The Good
Uwe Holtz
Occupation: Mayor
Skills: Politics, keeping secrets
Motivation: To save Germany from the Nazis
Weaknesses: Soft-hearted
Equipment: Confidential papers
Holtz is the mayor of a medium-sized town in southwest Germany. He is popular with his citizens, and is on good terms with the local Nazis. However, he is a secret member of the Nazi resistance; he loathes Hitler and everything he stands for. He has contacts with others
of a similar mind in the German government and military.
Holtz is a widower and spends much of his time at the, town hall surreptitiously meeting with members of the resistance. He feels bad that he has not paid more attention to his daughter
Geri. She often acts as a hostess for his little get-togethers, but he is careful to exclude her when any private talks takes place. He is so worried about her future that he has little time for her present..)
Frieda Neiderhofner
Occupation: Resistance fighter
Skills: Stealth, observation, radio operation
Motivation: The liberation of Germany Weaknesses: Suspicious of strangers
Equipment: Small pistol
Frieda is a buxom blonde shopkeeper who leads a cell in the resistance. She has helped escaped prisoners and persecuted individuals flee from Germany. She has a hidden radio she can uee to contact the Allies, and listen to the BBC. Both her father and her brother have died in combat and she fervently works in hopes of ending the ongoing slaughter.
Frieda is peripherally linked with Holtz' group, but she operates on a different level and the two have never actually met. Most of her duties involve passing information and messages from one cell to another. She has strong connections with the blacic market, which makes her shop a popular piace for many to patrons, and provides a good cover for her more radical
Jan Benick Occupation: Hitler Youth
Skills: Lying, marching, spouting propaganda he doesn't believe
Motivation: Survival
Weaknesses: Secret past
Equipment: Uniform
Jan appears to be the epitome of a youthful Nazi: athletic, handsome, and obedient. Alone with the others in his unit, he trains for the day when he can join the military and fight. Yet he harbors a secret: he has Jewish ancestors. His relatives were killed in tragic car wreck
years ago and his family records were destroyed in a fire at the town hall. Nevertheless, he lives in fear of discovery by tenacious party investigators.
To cover his tracks, he hu become an excellent liar and can spout Nazi propaganda with the best. His fellow cadets find him a loyal comrade, but a bit distant.
Jan is devoted to Geri Holtz, but so far has been disappointed that the only thing that seems to excite her is adulating remarks about der Furher. Still, he must go on as best he can; he has determined to live each day as it comes.
The Bad
Inspector Karl Muller
Occupation: Gestapo agent
Skills: Investigation, torture
Motivation: To capture traitors and spies
Weaknesses: Underestimates opponents
Equipment: Walther P-11, rubber hose
Karl Muller was a policeman from Prussia who was known for his harsh but effective handlings of criminals. His ruthlessness got him a position in the Secret State Police (Geheime
Stsatspolizei--Gestapo) where he was able to concentrate on apprehending enemies of the Reich. Successes in arresting Communists, malcontents, and Jews gained him rapid promotions. He now operates on special assignments, hunting down elusive members of the resistance and escaped Allied prisoners.
In the field, Muller is a capable agent, and rarely misses a clue. He is a patient
interrogator and most prisoners eventually break tmder his remorseless questioning. In
his office he maintains an extensive set of dossiers and card indexes on thousands of
individuals along with phone tapping and radio intercept equipment. He is somewhat over-meticulous about paperwork and spends what might seem an inordinate amount of time dealing with forms and bureaucratic matters.
Prederick von Oldendorf
Occupation: Staff officer
Skills: Logistics, command
Motivation: To serve the Fatherland
Weaknesses: Narrow-minded, arrogant
Equipment: Monocle, riding crop, well polished boots
A member of the Junker class, the dear colonel is a real heel-clicking bastard.
Despite this, he is an astute judge of military matters. Von Oldendorf, like many senior
officers, has a certain guarded contempt for the Nazis, but he is willing to go along with
them as long as they're on a roll.
The colonel is loud and blunt, and enjoys meting out punishments to underlings. He ruthlessly drives his troops on with an iron will. He cares nothing for the cost in human lives, and has no time for sniveling enemy civilians, most of whom he considers subversives if not outright criminals. He refuses to take advice from juniors in rank or social standing.
Von Oldendorf is acquainted with Mayor Uwe Holtz, and considers him a loyal German. This has protected the Holtzes from the gentle attentions of the Gestapo, at least so far.
Otto Volner
Occupation: SS Special Commando
Skills: Guns, knives, hand-to-hand, endurance
Motivation: To complete his mission
Weaknesses: None, unfortunately
Equipment: Silenced pistol, saw-edged bayonet, wire garrote
An exceptionally deadly individual, Volner is the leader of a crack company of SS
elite troops. He came to the attention of the Fuhrer by his extraordinary bravery and
outstanding abilities as a soldier in the early days of the war. Despite his SS status, he is
not a fanatical Nazi. He has a certain chivalrous attitude that is all too scarce in
these days of total war. However, Volner is committed to following orders at all costs.
Although Allied propaganda portrays German soldiers as mindless robots, Volner is
an enterprising and resourceful man who is constantly thinking on his feet. He is capable
of devising credible short-term disguises and speaks fluent French, Russian and English.
Volner has been involved in daring raids beyond Allied lines in Europe and the Middle
East. The Allies have put a huge price on his head. It is rumored that he is preparing for a
mission against SHAEF.
And the Ugly
Sgt. Schlumpf
Occupation: Rear-echelon soldier
Skills: Shouting, flattery
Motivation: To get plenty of rest
Weaknesses: Food, bribes
Equipment: k98 Mauser (unloaded), lunch pail
A rotund reservist, Schlumpf is more interested in food than fighting. His mental
processes are sluggish, and his ambition is even less. He is a WWI veteran and figures he
has seen his share of active combat. Privately, he regards his duty as surviving the
Schlumpf is employed primarily behind the lines, as a guard transporting food
or prisoners. Serving on the staff of Colonel Von Oldendorf, he was dismissed for
inattention to duty. He was supposed to be reassigned to the eastem front but was able to
connive a job in the rear echelon.
He will report any suspicious activity that he sees, but he's not adverse to looking
the other way--as long as he can't get blamed for what happens and also gets an adequate bribe
for his trouble. He is fairly easy to fool, but has a remarkably loud "drill sergeant" shout
when he feels threatened.
Geri Holtz
Occupation: Student
Skills: Cooking, folk dancing
Motivation: To serve Adolf Hitler and the Nazi cause
Weaknesses: Naive
Equipment: Basket of food, copy of Mein Kampf
The daughter of Mayor Holtz, Geri is a charming, demure schoolgirl. Her
interests are typical of a young woman who is planning on being a good
hausfrau, with one exception. Her close friends notice how her eyes come alive
with a strange intensity when she speaks of her idol, Adolf Hitler. Her fervor is quiet but
strong. She has memorized every bit of Nazi lore she can uncover and only wishes she
could contribute more to the ongoing struggle.
Geri has not found any boys serious enough to hold her attention, although she's
aware that several are sweet on her, including Jan Benick. She wants to meet a young man
who is committed to the Nazis as wholeheartedly as she is, perhaps a young SS warrior.
There's nothing she would not do in the Service of the Fuhrer. Should she learn the truth of her father's activities, she will report him without a moment's hesitation.
Erik Wiedemann
Occupation: Wehrmacht captain
Skills: Tactics, leadership
Motivation: Loyalty to the Wehrmacht
Weaknesses: Demanding, Stubbom
Equipment: Luger Pistol
Wiedemann is a professional officer, and is a veteran of many campaigns. A one-time believer in Adolf Hitler, he is now cynical about the Nazis and looks only to preserve the men under his command as best he can. Nevertheless he follows his orders, like all good Germans. His calm and
reassuring presences is an inspiration to his soldiers.
Wiedemann is an expert in defensive tactics and has been recognized for his ability to check enemy attacks and dangerous breakthroughs. He can organize and lead quick counter-attacks against enemy advances. He seems to have a sixth sense on what the other side is up to. His men joke that by the sound of the third shot, he has already figured out the size and intentions of the opposing force, made his counterattack plan, and composed his after-action report to HQ.
The captain once showed some kindness to a Jewish refugee girl on the Eastern front, and has been suspected by the Gestapo ever since. Given his distinguished combat record, there is little they can do now, but if he makes too many mistakes...
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