by John Zinser & Paul Satchell
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![]() Suit up boys and girls! We're entering the window - drop-time in ten minutes and counting!"
A simple drop and recovery mission. In and out. With a little luck there wouldn't even be any combat. That's how the optimistic boys at Mission Central had explained it. You knew better - you haven't made a jump yet that has gone by the numbers. Little matter - you're a freelancer - you get paid to do a job.
Still, there is something about this particular job that just doesn't set right with you. It is too simple - too clean.
Apparently, a couple of hired spies for Inner Sphere stumbled upon a case of security data-pacs with some very interesting information on them. They sold the data-pacs to House Kurita for a hefty sum. The data seemed to indicate that a BattleMech storage facility called Eagle Talon III on Irian, which had been assumed destroyed during a heavy-strike on the planet, was in fact sitting in tact. If this is true, then there are twenty- five fully operational Mechs sitting in Eagle Talon III in mothballs. What really has House Kurita interested in the facility is something the data-pacs claim is in the facility's computer banks: security flies which give the location of a dozen similar storage facilities hidden throughout Irian. House Kurita believes that Eagle Talon III is just the tip of the iceberg. The Mechs, not to mention the facility's files and equipment, would make a valuable addition to House Kurita's arsenal. So plans were drawn up tp go in and recover the Mechs and bring them back.
There is only one problem with the plan. Irian lay smack in the middle of the Free World League! The present truce, at best, is shaky. If you and your companions are caught, the results could be a nasty little war.
House Kurita has decided it's worth the risk. They figure it's better if they have the Mechs than anyone else. Besides, as unknown freelancers, if you are caught, it will be hard to point the finger back to House Kurita. Caught? You can't even entertain the possibility.
"Two minutes to drop, gentlemen! Let's do this by the numbers, Comprende?"
INTRODUCTION After our trip to the Virtual World Entertainment Center in San Diego and experiencing BattleTech first hand, we became fascinated with the giant Mechs. We've always wanted to play FASA's hit game which is based on battle technology of the future, but where to start? BattleTech is so well supported that the would-be player is sometimes a little overwhelmed. Perhaps the best option for a gamer in such a situation is to latch on to a group that plays BattleTech regularly. That way he/she can sea what's available and get some one-on-one instruction. Otherwise, the beginner would do well by purchasing the basic BattleTech boxed set. This product introduces a few of the basic Mechs and presents the core of the BattleTech miniature rules. It also includes a good introductory timeline and history of the BattleTech universe, The first supplement you might consider buying is Mechwarrior which provides the role-playing rules for the BattleTech universe. This should get you started and then you can expand your library as needed. The following adventure is set up to be enjoyed by all BattleTech players, but it is primarily designed as an introductory adventure. It serves as a perfect starting point for players just getting their feet wet. The adventure is for a group of two to six players who BattleMechs of their own or are looking to upgrade to more powerful versions. THE MISSION The party is hired by House Kurita for a clandestine mission to the planet Irian. Since the mission violates the terms of the fragile truce with the Free World League, House Kurita will flatly deny any knowledge of the party or their mission if it should fail, or if they are captured. The party is told to retrieve the security files from the computers in the hidden storage facility. They can then power-up any functional BattleMechs and make the 100 mile journey to the Retrieval Zone. As payment, each party member will be allowed to keep the Mech he has retrieved. The party is provided transportation on a ship which takes them to the Drop Sight and retrieves them from the Retrieval Zone at a specified time. If they are more than three hours late, the ship will depart without them. While the Drop Sight is immediately over the storage facility, the Retrieval Zone is nearly 100 miles north of the Drop Sight. This means the players will be working against time. THE ADVENTURE The Drop Sight. So far, so good. The party drops directly in front of a large cliff face. Before the cliff is a vast, flat plain which stretches for miles to some distant mountains. Set into the cliff face, just where the data-pacs said it would be, is a large set of metal bay doors. Eagle Talon III, The Mech Base. The Mech base at Eagle Talon III was part of a network of bases set up as a line of defense against anyone attacking Irian. From the hidden bases, BattleMech lances could emerge and outflank/ambush invaders. During the Succession Wars, the bases were supposedly targeted by aerial attacks and small espionage units. In the fog of war, the bases were all written off as destroyed, the papers were filed, and Irian was put out of mind. During the war, Engineers studied the layout of the hidden bases and decided it would be too costly to try and take them out with the use of BattleMechs. Instead, they decided to strike at the base's Achilles heel. It was noticed that the bases were designed to repel large Mech invasion. The bases were set up with a very effective Killing Zone. Any Mech attempting to approach the base would be obliterated in short turn. It was decided, therefore, to send in small, well equipped saboteur units. Such units were easily replaced and would be able to exploit the base's weaknesses. During the first attack on Irian, a tactical squad scaled the cliff and gained access to the air-filtration systems of the bases. Once these were breached, it was simply a matter of feeding poisoned gas into the air system. This killed the base garrisons, but left the base standing with its equipment in tact. After the operation, a Survey Unit was dispatched to map the location of the bases. The Operation Commander ordered the bases to be sealed. The plan was to retrieve the equipment at later time. For the moment, the front was rapidly pushing forward and the commander couldn't spare the time or manpower to mop up. As fate would have it, the Survey Ship was intercepted and destroyed before it could transmit its data. The tide of battle turned, and for a short time, Irian fell into enemy hands once again. When the War ended, both sides assumed the other side had either destroyed or cleared the storage facilities out. It wasn't until the data-pacs were found that the clerical error was discovered. Fly In the Ointment. Unfortunately, news of Eagle Talon III's existence was uncovered by a group of Mech pirates. (It seems the Inner Sphere spies sold the information to several interested parties.) Lord Francis Blood and his Mech pirates have already moved into the facility and have negotiated a deal with a group of black marketers to trade the Mechs stored at the facility for a new drop ship. When the party arrives, Lord Blood will be in the process of making the first shipment of Mechs. He has already departed and has left a token crew to watch over the base until his return. The pirates have reactivated the facility's computers and security systems. Any Mechs approaching the facility will trigger an alarm and warn the pirates of their approach. During the course of the adventure, the party will run into standard pirates who are in the base. Unless otherwise noted, they have stats as follows: Standard Pirate. Attributes: BLD 5 (7+), REF 5 (7+), LRN 3 (9+), CHA 3 (9+); Characteristics: Athletics 8+, Physical 8+, Mental 10+, Social 10+; Skills: Blade 2 (6+), Drive 2 (6+), Small Arms 3 (5+), Unarmed Combat 3 (5+); Equipment: armored vest, pulse laser pistol (Range: 1-2/3-4/5-8, Damage: 3d6) The Mech base has been abandoned for many years and Blood's men have made no attempt to clean things up. The interior of the facility is covered with a thick layer of dust and grime. Pirates of Eagle Talon III, Part 2 Back to Table of Contents -- SHADIS Issue No. #12 Volume II Number 6 Back to SHADIS List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1993 by Alderac Group This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |