By Larry Granato
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1. BEM- Bug-eyed Monsters are a alien tradition. They are not very smart, but can be quite destructive. After landing, the creature will skulk about a bit, preying on isolated victims. It's almost mandatory that the monster surprise a couple enjoying a romantic interlude on lovers' lane (or the equivalent) before going on the usual rampage. 2. LGM: The Little Green Men are coming, and usually arrive in a flying saucer. They like to use paralyzation rays on people and then perform medical experiments on them. They often use telepathic powers to erase people's memories, mess around with their skills and stars, and generally screw up their lives. 3. The Conquerors: In this classic scenario, an invasion armada of heel- clicking warlords appears in the skies, prepared to enslave the world. They follow a precise invasion plan worked out in advance, which may include deceiving the inhabitants about their intentions, mind control, letting loose trained monsters, duplicating people, poisoning food or liquids, employing a fifth column, and so on. Although their forces may be overwhelming, they always have some weakness to be exploited. Certainly guerrilla resistance is possible. 4: Lost from Space: This individual is stranded on the earth due to a spacecraft malfunction (or maybe he just got left behind). The human-looking ones can be both amusing and infuriating due to their odd habits and lack of knowledge about earth, but at least they can be taken out in public. The "ET" types cause fear and panic wherever they go. No matter how peaceful they are, people may react with violence. The PCs can assist the lost one to go home before the mob or. government gets to them. 5. Them: They look human, but they are really something else. Intent on infiltrating government, business, and society, the aliens are adept at covering their tracks, and leave no evidence of their schemes behind. Except for a few intrepid investigators, their existence is unknown to the public, and anyone who talks about it is considered a kook. Could they be watching even now? 6. Herald of Doom: A well- meaning emissary who warns earthlings that they are meddling with some power (magic, atomic power, gene-modification, pollution, war/violence, space travel, cyborging) that is beyond their capacity to control. He may deliver something that sounds like an ultimatum. He is supercilious but sincere. However, suspicious and skeptical government leaders or trigger happy soldiers may cause an unintended confrontation - and the emissary is quite capable of self-defense. 7. Aliens Bearing Gifts: The aliens have a device which is the solution to all your problems. They give it to someone, perhaps a PC. There's a catch of course, as the device will be misused or has unknown abilities which cause unfortunate consequences. The inevitable disaster precipitates the return of the alien, who sadly demands the return of the device, saying that the earthlings are not ready for it yet. Alternatively, an enigmatic object left by aliens astounds and perplexes the people who discover it. The actual function of the item is up to the GM, but can be both subtle and powerful. 8. Salescreatures- The aliens want to make you a deal. They set up shop and offer unbelievable merchandise at incredible prices. You want weapons? We got weapons. How about a Mark XIV Death Beam, power cells extra? If one person buys one, everybody else has to, just to keep up. After saturating the market, they then offer the Number 9 Neutralizer, just what you need for nullifying those pesky death beams. And so it goes. Their real goal is to drain the world of all its treasure and valuables. Of course, some alien traders are legitimate. 9. Battle: Opposing aliens, either individuals or teams, chose the earth ag a battleground to settle their differences. The crossfire can be pretty deadly. It's up to the PCs to broker a peace agreement or mitigate the damage. Another possibility is the Fugitive - on the run from interstellar police, this escapee is armed and dangerous. He has no compunction about blasting anyone who crosses his path. A police agent is in hot pursuit. 10. Odd Visitors: Aliens tourists or scientists in disguise are sojourning on your quaint planet. They unintentionally wreak havoc due to their ignorance and clumsiness. But when one of their masks slips Off, the real fun begins.... Alternatively, a human-looking alien wants to study earthlings and follows the PCs around, recording their feelings when they get swords stuck through them and the like. Of course, they'd like to help when somebody gets in trouble, but there's that non- interference rule.... 11. Judgment: Powerful beings from a distant star want to pass judgment on the fate of the world. The PCs are chosen to represent mankind. There may be trial, a contest [battle between the party and an opposing force, or some mental/ethical test. If the PCs foul up, at least they won't have to worry about taking the blame - there won't be anyone left to gripe at them. More merciful beings may let the earth off with a quarantine or the destruction of all technology, sending it back to the dark ages. 12. Tentacles and Protoplasm: Even more disgusting than BEMs, these sickening, slimy creatures squelch their way through drains and doorcracks. What's worse is their immunity to most (but not all) attack forms, and a fantastic rate of reproduction. Can the right weapon be found before the nauseating things overrun the world? 13. Misunderstanding: Communications difficulties make it impossible to be sure exactly what the aliens want and this may lead to war. Possibly the aliens might appear to be peaceful, friendly, and proffer something of value. My favorite case is the "Twilight Zone" episode where the aliens offer to "serve mankind" (broiled, naturally). 14. Exile on Earth Street: An alien, usually an outcast, dissident, or petty criminal, is marooned on the earth. Often misunderstood, they are generally less friendly than lost ones, and a lot more trouble. The party may not be able to return him home, but sending him to an early grave is a possibility if the alien becomes a menace. 15. The Dump: Your planet has been selected as a receptacle for galactic waste. The trash, which may be dropped anywhere, is alternately noxious, useless, incomprehensible, dangerous, messy, and a nuisance. However, occasionally a valuable item appears. 16. Contamination: A meteorite or returning space vehicle brings with it an alien plague. People die horribly, there's no known cure, and it spreads rapidly. Can the PCs save the day? Or get away? 17. Killers: Creatures bred or evolved for nothing but slaughter: they really enjoy it. Exceedingly cunning, they are very stealthy, quick, strong, have impressive natural weapons and special abilities on attack and defense. They don't use technology, but understand how it works. This category also includes alien hunters who want a stuffed human head or three on the wall of their trophy room and various murderous robots and deathdealing mechanisms. 18. Mental Entity: This non-corporeal being inhabits the bodies of humans, animals, maybe even corpses. It is on a quest to gain life energy by killing as many people as possible in terrible ways. Extraordinary means are needed to get rid of it. 19. Mars Needs Women: Kidnapping and enslavement of females is the goal of a gang of loathsome, lecherous creatures. What red-blooded earther can stand the sight of a scantily-clad, beautiful woman in the pincers of a grotesque extraterrestrial? 20. Pseudoaliens: These are people who've acquired some advanced technology that allows them to pose as aliens. They are out to commit some crime, cause panic, or blackmail governments. 21. Snacktime: Hungry aliens are dropping by for dinner, and the PCs are on the menu. More than just people-munching monsters, these creatures are gourmands who appreciate a good chat with their meal before meticulously cooking and feasting on it. If resistance is feeble enough they may consider turning the earth into a "class Six feeding station." 22. Scout: An alien on a reconnaissance mission is checking the earth out as a potential target for attack. He asks a lot of stupid questions, or worse, wants to capture a few humans and test their abilities, often in a rather ruthless fashion. The PCs must convince him to buzz off. 23. Call for Help: The aliens want you! A race in distress needs a few good characters in its battle against galactic evil. Transportation, room and board, training, and nifty uniforms are provided. 24. The Galactic Federation: A envoy from an interstellar authority lands and offers the world provisional membership provided they carry out certain reforms. The terms may be somewhat difficult to fulfill, and will impact the PCs somehow, aside from generating great social changes. Eventually, the establishment of trade allows the party an opportunity to travel to other worlds for new types of adventures. Or, there are the Galactic Snobs, snotty aliens who visit your world to buy trinkets from the natives and remind you how backward and ignorant you are. 25. Destroy All Planets: The earth is in the way, and it's got to go. Uncaring interstellar bureaucrats, negligent space jockeys, robotic world-wreckers, rogue planets, or vicious vandals prepare to pulverize the place. It's tip to the PCs to halt the disaster. This could be a tough one. 26. Retrieval Mission: Some important alien artifact (or alien itself in stasis or hibernation) has been left on the earth. An ET recovery expert is dispatched to return the valuable item, which could cause-endless trouble if it falls into the wrong hands. There may be other aliens or humans trying to get the object first. 27. The Collector: This being wants a few humans for his private zoo or as playthings for his kids. Will the PCs do? Also, a space tyrant may abduct the party just for the hell of it. 28. Powerplay: Aliens secretly back a government or faction in a bid for control. The alien's role is unknown, but if the party can gets some proof, it will set their plans awry. The human leaders of the plot don't want the public to know for fear of "culture shock" or simply want the help for their own benefit. The Interstellar Powerplay is when competing alien races want to use the earth as a pawn in their own struggle. 29. A Not So Distant Mirror: The aliens have arrived, and aside from their space travel technology, it turns out that they are a lot like earth people; some are good, some bad, some greedy, temperamental, virtuous, treacherous, silly, etc. Alternatively, We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us: the PCs discover that one or more of their group, perhaps even everyone on their world, are the aliens descendants of space beings. 30. Cosmic Meddlers: These superior aliens enjoy fiddling with evolution, genes, and history. They've done it before, and they'll do it again unless the party can convince them that earth people are "grown up" enough to handle their own destiny. Trouble is, the aliens might just make the party prove their case. Don't say we didn't warn you. 31. Immigrants: Welcome to the new world. The aliens are coming, and they're here to stay. Refugees from another planet settle on the earth in large numbers, bringing all the troubles that newcomers normally have, plus a few extraterrestrial ones and the usual undesirables. Alternatively, they may be alien colonists who were not expecting to find any intelligent life on the earth, and who won't go back home either (i.e., big conflict ahead). 32. Benefactor: An super- powered alien appears, saving the PCs (or the world) from some disaster or other space marauder, or provides guidance through some difficult times. Gratitude (i.e., a quest) is expected. 33. Basic Needs: Aliens require the earth to hatch their eggs, grow their food, mine minerals, etc. They are not warlike. Can a be made to temporarily share the planet intolerance rear its ugly head? 34. Strange Rays: A bombardment of beams from beyond begets bizarre behavior or by products. People may mutate, become homicidal or irrational, fall permanently asleep, insects might grow to giant size, plants become carnivorous, climate changes radically, household appliances become deadly, etc. Certain individuals (including the PCO avoid the effects, and have to discover the source of the transmissions and put a stop to them. 35. Parasite: A creature which attaches itself to a host, eventually taking the person over. The intelligent ones may gain control of whole towns,. turning everyone into happy little drones (pods, anyone?). Mental parasites confuse their hosts, clouding their minds. The more disgusting varieties live inside people before they burst out, killing them. Who says two is more fun than one? 36. Space Vixens: They're babes, they're hot, and looking for a few good earthmen. However, they've got something up their shiny sleeves. Perhaps the mating ritual on their world resembles that of the black widow. 37. Raygun Raiders: Alien pirates have come to steal all of the earth's air, water, gold, art treasures, chocolate, etc., kidnap world leaders or scientists, or sabotage essential projects. 38. The Saucer People: These individuals,, claim to have seen UFOs, encountered aliens, been abducted, or say they're in contact with space beings. They seem pretty crazy, but what. if they're right? Another alternative is the UFOlogist, an investigator or scientist who has been studying this phenomenon. He may be a little flaky, but he's exactly who you need when the ET; show up. 39. Roboprobe: An automated exploration ship is checking out the solar system. It may stay quite a while, sending out robots on various miss . 0 s like scientific research, resource gathering or the construction of repair facilities. More often than not, it lacks programming to deal gently with human interference. 40. Message from the Stars: Aliens contact the world from afar, sending a cryptic message, technological information to build something (or someone), or just the warning, "we're on our way." Back to Why Restrict Aliens to the SF Genre? Back to Shadis #26 Table of Contents Back to Shadis List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1996 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |