The Good
Otoyo Izumo
Occupation: Noble Woman
Skills: Politics, Etiquette, Koto
(stringed musical instrument)
Motivation: To ensure the continuation of the
house of Izumo
Weaknesses: Unable to exert power directly
Lady Otoyo is the wife of Lord Izumo, the Daimyo
(feudal lord) of Kishu Han. The province of Kishu
contain many prosperous towns and peasant
communities who support Izumo. He in turn must
pay taxes to the Shogunate.
Only a few people know that recently Lord
Izumo was struck by an assassin's arrow and has
become critically ill with a brain fever. Otoyo and
some of the Lord's closest advisers realize that Izumo
may never recover; they suspect the arrow was coated
with poison. She wishes to keep this a secret, since
her only son is still an infant and she fears what may
happen if the Shogunate discovered that Lord Izumo
is no longer capable of leading the house.
Otoyo and the Izumo's advisers have acted
secretly to make it appear as if Izumo was not seriously
ill. But he now never leaves his gardens except in the
confines of a palanquin (an enclosed litter which is
carried by retainers). Otoyo does not know how long
she can keep this deception up, but her organizational
skills and strong will have since made her the power
behind the Izumo household.
Kosuke Haga
Occupation: Samurai
Skills: Swordsmanship (Katana and
Motivation: To learn about the world
Weaknesses: Trusting, Compassionate
Kosuke is the youngest son of Lord Haga, a
prominent Daimyo. He is intelligent and
contemplative and as a result is not very talkative,
preferring to think situations through before jumping
to conclusions. Although born a privileged
nobleman, Kosuke wished to see more of the country
and was granted permission by his father to study at
the Shogunate's school in the far-off city of
Edo (the capital of old Japan, now the site of
Tokyo). Kosuke deliberately allowed himself to
become sidetracked on his journey to the school,
visiting ? townships and local temples, and learning
something of the martial arts from various teachers.
This gave him an appreciation of the peasants' life and
he has respect for their simple, hard existence (an
unusual attitude for a noble).
After studying at the Shogunate's school for
two years, he decided to return to his family. While
travelling home, he met a young woman called Okan
and fell in love with her. He is currently staying in
her home town and is trying to convince her to come
home with him so they can be married. She seems
unwilling to travel with him; Kosuke cannot
understand her stubbornness and is going to insist
that she accompany him soon.
Miyoshi Nomura
Occupation: Zen Buddhist priest Skills:
Meditation, Zen Wisdom Motivation. To reach
enlightenment and help others Weaknesses:
Overly persistent
Miyoshi is a Buddhist who wears the saffron
orange robes of a beggar monk. He wanders from town
to town, begging alms from others, visiting temples,
and living a life of peaceful contemplation. He is about
forty, although his shaved head and boyish grin make
him appear younger. He likes trying to help people,
often by pointing out their inability to change and the
troubles it causes them. He can't reiist meddling in
other people's affairs and this has occasionally caused
problems with those who don't appreciate interference
from a lowly beggar monk. Miyoshi's sense of humor,
quick wit, and simple wisdom have made him many
friends, however.
Certain important officials favor him, and he
has been a guest of the Izumo family on more than one
occasion: he can seek aid from these unexpected
quarters if he needs to. People have a tendency to
overlook him, since lowly monks are not expected to
have any influence in the echelons of power. This
makes him a good source of information, since he is
often able to eavesdrop on conversations among
disreputable types.
In so doing, he has been able to discover and
warn people about impending bandit attacks and once
uncovered a spy acting against the Izumo family
The Bad
Hiraga Tamao
Occupation: Kabuki Actor
Skills: Acting, Disguise
Motivation: Fame and his career
Weaknesses: Single-minded, overambitious
Hiraga was trained as a Kabuki actor from a
very young age and has traveled extensively with
different troupes performing the popular Kabuki plays.
He is an exceptional young actor, but he lacks the
discipline and control that experience provides. He is
not, however, content to simply wait until his
contributions are recognized; he wants to rise in
prestige by insinuating himself among high ranking
Lords and officials.
He is very manipulative and has flattered and
cajoled his way into a highly regarded troupe under
the instruction of Sakata Tojuro, a recognized master
of Kabuki.
Hiraga's ambition has been noticed by the
Anesaki Ninja, who realize that an ally in the theatre
could be useful. They have arranged to advance
Hiraga's career through the influence of their master
Lord Haga, who has the troupe perform before
important audiences. In return, they gain access to
officials' homes disguised as part of the troupe's
retainers. Hiraga does not realize that by cooperating
with the Anesaki he will never be free of their
influence. They will continue to ask for greater and
more dangerous favors which he will be unable to
refuse, lest they expose him as a spy against the Shogunate.
Kikuma Hanji
Occupation: Ronin/Assassin
Skills: Swordsmanship, Brawling, Stealth
Motivation: Money
Weaknesses: Carousing, Secret criminal
Kikuma is a swordsman who wanders the
land looking for work as a temporary retainer - he is a
Watarikachi or mercenary. The Watarikachi are low-
ranking samurai hired by less-powerful Daimyo who
can't afford to permanently keep hundreds of retainers.
They hire Watarikachi only when they need extra
soldiers to guard their Han (province and lands), or
to bolster their numbers in military processions.
Kikuma's alliances change according to his
employment and he feels no particular duty to any one
lord. Nor does he follow the strict code of
conduct (known as bushido or "the way of the
warrior") that other samurai do. His skill with a
sword is formidable, but he kills with a mixture of
brute strength and speed rather than any developed
style of swordsmanship.
When he cannot find work with a Daimyo's
troops, he carries out assassinations to make money
and spends his idle hours in the red light districts. If
his involvement in such activities were ever
discovered, he would be executed. Families who have
lost sons to Kikuma's sword would pay handsomely
for information about the assassin's identity and location.
Yoshi Anesaki
Occupation: Kunoichi (Female Ninja)
Skills: Spy, Tanto (knife), Stealth, Poisons
Motivation: To serve her clan/Lord Haga
Weaknesses: Quick temper
Yoshi is a Ninja, one of the silent killers and
spies of the noble families. The Anesaki clan belongs
to part of the spy network that serves the Daimyo Lord
Haga, and has a long history of training their sons and
daughters in the skills of ninjutsu. Yoshi is an expert
in killing by stealth and deception, especially with
poisons ingested in food or drink.
Yoshi has been ordered to secure a position
within the household of Lord Seizan, spy on the
family, and determine if they have any weaknesses that
could be exploited. The lands of Lord Seizan lie next to
those of Lord Haga, and if Seizan could be revealed as
a traitor against the Shogunate (the military
dictatorship of Japan), they will order his house to be
disbanded. Seizan would then have to commit seppuku
(ritual suicide), and his lands could be claimed by
Haga as part of a reward for revealing such
treachery. Yoshi has been sent to evaluate whether
planting evidence against the house of Seizan will be effective.
The Ugly
Type: Fox Woman (Kitsune)
Skills: Shapeshifter, Charm, Cause Trance
Motivation: To entrance a human husband
Weaknesses: Bound to her home
In Japan, foxes are believed to be spirits
capable of bewitching people. Their powers can cloud
the human mind and a person may find himself
wandering aimlessly through the fields after being led
astray by a fox's spell. More malicious fox spirits may
even lead a person into a dangerous situation. Foxes
are also capable of assuming human form and then
entrancing a helpless human to fall in love with them.
Okan is a fox maiden who noticed Kosuke
Haga as he was traveling through the countryside. She
immediately took a liking to him and when she saw
bandits waiting to attack him on a lonely road, she
confused their minds and helped him fight them off. She
followed him, transformed herself into a beautiful
woman, and told him she lived in the village of Miya.
Okan regularly meets with Kosuke, who is staying in Miya.
Although her magic has prevented him from
asking awkward questions about her family and home
life, she knows she must soon tell him the truth (since
he must eventually leave to visit his family). Okan
truly does love Kosuke and will not use her magic to
force him to stay. She fears she will lose him if she tells
him the truth, but if she doesn't and travels with him
she fears she may weaken and die, since her spirit is
bonded to the countryside around Miya.
If Kosuke has faith in her and loves her for
what she truly is, it may be enough to let her leave her
home for a while, but she knows she must eventually return.
Type: Vampiric Cat
Skills: Cause sleep, move silently, attack with claws
Motivation: To feed on blood
Weaknesses: Needs to feed to survive, can only
appear at night
"Danjo" has the appearance of a young
peasant boy of about eight years old, but its true form
is of a monstrous cat. The cat is a night spirit that
must feed on human blood: if it kills its victim and
buries the body, it can then assume the likeness of
that person. The cat has recently killed the real Danjo,
a farmer's son whom the peasants believe has run
The cat has appeared to Danjo's mother at
night, making the other family members fall into a deep
sleep so it can feed from her. She thinks it is Danjo
appearing to her in a dream, but she has grown listless
and weak from loss of blood and will die unless the
cat is stopped.
The cat also uses its Danjo form to waylay
travellers (who take pity on the small boy crying on
the roadside at dusk). If they let him into their camp,
they will soon fall into a deep dreamless sleep. The
cat will then feed on them, and they will awaken tired
and dizzy in the morning. If attacked, the cat will
resume its true form and attempt to escape: hissing,
spitting and attacking people with its sharp claws.
If a body of one of the cat's victims is found
and blessed, the cat cannot assume that person's form
any more. If all its victims are so blessed, it will have
to revert to its cat form and will be banished ftom the area.
Type: Oni
Skills: Wakizashi (Sword), Shapeshifter,
Motivation: Wealth, Human comforts
Weaknesses: Sake
There are two types of Oni - the horseheaded
Oni of the spirit plane who search out sinners and
carry them back to bell, and the Oni of earth who are
hairy and deformed supernatural beings.
The Oni of earth can change their shape,
appearing as human beings or even inanimate objects
in order to trick people. They can also vanish from
sight, visible only to the very virtuous, such as holy
men or the pure of heart. An Oni's body must be
exorcised after it is slain; otherwise, the Oni will not
be truly killed and will return in a few weeks.
Jabo is an Oni of earth, typically ugly in
appearance, with three eyes, horns, and clawed hands.
He is not particularly evil, just rather self. centered and
not too bright. He is fascinated by the world of humans
and wishes to live in comfort and luxury as they do.
His preoccupation leads him to travel extensively,
ambushing other travelers in order to obtain human
finery and money. He doesn't usually kill to get what
he wants; rather, he appears in one of his numerous
human disguises and then uses threats or trickery to
get his victims to give him their possessions.
However, if a fight ensues, he goes into a blind
rage and can be very dangerous. His great weakeness is
sake, which he has developed quite a taste for. If he
gets too drunk, he cannot maintain his human disguise
and will revert to his true appearance.
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