Publications of Interest

Ancients Gamers

By Terry L. Gore

Historical Gamer: (Number 11 / June, 1992) Of interest to SAGA readers in this issue is a primer on tactics for DBA - focusing on seven "classical maneuvers," and how to play them in DBA. Diagrams are included to illustrate each of the maneuvers covered. Also thrown in are some hints on playing DBA solo. DBA players will find this of interest - and many other periods are also covered as well. [Available from your local hobby shop or direct from Historical Ger. Magazine, 1863 S. Limestone, Lexington, KY 40503]

Spearpoint: (May, 1992) The latest SP contains yet more election material - preliminary results for president and VP. Also included is a letter from Phil Barker on DBM, DBA and a British TV series on ancient India, a recap of where the membership resides, and a defense of "Ancient Empires" by author Greg Pitts. Add on a figure review, an interesting critique of the concept of army lists by Paul Szuscikiewicz, editor of Slingshot, some helpful hints for begineers and an article on combat in Tactica, and you see emerging in this last issue of the "Kasper era" a commendable multiculturalism. SP is a great value for anyone interested in our period (just ask our [modest] editor).

Practical Wargamer: (July/August, 1992) A WW2 special issue, of interest is a nice primer on a Roman Civil War campaign, with special rules suggestions. Included is a nice area move map sketch of the empire. Some interesting ideas on the effects of senators, omens, oratory and economics. Most of the other material focuses on WW2.

Military Illustrated: (Nos. 47-50) Issues #47, 49 and 50 each contain another installment of the series on the Roman legio XIIII Gemina Martia Victrix. Covered are helmets and armor (47), weapons & shields (49), and clothing and footwear (50). The series is based on the experiences of a re-enactment group based on this formation, which was stationed in Mainz, Germany, during the Chatti War. Each article is accompanied by four color photographs showing members of the unit wearing authentic recreations of legionary gear. The series should be of interest to anyone studying the Early Imperial Roman army. Number 47 also includes a piece on reconstructing medieval siege equipment.

Slingshot: (Issue Nos. 162-163) The fourth and fifth issues of 1992, both contain several interesting pieces. Issue 1162 contains a great article by Anders Faqer of Sweden describing possible realistic tactics useable by real ancient armies, another look at Arrian, a good scenario pitting a Seleucid king against rebel forces in 220BC entitled "Silken Girls Bringing Sherbet (after T.S. Elliot). Other stuff includes a review of the boardgame "Alexandros" from "Command" magazine, a report on the Society's 6th Annual Conference, and the usual (and interesting) comments and letters.

Issue 163 contains more of the same, including some interesting discussion on army lists, in particular I enjoyed Chris Kinnear's commentary on historical Assyrian armies and the lists. Michael Anastasiadis contributes a nice piece on the equipment of Carolingian soldiery, and Richard BodleyScott previews the forthcoming De Bellis Nultitudinorum rules from WRG (DBA for big battles) with a call for army lists for inclusion in the rulebook. The DBM classification system is presented (it looks very interesting to me), as well as a point schedule and a sample list (133. Comnenan Byzantine). If you are really interested in reflecting ancient history in your gaming, the thought provoking material in Slingshot is a must. [Slingshot is available by joining the Society of Ancients, C/o Bill Thurlow, 15 Longfleet Rd, Poole, DORSET, BH15 2HN, Great Britain]

The Courier: (Issue #57) The latest issue contains two articles on our period. John Boehm's "The Battle of Raphia 217BC" describes the background and course of the battle, along with an order of battle for both sides and a diagram of the historical deployment. Bob Beattie contributes a short piece describing how he runs a "duplicate" DBA tournament. Basically Bob has players use historical opponents and play both sides in two matchups in a four round event. I have seen Bob run duplicate tournies, and the participants all seem to have a great time. [The Courier is available from the Courier Publishing Company, Box 1878, Brockton, MA 02403]

MWAN: (November/December 1992) Beside the normal fare that NWAN is famous for, the enthusiastic ramblings of fellow hobbyists, this issue contains a very nice review of the "Medieval Tactical' rules written by Russ Lockwood. Russ played in an Agincourt game put on by Artie Conliffe, the rules' author, at Historicon this year. He does a nice job of describing the game mechanics while relating the course of this battle. [MWAN is available from Hal Thinglum, 22554 Pleasant Dr, Richton Park, IL 60471, for $20 per year (six issues)]

Command: (January-February, 1992) "Command" is a slick, glossy military history publication primarily oriented toward boardgamers. Most issues contain a boardgame, though this one does not. It does, however, contain several articles of interest to ancients gamers, and some very nice multicolor graphics to accompany them. "Teutoburgerwald: the Battale that Saved English" by David Meyler postulates that had the Romans completed the conquest of Germany, Shakespeare would have written in French. The article describes the background, the campaign, and finally the battle itself with some very nice graphics. "The Successors 323-301BC" by Mike Markowitz gives a very good general overview of the breakup of the empire of Alexander the Great and the art of warfare among the Hellenistic kingdoms that followed. Of note are some very nice full color strategic and tactical maps of campaigns of the era. Finally, Markowitz also authors a piece on Xenephon and the march of the ten thousand. All together a very nice package, with lots of interesting material. Those not into boardgaminq may want to pick the occaisional issue up from their local hobby shop (this one was $ 3.95). Available from "Command" Magazine, PO Box 4017, San Luis Opispo, CA 93403 - 6 issues/yr for $ 17.95.

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