by Mark Arsenault
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Welcome to my second Bits n' Pieces column. Things are moving right along in the industry and I have a lot to talk about, so let's get to it.
Staff Members
Lloyd Blankenship has left the employ of Steve Jackson Games, Inc., where he served as Managing Editor. Lloyd's duties will be assumed by Steve Jackson himself.
"I'm going to seized this opportunity to go back to school full-time, finish my degree and look into post-graduate work," Blankenship said, "while remaining in the industry as a freelancer."
Peter Hentges joins the America Online gaming collective as Atlas Games' new online representative. Peter also is working on two relatively new gaming 'zines (more on them later). Peter can be reached via e-mail at
Matt Anacleto has stepped down as Art Director for R. Talsorian Games. According to an unidentified RTG rep, "(Matt) has decided to give up his drive for self-destruction and limit himself to one full-time job. He has moved on and we wish him the best of luck." Picking up the reins will be Mark Schumann, formerly of Adobe.
BattleTech developer Scott Jenkins left FASA Corporation not long ago (back in January). Brian Nystul, from Mayfair Games, is said to be continuing work on the line.
Jonathan Tweet will be joining the ranks of Wizards of the Coast in late May. He assures us that he will continue to have his hands in Over The Edge, as well as doing freelance work.
Brass Ring productions (producers of SHADIS' own Bright Future comic) has recently signed on a new artist by the name of Jason Smith. According to BRP, Jason may be handling a full-blown Bright Future comic. Brass Ring hopes to have the comic ready for GENCON.
Ars Purchasa
It seems that a deal is being worked between Wizards of the Coast and White Wolf Game Studio for the Pacific Coast game publishers to buy Ars Magica. No details at the time of this writing, but apparently WotC will obtain full rights to the game, with the exception of certain concepts of the "world of darkness," which runs through the Storyteller series of games. Jonathan Tweet and Lisa Stevens, who have both been involved with the game in the past, will once again be working with the system, but this time as Wotc employees.
Street Fighting
White Wolf Game Studio has recently announced that they acquired a license from Capcom to produce a new role-playing game - Street Fighter II RPG! The game will feature character creation and combat systems which will simulate the fast-paced action of the video game, according to WW, and will be focused on a younger audience.
The game will use a simplified version of the Storyteller system (with dl0s, etc.), but will be supplemented with game cards. This is not a Storyteller series game and it will not exist in WW's World of darkness.
The Street-Fighter II RPG will be in play-testing soon. The finished book will feature full-color pages with an estimated total price of $20-25.
Rapport No More
Crunchy Frog Ent. is pulling the plug on its Rapport Games division. "We have decided after nine months... that it is time for it to end," mid CFE President Paul Lidbevg. I am assured by Paid, however, that Attack of the Humans will continue as a Crunchy Frog tide and Morpheus may be taken over by his Nightshift Division.
Going Fast
FASA reports that their book, Elven Fire, which was previously reported as out of print, is again available in limited quantities. It seems some copies turned up during FASA's most recent inventory.
Gone, But Not Forgotten
The Last Province, is no more. The word from Scotland is that they will no longer be publishing the magazine. Alas, another fine gaming mag leaves us. Some copies of The Last Province may be available in stores. Collectors should buy them while they still can.
According to GDW, their Dark Conspiracy RPG core rulebook is now out of print. Further, GDW has no plans to release new support material for Dark Conspiracy in the near future. GDW does plan to do "something special with the game" down the road.
Better Late Than Never
FASA reports that the release date for CityTech 2nd Edition has been pushed back a few months due to delays in producing the plastic Mech figures that will be included in the boxed set. Look for CT2 in late April.
Special Editions
Wizard's Attic, a retailer of limited edition books and a new Chaosium affiliate, has obtained the exclusive rights to a special Limited Edition Call of Cthulhu hardback. The interior is said to be different than the softcover, and it sells for $30. Also available is a Miskatonic Univ. sweatshirt ($30) and Dark Themes From Beyond, a role-player's music collection on compact disc ($20). Contact Wizard's Attic at PO Box 718, Hayward CA 94543-0718.
New License News
Certainly to be of interest to any fans of Magic: The Gathering, our polyhedral ninja spies tell us that Ragnarok Games has entered into a licensing agreement with Wizards of the Coast to produce a M:TG supplement based on Ragnarok's Ysgarth world background. There will be over 300 cards in the set, which can be played independently or with the standard M:TG set. Expect a fall release.
Tri Tac Systems has licensed its Bureau 13 RPG to Microprose for an IBM interactive CRPG (computer role-playing game). Look for a demo of the game at midwestern sci-fi and gaming conventions.
In addition, Tri Tac Systems has licensed Outpost Games in Atlanta to produce a ninety-two page adventure book entitled Screams in the Night.
License Updates
Word from Leading Edge Game is that their Predator 2 project is no more, having died a long time ago because of licensing problems.
Meanwhile, my unnamed inside source at Atlas Games has told me that their first licensed Champions adventure will be entitled Dystopia. The forty-eight page project is being written by Chris Avellone, with Doug Shuler doing the cover.
"It concerns a prison for super-villains," said our source, "and thus brings back some villains from previous Champians adventures."
Same Bat Channel...
As you faithful readers know, last Issue we reported that a bat - affectionately named "Edgar" by the staff - was discovered living in the Pagan Publishing headquarters. Well, all is not as it seems, friends.
"I have discovered that John Tynes is, in fact, Edgar the "friendly" bat," said Dennis Detwiler in a recent online confessions. "Jeez, I figured if Tynes ever turned into anything it would be like a Byakhee or something."
Several new gaming 'zines have come to my attention as of late, so I thought I would let you in on the news.
Redcap: News From the Order of Hermes is a relatively new 'zine for Ars Magica fans. Redcap is edited and published by none other than Peter Hentges (I told you I'd get back to you about him). For those without conjuring spells handy, a sample copy can be had for $5 ($8 for foreign addresses). Subscriptions are $15 ($20 foreign). Peter asks that all payments be in U.S. funds. You can write to Redcap at 1055 Southeast 26th Avenue, Minneapolis MN 55414- 2641.
Another fairly new 'zine is Edgework, a quarterly 'zine dedicated to Atlas Games Over The Edge RPG. Coincidentally, Edgework will be a joint effort between Atlas Games and Peter Hentges. Copies will be available in stores, beginning In July, at a $5.95 cover price, but yearly subscriptions are available direct from Atlas Games for $20.
"Edgework is going to be really groovy," said Atlas Games President John Nephew, "Everyone but squids will buy it! Help yourself to more Glaenfiddich. On me." For more info write to Edgework c/o Atlas Games, PO Box 406, Northfield MN 55057.
Another magazine new to the fold is Codex. Codex is a new quarterly gaming magazine for RuneQuest and Glorantha fans published by Mike Dawson. Single issues will be $4.50, postage paid. Submissions are welcomed. For subscription and other info, write to: Codex, PO Box 9286- 0286, Richmond VA 23227. You can also contact Mike via the Internet at
In the last issue, I neglected to mention an interesting publication I had received - Cons Unlimited. It's a newspaper-style publication published quarterly by Andon Unlimited, the folks who bring you Origins. It is a free - yes, free - publication and the publisher will send copies to distribute to your con. All you have to do is write and request them. Cons Unlimited is dedicated to info about conventions, with articles, con reviews, classifieds and so on. You can contact them at: PO Box 142, Kent OH 44240; or call (216) 673-1887.
The Role-Player's Notebook is a new general RPG fanzine published by Jason Anthony Guy. RPN will be published bimonthly at a subscription price of $12 per year. You can obtain a sample copy for only $2. Write to: 68 Van Reypen Street #309, Jersey City NJ 07306. AOL members can contact Jason at SABLE69; Internet users at
Saive Europe!
Lou Prosperi broke down under interrogation by our own mascot, Shad, and admitted that Barsaive is, in fact, eastern Europe. He went on to acknowledge that the Death's Sea is the Black Sea and that the Aras Sea is the Caspian Sea. Before Shad could return him to his cell, however, Lou told us that Thera is truly in the Mediterranean.
We were confident that he had told us everything, but were proven wrong as he continued to spill his guts on the way to the dungeon. He told us that the distance from Parlainth to Thera is roughly a radius of the Theran Empire (which we take to mean that it is big). By this time Shad was thoroughly tired of Lou's ramblings, so he released the game designer to wander back to his den at FASA.
Shad has been thoroughly scolded for his actions. Indeed, I never got to ask Lou why there are no artifacts from the 4th World!
Rumor Control: New Games
Keep your eye open for a new game from West End Games due this summer called BloodShadows.
"BloodShadows is a sort of pulp fantasy," said WEG rep Ed Stark, "but not a fantasy like you've seen a lot of before. Magic replaces tech and tech replaces magic, where appropriate. Characters can be just about any sapient species. Even the undead aren't verboten."
The BloodShadows game system will be similar to that of Torg, West End's multi-genre RPG, and it draws some inspiration from the film, Cast a Deadly Spell.
West End Games has also reportedly received an exclusive license from Lucas Films to produce a brand new Indiana Jones RPG. The game system will be the same system used in BloodShadows Both games will be unveiled at this year's GENCON.
After the release of their new Lost Souls sourcebook, Cemetery Plots, the Marquee Press staff will be hard at work on a new role-playing game called Khaotic! According to an insider at Marquee Press, "Khaotic! is dark, dangerous and deviant - what every role-player is looking for! Like Lost Souls, it is truly unique and will be the first of its kind when it hits the shelves."
Ragnarok Games has two new card games coming out this spring. One, tentatively titled B-Movie Mayhem, is the new edition of Suburban Slasher. The other is a new Arthurian card game called Quest for the Grail.
Rumor Control: Old Games
Steve Peterson of Hero Games has informed me that the Champions computer game is still under development, and that they will not issue a release date until it (the release date) is only a few weeks away. Keep holding your breath, folks.
It seems that Mayfair Games Inc. has decided to stop supporting Chill, MGI's horror RPG. While Mayfair will retain rights to the game, don't look for any new sourcebooks or adventures.
As if that weren't enough from the rumor front, I have learned from a reasonably reliable source that Hot Tub Dragon is getting ready to release a new edition of its comedy/science/fantasy RPG, Gatecrasher.
Miscellaneous Rumors
Speaking of GURPS (was I?), I hear that veteran GURPS writer, C. J. Carella, will be writing a new campaign book set in a dark, magic world where voodoo spirits exist and influence worldly affairs.
There is a rumor of a potential deal in the works between Games Workshop and Atlas Games, involving Warhammer Fantasy Role-playing Game. Our sources also say that Ken Rolston is involved. The entire matter is tentative, however. More details as they are revealed.
There is a sequel to Mekton: Operation Rimfire in the works at R. Talsorian Games, as wall as a new edition of the Mekton rules.
A new product from Mayfair Games called Iron Dragon is in the play-test stage. More information on this item as it's available.
Hollywood Connection
The third Batman film is said to be produced by Tim Burton and directed by Joel Schumaker (The Lost Boys, Falling Down). The role of the Riddler is said to be played by Robin Williams, who will reportedly receive a $12 million salary! Maybe he won't need to dress up as an old woman for money anymore.
SHADIS Goes Hungarian
SHADIS has worked out an article exchange deal with Bíborhold, a Hungarian fantasy and RPG magazine published by Odin Bt.
Bíborhold editor, Nadori Gérgély recently contacted SHADIS about translating numerous articles from SHADIS into Hungarian. In exchange, SHADIS will be allowed to reprint several articles translated from Hungarian that appeared in Bíborhold. This friendly exchange will allow SHADIS to present a side of the role-playing community that American readers have rarely had the privilege to encounter. We will have more information on this exchange in the next issue.
Alderac Entertainment Group Announces New Publication
Fans of the Alderac Anthology series were disappointed to learn that the fiction was dropped from SHADIS in favor of expanding game coverage. At the time, we promised that a sister publication would pick up the series and would be devoted entirely to the Anthology and related articles.
The Alderac Anthology(tm) will be a quarterly magazine, with a full-color cover and will hit the stands May 1, 1994. Brass Ring is producing a mini-comic series that will run along side the fiction. Once again, Scav Sagenthor, Graytar and the rest of your favorite characters will return. Besides a tentative comic book by Brass Ring, AEG is also negotiating with Goldtree Enterprises on a licensed Alderac product which would be designed under Goldtree's revolutionary Kingspoint(tm) system.
Waste 'em With My Crossbow
Go figure! With all the hard work we put into each issue of SHADIS what are our readers telling us? "Send more Knights of the Dinner Table!"
Apparently, the comic strip has struck a cord with gamers. Creator Jolly R. Blackburn has found the whole thing very amusing. "In the early days," explains Jolly, "I just knew I wanted a comic strip in the back of SHADIS. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anyone to shoulder the task. As a last resort I sat down and draw up these obnoxious characters based an one of the first gaming groups I was involved with. Knights was never supposed to survive. I kept killing it and the letters of protest would pour in, so I would reluctantly do 'one more' strip."
In response to reader demand, Alderac Entertainment Group is proud to announce that Knights of the Dinner Table: Not Ready For Syndication will be released in May. The new release is scheduled to be a thirty-two page comic book which will trace the history of the group. This is not just a collection of the published strip - the bulk of the book will be new adventures. There are rumors that the group will even leave the dinner table for outings to the local game store, live action role- playing, and even an overland adventure to GaryCon.
There will be a limited press run of 3,000 Issues, so this book is destined to be a collectors item. Advanced orders will be taken in April.
A Vampire Slayer's Dream Come True
An unidentified telephone bidder paid $12,000 to Sotheby's auction house in New York City for an authentic vampire killing kit, the perfect gift for the vampire slayer in your life.
The kit, constructed about 150 years ago, includes a 32" long mahogany case that holds an ivory-mounted crucifix with a concealed pistol, a bottle of garlic powder, a telescope designed to detect airborne vampires, a Bible, a wooden stake, a mallet, and a mold to make your own silver bullets.
Exit, Stage Left
Pierre Boulle, french author of the best selling novels Bridge Over River Kwai and Planet of the Apes, passed away February 2, 1994. Mr. Boulle, who died in Paris at the age of 81, led a very colorful life. Among other things, Boulle was a French Resistance fighter, a secret agent, and a soldier who fought in Burma, China during World War II where he was captured by the Japanese. He later escaped and returned to France until the end of the war.
A Hero Passes
Jack Kirby passed away February 6, 1994, at the age of 76 in Thousand Oaks, California. The pioneer of comic book superheros helped recreate comic book for a new generation of readers.
Kirby, who helped create such comic book classics as X-men, Silver Surfer, Fantastic Four and The Incredible Hulk, died at his home of heart failure.
Kirby was one of the artists credited with reinventing superheros during the late 1950s and 1960s, by portraying them with human characteristics.
Also under Kirby's influence, traditionally hurt storylines developed into the issue-length format of the contemporary comic book.
Magic: The Gathering(tm) Card Tampering Reported
Apparently WotC is investigating Magic: The Gathering card tampering. What are supposed to be unopened decks of MTG cards are arriving at distributors having obviously been tampered with. It has been found that numerous decks have been opened, the rare cards removed, and the decks re-shrinkwrapped and shipped to the distributors. It is a mystery where the tampering is taking place, but it appears to be somewhere between departure from the factory, and arrival at the distributors. WotC is aggressively addressing the problem, going as far as having the shrinkwrap analyzed for any clues that would lead to the perpetrators. They are also working with the printers to develop a method of shrinkwrapping the decks so that tempering will be readily detected.
WotC is working hard to eradicate the problem and it should be noted that blame is not being pointed at local game store owners or their distributors. If anyone has information regarding this matter they should contact Peter Adkison at WotC (206) 624-0933.
Late Breaking News
Black Dragon Press has announced that they have set up a BBS supporting their products. The number is (303) 988-1265. They have also released a newsletter which supports their role-playing game, Darkurthe Legends. The newsletter presents new spells and monsters, as well as a Q&A section. You can get your hands on a copy for $2.00.
While we are on the subject, BPD has moved their offices. Their new address is Black Dragon Press, PO Box 362, Logan UT 84323-0362.