by Joseph Johaneman
Artwork by Stacy Drum
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No matter what the genre, the slums of a city exist. There is always a place where the poorer elements of society are forced to huddle together, where life is an everyday struggle for survival. Stich a depressing area is fraught with danger not only for its inhabitants but also for strangers venturing on its streets. In fantasy games, the beggars prowl about like giant rats that lurk in the sewers. A modern-day horror game has that stumbling figure more menacing than any man could be. And even when man has reached the stars, the dim corridors of the space station are host to alien thugs, and con men. So why is it that players, who realize they take a risk walking the Slums, often find themselves exploring its twisted streets? The answer is simple: nowhere else in a city or town can such a wide variety of goods, peoples and encounters be found. Sure, the marketplace may sell the choicest delicacies or star rubies from Antares. But the prices are high, and the pickings slim. Head down to the slums and find the black market; anything and everything is for sale, including items that the players have never imagined. Here you will find strange cursed amulets, the map to a lost gold mine, or word on who lives in the old abbey on the hill. Tongues wag at the show of a coin, and men may be bought for their strong arm and weak soul. A character who seeks forbidden knowledge has no other place to turn but the slums. A novice mercenary may want the best arms money can buy, but with a light purse he knows that a secondhand store in the slums will give him a better price, albeit a poorer quality blade/blaster. In the short expanse of the slums is a wider array of folk than can be found anywhere else. Both the gifted and the failed will wander the streets. Beggars who may actually be disguised princes or monsters. A craftsman whose work is too horrible to appreciate. The members of a simple church that helps the needy. All shades of human (and other!) existence can be found here, from the just to the despicable, from the rich who prowl in search of sordid pleasures in obscurity to the poor condemned to live here by lack of coin. A thief is forced to haunt the slums to learn more tricks of the trade. That crazy old man living in squalor may just hold the final words to a desperately sought incantation. And what happens when the naive pilot falls for the pretty wench at the bar? Where else but the slums would the characters discover the plot by the city's underworld to loot the wealthy districts? Would they search for the orphaned son of a king out in the wilderness? No, he is to be found, ironically living amid filth in a seedy back alley. Has the neutrino capacitor been taken off the station, or is it still in the hands of the gang that prowls the slums, bragging about their catch? There is plenty of adventure to be found in the slums. A dull day in the city? Why not offer the town council your hand in weeding out the bad lot of the slums? Your boss acting mysterious and taking late night trips to a ramshackle building in the worst part of the city? Why not follow him? What follows is a brief description, by no means complete, of some of the unusual things, denizens, and sites that can be discovered in the lower city. All the entries are somewhat vague so as to be tailored to any campaign. Each is listed by genre and intended to help gamemasters in their invention of adventure.