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The Gameweaver rapped his fingers lightly on the desk as
he read the last of the file which lay scattered before him. He looked up, slightly annoyed, as his attention was drawn to a noise from across the room. Shad, his gnome assistant was entering the room. The gnome mopped his brow on the sleeve of his shirt as he shut the door.
"I can't find the Bounty Hunter anywhere boss! I've been to all his favorite haunts and no one has seen him. Two weeks and not a word! If he doesn't hurry we won't have any game celebs to interrogate this issue."
The Gameweaver smiled and leaned back in his chair. "I wouldn't worry about that Shad. The Bounty Hunter is the master of his profession. He'll track someone down soon enough. As it turns out, however, I think we might have some subject material right here under our very noses. "
"Oh yeah?" exclaimed Shad, "I knew it! My drop-trap in the wine cellar finally caught Gary Gygax!! Boy, I can't wait to take a crack at him. I'll go set up the rack while you..."
"No, no you fool." The Gameweaver slapped his forehead in frustration. "I'm talking about these baffoons we're working for. I've been going over their files and they're really sketchy and vauge. I'm starting to wonder just who we're working for here. It's time we cleaned our own house a little and get these company records filled out properly. Don't you agree?"
"Saaavvy, that's a good idea. Let's throw them in the dungeon like we did that Dave Newton guy. He was ready to sing after a few days without food!"
"No, regardless of how we feel about these people - they do serve a purpose, for the time being. We need to handle this in such a way as to not prevent them from doing their jobs. Let's restrain from excessive force unless it's absolutely warranted."
"Awwwhhhh, boss."
"Now let's start with this B.A. character. He's always gone against my grain."
"Yeah, B.A.! Let's start with him!"
Subject: B.A, Felton GW: Morning B.A. Just relax, I've called you down to the interrogation chamber to get to know you a little better. We've been so busy lately and all.
B.A.: Oh, just cut the crap old man. I didn't appreciate waking up in a gunny sack and being rolled down the stairs. What's this all about.
GW: I'm sorry - Shad does get a little overly enthused with these matters. I'm sure he simply misunderstood my request. I simply asked him to send for you. I'm very sorry.
B.A.: Yeah...well...OK, but lets make this quick, I have to catch a plane to Juarez, Mexico in forty-five minutes.
GW: Juarez? Why on earth are you heading there?
B.A.:Hey there's some pretty hot gaming action in Juarez. I gotta keep a finger on the pulse-beat of the industry ya know. It's part of my job.
GW: Just a few questions really Mr. Felton. I've been going over the files here and there's really nothing here. A few contracts for the Fire Ball Simulator, a patent-denied form for a 2-sided die. But, no personal information.
B.A.:What do you want to know?
Shad: Did you really cause a power outage at Lake Geneva last year?
GW: SHAD! What did we agree to?
Shad: Uh, you ask the questions?
GW: Right! Now B.A., tell us a little about your background and how you came to be on the SHADIS staff.
B.A.:Well, I was born and raised in Wampecong, Indiana. My dad was an entrepreneur in the Meat Industry ,
GW: Meat Industry? Can you be more specific?
B.A.:He raised livestock which in turn was traded on the open market at a fair...
GW: Livestock? Please, more specifics?
B.A.:He was a PIG FARMER alright? Alright? Are you happy now?
GW: Touchy aren't we? Well I don't really want to go that far back anyway. Just tell me how you got involved with Shadis.
B.A.:Oh, wall I met Jolly at Ball State University. We used to sit in trees and do bird calls, but that's another story. I was walking by his room one day in the dorm and he had one complete wall covered with paper and he was working on this huge map of a world. We got to talking and I learned that he had been working on this world for several years as a back drop to his fantasy stories. Well as time passed we started gaming and Jolly naturally incorporated his fantasy-world into our role-playing campaigns. The rest is history.
Shad: Hey, why did you give up pig forming for gaming? Ha Ha - oink oink
B.A.:Yeah, real Scab. Any more questions? I'm in a hurry.
GW: Just a few more. I want to return to your duties on SHADIS. You seem to travel a lot - why?
B.A.:I do the convention circuit mostly. Kind of a front man. I get out there and see what's going on and report back to the staff.
GW: Oh yes, I'm glad you brought up the conventions. You have made quite a name for yourself at these conventions.
B.A.: What are you talking about?
GW: Lets see, I have some newspaper clippings right here. What about the Aleutian Island convention?
B.A.: Hey, that fire wasn't my fault!
GW: And how about the riot you caused in Madagascar over that ten-sided die?
B.A.: The jerk was going to walk away with my lucky die!
Shad: I heard you scaled the TSR castle at GENCON in a dress!
B.A.:There's no proof of that! Those guys at the Mecca Center blew that all out of proportion.
GW: I think I've heard enough B.A. You can go.
B.A.: Yeah, well thanks for nothing.
Subject: Dave Seay GW: Ah, Mr. Seay. I see that you got my message. Very nice of you to join in for a chat.
Dave: Sure thing G W. always happy to help.
GW: I just want to update these files. You understand. Let's see, you're a police officer right?
Dave: Yeah. I grew up chasing orcs and when I found out they really existed under the bridges of LA. I immediately signed up on the force.
GW: That So? I guess that would mean you have a background in gaming,
Shad: Hey, I get it! Office Yes! It's language joke. Officer Si, Officer Yes. That's cool. Hey Dave, can you sign off this speeding ticket? I think the cop had something against gnomes.
Dave: Cop? You mean officer don't you??
Shad: Oh sorry, Yeah, officer that's what I meant.
GW: Shad Please! My time with Officer Seay is limited. Dave you were about to tell me of your gaming background.
Dave: It's nothing too spectacular. I've been gaming since I was 14. I know something good when I see it. When I saw Shadis Magazine and found out there was a partner opening I jumped on it.
GW: So you're a writer?
Dave: Yeah, I'm a writer but you may not see my by-line in Shadis very often. I make sure it gets produced and delivered and that in itself is a full time job. Anyway, I do enough writing at my other job.
Shad: Wow, that must be exciting! Can I see your gun? Is that a laser sight?
GW: Shad that's not a toy! Ahhhh, production. I guess we have you to thank for our jobs.
Dave: Sorry, Shad it's loaded. Well, GW, I think Jolly, John and myself work well together. It's a team effort. We don't step on each other's toes and we each have our own unique talents and skills to lend to the magazine.
GW: What about B.A.?
Dave: Oh, he came along with Jolly. The guy's a genius but is definitely lacking common sense. I'm locked people up for less than he's done at the office.
Shad: I'll go get the other one off the phone boss. Dave I left that ticket on your desk. Nudge Nudge wink wink. If ya know what I mean?
GW: Goodbye, Shad.
Dave: Anything else GW? I have a lot of work to do.
GW: Well, I have been meaning to ask you about that brief case you carry around.
Dave: Ahhhh, this is a magical brief case. I never go anywhere without it.
GW: Magical you say? Really? Oh, you must tell me more.
Dave: Oh yes, Came Weaver, this little leather case has changed countless lives.
GW: In what way?
Dave: Gaming of course. This is the brief case that started it all. It's a case of holding. If you dig deep enough you will find an original B-1 AD&D Module and an original DM's Guide reinforced with duct-tape. Oh and the smell! Here take a wiff GW. Doesn't it just make you think about setting up the game screens on a Saturday afternoon.
GW: By the gods it does. I like you Mr. Seay. Keep up the good work.
Dave: Thanks. You twant John next?
GW: Yeah why?
Dave: Watch out for him he might try to sell you something. He sold me a house once.
GW: Really? Good deal huh?
Dave: Not really, it turned out to be the Governor of Iowa's house. I'm still in litigation on that one.
GW: Thanks for the warning.