by Larry Granato
Artwork by Intern Jen
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Rogar the PaladinOccupation: Do-gooder Rogar is the younger son of a minor noble who was barely able to qualify for admittance to an order of virtuous warriors. After an inauspicious start as a squire, he gathered together agroup of like-minded lackeys, and set forth to right wrongs, rescue princesses, etc. Being a prudent individual Rogar decided to take his crusade against evil in small doses, rather than undertaking any long and hazardous adventures in unexplored regions. Thus, he and his group are usually found in areas where there is little danger. After each foray against local malefactors, he makes an extended tour of the region, harranguing the population about his latest exploits. Although Rogar is not a liar, he has a poor memory and tends to exaggerate. Still, he's clever enough to quickly involve himself in mopping-up operations after some major evil has been defeated by others, and his publicity campaign afterwards usually ensures that he gets much of the credit by default. Rogar spends a good deal of time raising funds, most of which are used to equip himself and his men with the finest gear available. The rest is dispensed as alms by seveal religious types of his followers. He is willing to aid others, provided the danger is not too extreme, but he spends most of the adventure giving lectures. By-Be ("Bobby")Occupation: Domestic Robot BY-BE is a servant-type mechanical that was produced with a manufacturing defect which allowed it a much greater degree of self-awareness that is normally the case. This condition was magnified by its original owners, who added various enhancements and treated him like a member of the family. However, tight economic conditions forced them to sell Bobby some years later m an small industrial concern and move to another system. The factory had no need for a domestic model and Bobhy was placed in the assembly line along with other, much less intelligent robots. Bored and restless, Bobby rationalized that he had not really heen sold to the factory as he had not witnessed the transaction, and simply left one afternoon. Unfortunately, shortly after that, Bobby accidentally knocked down a starport policeman, an action which witnesses called deliberate. He was placed on a list of dangerously malfunctioning robots that were to be destroyed on sight. Since that time he's been on the run, trading his skills for recharges and transport. He spins plausible stories about being a courier, or being on a private errand for his master. He will travel with others as long as they are heading in the general direction of his family. Since their are many other robots of his type, and he has altered his ID numbers, there is only a small chance that he will he spotted by the police. Lord Allistair ChumleyOccupation: Diplomat Lord Chumley is a middle-ranking noblemen who has made a name for himself as a traveler and envoy. His innocuous appearance and stuffy behavior hide a clever and discerning mind. Although he consrantly makes protestations about the lack of high class accommodations and coarse company he must endure in his travels, he is actually making keen observations about the people he meets and the places he visits. The gloomy Chumley estates have fallen into decline long before his Lordship's birth, so he decided to pursue a career in government while still a young man. After an education befitting a gentlemen, Chumley served in the military. He then moved into the bureaucracy where he served in several minor posts until coming to the attention of the current ruler. He has been employed in increasingly important posts, negotiating and gathering intelligence on neighboring countries and persons of interest.
ArvanOccupation: Android Assistant Arvan will be first met when his curtent owner tries to sell him to anyone he can find, at a bargain price. A check will reveal the android is in perfect condition and the ownership documents are in order. Arvan is humanoid in form, but is a bright blue, with stylized features. Unlike more advanced biosynthetic replicants, he is obviously cybernetic. Unfortunately Arvan suffers from an hidden condition, which, under certain stressful circumstances (GM's choice), causes him to become unstable and commit crimes, including murder. Arvan does not go berserk when this happens, but acts in a very calculating and deliberate way. He will not harm his master but tries to frame other members of the party. Under normal circumstances, Arvan will "subconsciously" undertake activities to assist in his crimes, without disobeying direct orders. For example he might disable, hide, dispose of character's weapons or equipment, plant fake evidence, alter or forge documents and records. 'Fast Eddie'Occupation: Salesman Fast Eddie, as he is known, owns the largest used spaceship lot in the sector. He (or maybe she) is a tall, knobby alien with a variety of odd looking appendages. Hailing from a backward, little known world, his species is known for their penchant for merchandising. Striking a bargain with a freetrader enabled him to leave home and start his own business. Fast Eddie's loud and annoying holocommercials seem to be constantly displayed just about everywhere on the planet. They advertise "slightly used" ships of every kind, including "top-line fighters, torpedo boats, corvettes and more!" Visitors to his lot will find something else, however. It looks more like a scrap yard. The military ships are all stripped hulls or quite obsolete. Fast Eddie and his salescreatures will quickly steer the buyers towards various grimy merchant vessels and gaudy yachts, all in somewhat questionable condition. Fast Eddie is determined to sell his customers something -- anything, if necessary. He tends to become hysterical and difficult to understand if a buyer leaves without making a purchase. Everything is overpriced, but he will bargain down much lower if necessary. Whether a customer is getting a deal even at the lower prices is hard to know. MediocratesOccupation: Sage Mediocrates is a second-rate scholar who acts as an informal advisor to all and sundry. Unlike most savants, he is not associated with a school or library, but works near the marketplace dispensing cut-rate advice. He claims to be an expert in any area a person might mention. Mediocrates came from a lower class family that hoped he could advance himself by getting an education. As a student, Mediocrates was easily distracted by social activities, and was thrown out of one school after another due to his poor performance. Eventually, he amassed a store of knowledge that was wide if not deep. He is involved in any number of activities, from selling maps of dubious accuracy, to giving lessons in oratory. He is especially quick to zero in on newcomers and appraise them of his "special rate" for first-time customers.
GumsOccupation: GuideSkills: Tracking, Hunting, Wilderness Motivation: Enjoyment of nature, fees earned Weaknesses: Slow, toothless Gums is the most experienced guide in the region. He has led numerous expeditions to monster's lairs and the suspected sites of magic and treasure. He is considered the authority on the area. Although his mental and physical speed has slowed with age, he is invariably right about the habits and probable actions of wilderness creatures. He never gets lost. Gums has no compunctions about leading others into danger if that is what they want. However, he is not a combatant, but uses his concealment skills to avoid or escape conflict. His sixth sense informs him if combat is imminent, and he slips away, returning afrer the battle is over. Every time Gums says something, he begins with a mumbling, smacking noise from his toothless mouth as he gathers his thoughts. RaglakOccupation: Gangster Raglak, a human, is a local of poor reputation who i5 always found in the company of ne'er-do-wells. Although it is difficult to pin any particular misdeed on him, he is believed to be behind much of the criminal activity in the district. Raglak born to a destitute peasant family, was determined to better himself. He left the farm for town, where his natural abilities made him a rising star in the thieves guild. Frustrated by guild restrictions, he left and formed a competing organization. Raglak's bunch, as they are known, include half orcs muggers, burglars, hit men, pickpockets, bandits and various assorted thugs and con artists. In town, the group generally keeps a low profile to avoid trouble with the law, but are quick to pick on newcomer who appear to be easy marks. They are happy to perform dirry deeds for the right price-beating people up is their favorite pastime. Raglak does not maintain a fixed headquarters but travels about the area, staying in the houses of friends in town and the countryside, planning his next scheme. He does not personally participate in mast of these activities. He also has several good hideouts. His followers are often sent to scavenge on the trails of treasure hunters, hoping to pick up dropped or hidden loot, or overcome weakened parties. Whaid-el-BazaarOccupation: Spy Whaid-el-Bazaar is a mysterious person who deals in information, rumors and blackmail. It is said that if anyone can find out something that is hidden, it is he. His background is unknown, but he has been associated with beggars, thieves and assassins for many years. Yet he also has contact with the likes of merchants, officials, and princes as well. One can always hear rumors about the appearance and suspected location of Whaid. These rumors vary widely, and it is suspected that he spreads them himself. Requests for his services will eventually reach his ears through his network of informers. He arranges his meetings so that he has several pre-planned escape routes, complete with obstacles, traps, and other methods of delaying pursuers. He never directly confronts his customers, preferring to talk through curtains, doors, screens, speaking tubes, or through messengers. Payments must be always be made up front. Back to Shadis #25 Table of Contents Back to Shadis List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1996 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |