By Mark Arsenault
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Welcome, once again, to Bits and Pieces, SHADIS Magazine's wonderfully evocative industry news column. As our long time readers know, reading this column each issue can bring you good fortune, increase your constitution, and protect you from the temptations of investing one's life savings in collectible cards of all types. All right, maybe I'm exaggerating, but you will find yourself with a bit more knowledge of happenings in the gaming industry than most non,readers. With that said, let's leap into this month's news! Morningstar Setting Mitch Michaelson, editor of the small press 'zine Morningstar Rising, and SHADIS' own Small Press Editor, recently announced the dissolution of his gaming mag. "The organization of Morningstar Rising will be officially dissolved by operation of law June 2nd." Mitch tells me that he will only be sending the final issues of MSR to existing subscribers (making them rare collectibles indeed.) Mitch has not announced any official plans for future products, although he has expressed an interest in writing for several other small press 'zines. Well, Mitch, if nothing else, you'll be able to enjoy the convention season without fretting over MSR deadlines! I have enjoyed several issues of Morningstar Rising in the past year or so. As I did when Mitch started MSR, I wish him the best of luck in whatev- erihifeavors he may embark on in the future. And so, the sun sets on anoth- er small press 'zine... Artists Needed The Journal of The Brittanic Technological Society (the 'zine devoted to such Victorian-era games as Space:1889, Cthulhu by Gaslight and Castle Falkenstein) is planning a "Steampunk Goes To The Beach!" issue for later this summer. In addition, TJBTS is actively seeking artists to do illustrations for the swimsuit insert. "What we're looking for," said a journal rep, "are Victorian era characters from any Steampunk Genre game in period swimwear enjoying a day at the beach." I'm told that the situation can be as serious (Cthulhu about to seize a comely young lass sunning her. self) or as comical (a group of characters piling out of a steam-driven woody wagon, surfboards at the ready and heading for the water) as you'd like. "Just about anything goes save for blatant pornography. Since we plan to distribute this world,wide, this can be the perfect chance for the undiscovered artist to get his or her work out into the public eye." For further details, contact TJBTS via the internet at and tell them Bits & Pieces sent you! Goodbye Honesdale, Hello Lake Geneva! Word has it that West End Games staffer - and all around friendly sales guy - Bill Olmesdahl is moving on. Bill left WEG this past May 30th for an editorial position with TSR, Inc. Another familiar name joining TSR is Pariah Press's own Mike Nystul. Mike joined the TSR team on May 30th. "I will be going to work for TSR Incorporated as part of their Design department," Mike said. "For this reason, my wife Dawn will be taking the role of Production Manager on the same day. Dawn will be doing a lot of the things I used to because I will be contractually obligated not to do them any more." Fans of Whispering Vault should fear not. Pariah Press has already laid out its schedule for new WV products through next summer. Product Delays Changeling, White Wolf's latest game in the Storyteller series, was delayed a short bit recently. "It was originally going to be an end-of-June release," said Jennifer Hartshorn at WW, "and we just moved it a week or so to an early July release." Assuming the product stays on schedule, you should see it very soon, perhaps even by the time you read this column. Pariah Press announced an extensive delay in the production of their new role-playing game, Crusade. "I hoped to release the game at GenCon," said Pariah Press head mucky muck, Mike Nystul, "but it has been put on hold until sometime next year because I will not be able to write it. I have done the basic design and worldbuilding, but Dawn will be hiring other designers and authors to finish the game. I know that the delay will disappoint a lot of people but that is the way it has to be." Do-It-Yourself Pubs World Builder Publishing, the folks responsible for The World Builder magazine, recently announced the release of a handy guidebook for would-be small press mag publishers. The pamphlet, titled "Creating Your Own Small Press Publication," can be obtained for just $10 direct from World Builder Publishing, P.O. Box 7196, Bonney Lake WA 98390-0932. E-mail Ty Belknap at for more information. SimCity Is Out! SimCity: The Card Game is out at last! The game, officially licensed to Mayfair Games, Inc. by Maxis, should be in the hands of retailers as you read this. As some of you may know, there was a special SHADIS Magazine pro. motional card produced for the game (packaged with issue #17.5), as well as special promo cards including cards for Crazy Egor's, Berkeley Games and Game Shop News. A new round of promo cards wilt be produced soon' including a special Gold Rush Game' card that will be available in an upcoming issue of The Gamer's Connection! In addition, Mayfair's Faith Price tells me that the unlimited edition of SimCity is currently slated for an August release. Aeshia PBM Brass Dragon Games announced the release of Aeshia, the most recent campaign addition to their PBM simulation Conquest. In the world of Aeshia, players work towards building a nation, whether of barbarians, elves, dwarves, devotees or hordes of humanoids and other nasties. Like the original Conquest game, it is human moderated. Setup is a reasonable $15, which includes a 30 page rulebook, and the first two turns. For more information, contact Brass Dragon Games, 272 Plattsburg Ave., Burlington VT 05401; or call (802) 863-1770. White Wolf Gobbles Gray Mouser White Wolf Publishing announced the acquisition of Fritz Leiber's "Lankhmar: Fafrhd and the Gray Mouser" series. Through negotiations with Richard Curtis & Associates, White Wolf will be re-relasing the entire fantasy classic in a newly packaged, newly compiled arrangement of three hardback books beginning this fall. In addition to the three book collection, there will be an anthology containing original stories based on the Lankhmar setting. New FUDGE On The Horizon Just a note for all you FUDGE fans: Steffan O'Sullivan's back at work on the FUDGE system. "He's got some ideas for improving the combat system, and has rewritten bits of the entire book to make everything smoother," says Grey Ghost Press rep Ann Dupuis. "There are new optional rules going into the Addenda (including a "diceless FUDGE" section) and other cool stuff!" This is all in preparation for the "Official" printing of the FUDGE book in Juneguly - "the one that'll have all the bells and whistles for sale through the retail market to those poor folks who don't have Internet access and can't get this great game system for free!" As with the Limited Edition FUDGE book published last year, this book will be illustrated with copyright-free clip art, and can be copied and distributed legally (in accordance with the Legal Notice, of course.) Backing A New Look After reviewing customer comments, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. has decided to change all card backs in the newly named Vampire: The Eternal StruggleTm (V:TES) Deckmaster game. When the game - formerly titled Jyhad - debuts this summer, the cards will have the game's snake "biohazard" symbol and the new name on a green marble background. The old card backs featured the word "Jyhad" on green marble. "Changing the card backs doesn't affect how the game is played. Although you'll be able to see the back of the tail card in your opponent's hand and the top vampire in the crypt, you won't know what the cards are," says Matthew Burke, V:TES Project Coordinator. "Changing the card backs doesn't make Jyhad cards obsolete." Besides changing the card backs, Wizards of the Coast is also adjusting the game's rules. "We rewrote and reformatted the rules for easier reading," says Burke. "We also have added new variant rules to increase the pace of the game for those who want to play quick sessions." The new version of the rules will appear in instructions that accompany each V:TES starter deck and also in a new player's guide, Darkness Unveiled. The guide is due out this September. One month prior to that, the game's first expansion set, Dark Sovereigns, will he released. "More than 100 cards will make up this expansion," according to a recent press release, "which explores the rich myths and folklore of vampires in Europe. The set will also introduce players to new vampires and new categories of vampires." White Wolf To Distribute Whispering Vault In an agreement between Pariah Press and White Wolf Game Studio, the latter will be the sole distributor of the Whispering Vault, Pariah Press' flagship role-playing game. New Pariah Press products will carry the White Wolf Distribution logo to indicate that their sale and distribution is a joint venture between the companies. "White Wolf assumes no ownership rights of any Pariah Press properties or ideas," Mike Nystul said, "but provides an effective means for their wide-scale sale and distribution. We believe that this arrangement will get the game to the audience it deserves." Here's hoping so. Online Update Last issue we printed a listing of game companies and reps that you could reach via the internet. The list was a bit dated, so we are printing an updated version for you. Those e-mail addresses without extensions such as "" are America Online screen names. If you are sending e- mail via the internet, simply add "" to the end of the name. For example, MDGrau becomes Apex Publications - Matthew Grau (MDGrau)
Below are the e~mail addresses to a few gaming publications.
Good gaming, all, and I'll see you here in 60 days! Note that these are 1995 listings, and probably do not exist anymore.--RL Back to Shadis #20 Table of Contents Back to Shadis List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1995 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |