exceptions to the rules. Other NPCs (and even other PCs) will probably want to kill him after a while. Characteristics: Tantrums, tattle-tales, rumor-monger. 6. Obnoxious Advocate: An outspoken critic, he's always making snide remarks, quarreling with the PC, ridiculing other characters in the party, insulting NPC's that are encountered, and generally stirring up trouble. Characteristics: Sarcastic, quick-witted, irritating. 7. Petty Tyrant: This guy's true character comes out when he's in charge of other NPCs. He always gets the job done, but it's actually others who're doing all the work; he just takes the credit for it. He bullies, berates, and browbeats all his underlings, while playing up to the PC. Characteristics: Bigoted, hate-filled, threatening. 8. Shiftless Servant: A hireling who appears to be a valuable assistant, but really just loafs off whenever the PC's not around. He is skilled at getting others to do his work. He always has an array of excuses for not getting things done, and may actually arrange "accidents" that prevent him from doing his job. Characteristics: Smiling, obsequious, devious. 9. Unstable Personality: Nice one day and screaming the next, he's on an emotional roller coaster. He is undoubtedly skilled, but his unpredictable actions can destroy any goodwill he manages to acquire. Characteristics: Erratic, talented, moody. 10. Traitor/Backstabber: This NPC appears to be helpful, but secretly undermines the PC. He could simply be disgruntled, or may actually want to betray the character. Spies and malcontents planted on the PC fall into this class. Characteristics: Furtive, nervous, malignant. Back to Shadis #33 Table of Contents Back to Shadis List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1997 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |