by Mark Arsenault
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Happy New Year one and all! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. 1995 is now upon us and promises to be a banner year for gamers. Many new gaming products are on the horizon, as well as a number of other events which should prove enjoyable for gamers. One of the things that 1995 brings to Bits & Pieces is change. Due to the recent addition of Up My Sleeve, David Williams' card games column, I will no longer be reporting upcoming card games in this column. This will undoubtedly make some readers unhappy while bringing joy to scores of other "non-card" gamers. I think the change is warranted, however, as Dave is doing an excellent job keeping fans of the various card games appraised of that aspect of the gaming industry. Some of you sharp readers may have also noticed that our regular Upcoming Products list has been missing the past couple of issues. The reason for this is twofold. First, and primarily, was the need to maintain the focus of this column. While printing a list of pending releases is surely convenient, that same info can be obtained from a number of other sources. Bits & Pieces is an industry news column, and I felt that the space could be better utilized bringing you that news. Secondly, there was space consideration. With the incredible growth of SHADIS magazine (not to mention this column) I wanted to be sure to use space as efficiently as possible. This column has already been switched to a reduced font size and to a four column format. I take that to mean that I'll be hard pressed to get more space in the mag to report the news. Now, to the news. A Tweet Addition Jonathan Tweet, the coordinator of Wizard of the Coast's roleplaying team, announced a new addition to his family. Tessa Marie Tweet was born on October 19th, 1994 at 9:04 p.m. Both little Tessa and her mommy, Tracy, are doing fine. Jonathan tells me he'll only be working part time through January, however. Must have been hard work, eh, Jonathan? Just joking. Congratulations from myself and the rest of the SHADIS staff. Give Tracy and Tessa our best. Staff Matters Two folks from Trident, Inc., Atlas Games' partners in the On The Edge card game venture, have joined the Atlas Games team. Darin "Woody" Eblom is coming aboard as Sales Associate, and Brent Furguson (creator of the OnTE card back design) has been enlisted as Art Director. Robin Jenkins will become Trident's Editor. West End Games has gained a new editor. Miranda Homer joined WEG in October, and was put to work right away editing Shane Hensley's Wilderness book for Bloodshadows. Gold Rush Games has added Eric Weber ( to their ranks as an online representative (on America Online) and a member of the creative design team. Welcome aboard, Eric! The End of Darkness Steve Jackson Games and White Wolf Game Studio have reached an agreement over recent issues which were made public not long ago on the Internet. For those of you who aren't linked to the net, White Wolf didn't approve the final copy of GURPS Mage (SJG's fourth licensed World of Darkness conversion for the GURPS system). This last minute decision threw SJG's release schedule out of whack. In addition, Steve Jackson Games didn't appreciate White Wolf's use of the old "eye in the pyramid" in their Wraith RPG book. (All of this transpired right around the time of last year's GenCon) As you can imagine, tempers ran a bit hot. All has been resolved between the companies themselves, thankfully. In the recent agreement, WW agreed not to put the graphic in future printings of Wraith, although the current books will not be pulled from the market. They also approved the GURPS Mage project, which is now available. Unfortunately for crossover gamers, GURPS Mage will be the last of the crossover GURPS/Storyteller projects. Put Off Black Gate Publishing announced that their Legacy sourcebook, Richmond: City in Decay, has been indefinitely postponed, It seems that the original authors backed out of the deal due to other commitments (you need to feed those folks better, Brandon). As of this writing, Black Gate is looking for new authors to take over the project. Other delayed projects include the revised Lace & Steel RPG. "Due to factors beyond my control, the release date for this has slipped, probably into very early [1995]," said Paul Lidberg of Nightshift Games. In addition to Lace & Steel, Paul tells me that the status of the Leviathan Capital Ship Briefing is in limbo at this time. "I'll have a better answer for you ... about [January]." Fans of the licensed Cyberpunk magazine, Interface, may have to wait quite a while for another issue. I spoke with editor Thaddeus Howze last October, and he informed me that although he intends to continue publishing Interface, a recent move and the resulting geographic breakup of his staff has caused an indefinite delay in the schedule. You can send e-mail to him at Also taking a back seat is GDWs Dark Conspiracy roleplaying game. "Dark Conspiracy is on hiatus for a while," said GDW's Loren Wiseman, "meaning that we will bring it back as a second edition sometime in the unspecified future." Enemies Past Black Gate Publishing is working on two new supplements to their Legacy: War of Ages game. Look for Mortal Enemies and Shadows of the Past around March or April. I'm told that they're also working on a new campaign book tentatively titled Blades, which should be out early this year. Help Wanted FASA put out the word that they were looking for someone to take over as Developer of their Shadowrun RPG line. Keep in mind that there's a good chance that the position may already be filled by the time you read this. For more information, contact FASA. Gold Rush Games is looking for talented freelance artists for a fine of products coming out early this year. If you are looking for an opportunity to get your work published (not to mention to get paid for it), contact Gold Rush Games at P.O. Box 2531, Elk Grove CA 95759; or you can send e-mail to Who's New on AOL? There are several newcomers to the Game Company Support area on America Online. Some of the companies who recently opened folders on AOL (along with their representatives' names and screen names) include Decipher Games (Tom Braunlich; Lasker), Last Unicorn Games (Christian Moore; Monomyth), Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment (Corwin Carson and Charles Ryan; CEE Games), Goldtree Ent. (Luke Ahearn; Iron Mule), Flying Buffalo Inc. (Rick Loomis; FBINC), Board Enterprises (John Josten; Board Ent), Optimus Design Systems (Donald W. Stephanie II; Don S II), and Gold Rush Games (Mark Arsenault; TGC Editor). All of you gainers who are also AOL members, drop by and welcome these new companies to the AOL gaming community! Heromaker for Windows While a windows version of Hero Software's immensely useful Hero-Maker program (currently available in version) is under development, it won't be available for a while. According to Steve Peterson, "The Windows version is many months away; sometime next year [19951." For information about HeroMaker, contact Hero Software at P.O. Box 699, Aptos CA 95001 - 0699; or e-mail Steve himself at A Slow Chill Mayfair Games still owns the Chill RPG, but don't expect much support for it this year. "For the moment ... it's kind of in limbo," said MGI rep Doug Tabb. "We might do one product for it next year just to keep it moving. What we'd really like is to find someone who'd like to buy the line." Anyone with a few thousand bucks (or more) and a desire to purchase a game system, drop Doug a line and make him an offer! Thin Shadows Iron Crown Enterprises will be continuing to publish material in support of their Shadow World line this year, That's according to John Curtis, series editor. "There will be at least one Shadow World piece published this year." Dem Bones Observant fans of the Legendary Lives and Lost Souls role-playing games will be pleased to learn that their suspicions have been confirmed. The necromancer society in LL known as the Children of the Red Skull and the bone monks mentioned in Cemetery Plots are one and the same. "Richard Sanders, the author of Boneworld, has a thing for bones," said Kathi Williams of Marquee Press. "He was very intrigued by the Children of the Red Skull, so we broke our rule on crossovers and allowed him to incorporate the, red skull in the Afterlife as well as the world of LL." Just Another Hero Hero Games rep Steve Peterson says that the third edition of Fantasy Hero should be out in the latter half of this year. "it won't obviate the second edition." Much more time will be spent explaining how to create magic systems and magic, weapon maneuvers, describing campaigns in game terms, specific Disadvantages for fantasy, and so on. From the West End West End Games has recently licensed its first edition Torg line to another company. They will also be taking over responsibility for the InfiniVerse newsletter, according to Ed Stark. The Second Coming One of the new games coming out this year is Rapture: The Second Coming, by Quintessential Mercy Studios. R:TSC is set at the end of the world, and chronicles the adventures of characters attempting to survive in the face of the Biblical Armageddon. For more information contact Quintessential Mercy Studios at 1213 Old Loganville Road, Loganville GA 30249; or e-mail to Going Underground Atlas Games has no plans to publish additional material for the Underground RPG any time soon. "The one Underground thing we've published hasn't been doing very well in the stores," said Atlas rep Peter Hentges. "Therefore, we don't have any plans to put out other Underground stuff at this time. Sphinx Passage The Boston Globe reported not long ago that a group calling themselves the Diggers of the Underground Planet have been exploring "...the murky world of Moscow's ancient sewer system." One of the group's goals is reportedly to turn parts of the 620,000 miles of tunnels (sewer tunnels, mind you) into a tourist attraction. And they say capitalism doesn't work, Unfortunately, there are reportedly a host of strange indigenous life forms living in those tunnels, such as "mutant fish, white crocodiles, giant cockroaches and a mysterious, white floating blob-like insect that instantly kills anything that approaches it." Maybe the members of DotUP should Propose a Moscow Guidebook for Call of Cthulhu to the folks at Chaosium. Alderac Comics Yes, it's true. The Alderac Entertainment Group, SHADIS' parent publishing company, is expanding. A group of talented individuals has been brought together to work on several comic lines. Bright Future is being headed up by Edwin Millheim (BF creator and writer), Ray Lederer (pencils and layouts), Roland Paris (inks), Donna Millheim (line editor), and two new members; Lisa Herring (lettering) and Elizabeth Barnett (asst. writer and editor). Bright Future (the comic book) is expected to be released some time this year. Also expect to see Pod Blue (set in the far future when wars are fought beneath the seas with the aid of militant dolphins, killer whales and cyborg divers) and House Divided 2074. FASA Software? That's right! FASA has expanded, creating a new company called FASA Interactive Technologies. The new company will be developing computer games based on several of FASA's popular roleplaying games, including BattleTech, Shadowrun and Earthdawn. At least one well-known FASA personality will be moving over to work at the new company. Tom Dowd will be heading the software development department. Tanks A Lot West End Games announced the acquisition of yet another license for their MasterBook game system. Following close on the heels of the Necroscope license (announced at last years GenCon), WEG has recently acquired a license to produce material for Tank Girl, using the MasterBook system. Good timing, guys. It seems you'll have loads of free advertising from Hollywood this year. (See below'for details.) Hollywood News At last, the long-awaited news from Hollywood. I am continuously surprised by the comments from readers who say they love this Tinseltown news. In honor of those folks, and to whet everyone's appetite for video entertainment in the year to come, here is the mighty morphin' jam-packed Hollywood news (and there's a lot of it)! Sci-Fi Science fiction fans are in store for a treat this year with the upcoming release of Allen IV from 20th Century Fox. Despite killing Ripley in Allen 111, Fox reportedly wants to sign Sigourney Weaver to the film. No release date set. Also look for A.I., a new Stanley Kubrick film about an artificially intelligent computer, from Warner Bros. and Deep Impact, about an asteroid that collides with Earth, whose director seat is being eyed by Steven Spielberg. No release date. Ever heard of a smash shareware computer game that was made into a motion picture? Me either... until now. Watch for the release of Doom. No kidding. No release date, either. Oliver Stone is set to direct a remake of the classic Planet of the Apes. This is one film that I can't decide whether to get excited about or not. Stone is a good director in his own right, but tends to do nasty things to his lead characters. No release date. Species will come on the scene this summer. This film will star Ben Kingsley, Michael Madsen and Forest Whitaker, and will be directed by Ronald Donaldson. Distributed by MGM. Robert Heinlein will have another novel transformed into a silver screen production. Watch for Starship Troopers. This film is currently billed as a $60 million epic. Let's hope it doesn't turn out to be another Dune. Distributed by Tri-Star. No release date. [Hey! I liked Dune!! - Editor] Waterworld has faced several delays in its production, but should be released this year. It stars Kevin Costner, Jeanne Tripplehom, Tina Majorino and Dennis Hopper as the lead villain. Directed by Kevin Reynolds and distributed by Universal. It's being billed as a "Road Warrior beneath the sea." What would the film season be without a viral disaster movie? Watch for Dustin Hoffman and Morgan Freeman to star in Outbreak, about a deadly virus that escapes from its laboratory confines and causes generally unpleasant occurrences. No release date. Anime, Manga and Godzilla What's that? Godzilla? You betcha! That giant halitosis lizard is coming back again! The first American-made Godzilla movie is currently in pre-production at TriStar. Scheduled for a Memorial day, 1996, release, the film's $4 million director is said to be Jan Debont (Speed). Studio sources promise "globe-spanning action" and "the most incredible war ever seen on the big screen." The big green guy's film budget has been rumored to be $70 to $80 million. With today's technology that could translate into some pretty impressive special effects. Keep your fingers crossed. Manga fans will be excited to learn that Fist of the North Star is set to become a full--length film starring Gary Daniels, Costas Mandylor, Chris Penn, Melvin Van Peebles, Malcolm McDowell, Isako Washio and (argh) Downtown Julie Brown. Tony Randel (not of Odd Couple fame) is set to direct. No release date. 20th Century Fox throws its hat into the manga motion picture ring with its production of Gigantor, about a boy and his 50-foot, peace-loving robot, based on the popular '60s Japanese cartoon. (Anyone remember Johnny Sako and his Flying Robot?) No release date. Lest I forget that film I mentioned earlier regarding the new West End Games License... Tank Girl is scheduled for a spring '95 release. The film deals with the adventures of the U.K. comic-book cyberpunk heroine. Tank Girl stars Lori Pretty, Malcolm McDowell and Ice-T, and will be directed by Rachel Talalay. Heroes Assemble Superhero fans may finally get their fill, assuming that extensive delays don't continue to plague the following productions. This could be the year for superhero movies! The third Batman movie hits theaters this summer, with Val Kilmer in the title role. The film is titled Batman Forever, will also star Tommy Lee Jones, Jim Carrey and Nicole Kidman, with Joel Schumacher handling directing duties. The long-awaited Spider-Man movie, directed by James Cameron and distributed by Carolco, may finally see production, at least according to Cameron. The even longer-awaited X-Men film is set to be directed by Richard Donner. The movie is currently scheduled for a summer '95 release. Another comic character getting their own movie is The Phantom, to be directed by Joe Dante and distributed by Paramount. The film is based on the syndicated comic about "the ghost that walks." The Phantom will be scripted by Jeffrey Boam, with Billy Zane (Tombstone) in final negotiations for the title role. No release date set. Watch for the (tentative) summer release of Mortal Kombat set to star Christopher Lambert, Linden Ashby, Talisa Soto, Robin Shou, Cary-Hiroyuki and Kathleen McClellan. The film will be directed by Paul Anderson and distributed by New Line Cinema. No release date. After the scrapping of the previous film version (a blessing, I'm told), 20th Century Fox is going to begin production on a higher-budget version of The Fantastic Four, to be directed by Chris Columbus. No release date. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are coming back for a fourth movie. Don't laugh. I actually enjoyed the last one, The turtles reportedly receive a new look and attitude in this film. Lights, Action, Camera! Action movies are always a sure bet with audiences, especially in the summer time. This year is no different. Watch for Assassins, a Warner Bros, film about a hitman facing retirement, whose retirement plan consists of being iced! Sean Connery is said to be in negotiations for the deal. No release date. Decoy, directed by Victor Rambaldi, follows ex-CIA operatives who are hired to protect the daughter of a directing officer from a gang of high-tech mercenaries. Bruce Willis recreates his role as cop John McClane in Die Hard 3, as I reported last issue. The film co-stars Samuel L. Jackson, and Jeremy Irons (as the main bad guy). No release date. Val Kilmer can be seen in another film this year. Fair Games, directed by Joel Silver, stars Kilmer as a cop on the run from a squad of KGB hitmen. Fire Down Below is the latest action entry from Steven Seagal, produced by Jon Peters from a Jeb Stuart script. Distributed by Columbia. No release date. Goldeneye brings us back to James Bond, this time played by Pierce Brosnan. Goldeneye will be directed by Martin Campbell and distributed by MGM/US; this film is tentatively set for a November '95 release. Sean Connery never says never. He will star in an action-thriller film called Just Cause, co-starring Kate Capshaw and Laurence Fishburne. No release date. Want some nuclear action? You got it. Watch for Meltdown, starring Dolph Lundgren, about a group of terrorists with hot toys. The screenplay is written by John Carpenter, and the film will be directed by Brian De Palma. No release date. Under Siege was such a big hit that Warner Bros. decided to make a sequel. Imagine that. Under Siege II: Dark Territory stars Steven Seagal as the ex-SEAL cook with an attitude. It co-stars Morris Chestnut and Katherine Heigl, and will be directed by Geoff Murphy. Gary Bussey was reportedly canned at the insistence of Seagal. Bad blood, maybe? Cyber Action And last but not least, there are three movies that may appeal to cyberpunk genre fans. Johnny Mnemonic opens this month, starring Keanu Reaves, Dolph Lundgren and Henry Rollins. The film, directed by Robert Longo, is based on a William Gibson story. Don't cut your lawn! At least not until you've seen Laurnmower Man 2, starring Austin 0' Brien. Pierce Brosnan will be missing from this sequel (he's too busy strutting around saying "Bond, James Bond"). The film will be directed by Farhad Mann. Sylvester Stallone, Armand Assante, Diane Lane, Rob Schneider, Joan Chen, Max Von Sydow and Henry Rollins will be getting together for some near future action and excitement. Watch for them in the upcoming film version of the British cult classic comic, Judge Dredd, coming this summer from Warner Bros. Back to Shadis #17 Table of Contents Back to Shadis List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1995 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |