WRG 7th Sicilian Hohenstauffen

Suggested Armies

by Terry Gore

This army (WRG Book III, NASAMW revision 135a.) is arguably one of the best tournament contenders in use today. The combination of loose and open-order archers, light cavalry horse archers, close order axe and spearmen as well as wedging knights has enough versatility to allow the commander to face not only contemporary Book III opponents, but pike and elephant adversaries as well. Even a novice WRG gamer can do well with this army. Since a large part of it can be upgraded to Regular status, the resulting maneuverability means they are easier to get out of trouble than Irregulars ... an important consideration for beginners. Even Dave Armer won using these troops!

If that's not a tribute to the army, nothing is. As the NASAMW list reflects the period more accurately (by breaking down the Barker WRG list into a Siculo-Norman List 135 and a separate Hohenstauffen list 135a.) I've opted to use that one in constructing my tournament army.

Historically, I prefer the Early (E) Hohenstauffen army (1194-1208) which encompasses the reign of Henry VI and the very young Frederick II. The German knights at this point in time were still enthusiastic (i.e. they can all be Irr. B), and were maintained as both HK as well as the better armored EHK. I prefer to mix the knights: 1/2 EHK in front, the rest HK in the rear. Although you are limited to only 30 wedging German knights, reflecting the lack of Imperial support thanks to the continuous feudal antagonisms on the part of the German nobility, these troops are an excellent buy. Required numbers are only 12, so if facing a Khmer or Seleucid army, you aren't necessarily stuck with dozens of vulnekable armored cavalry.

In situations where you face a contemporary or near contemporary opponent, you may wish to use the sergeants - up to one per every three knights. The only economical way to use them is in a mixed unit. Since units containing German knights may fight in wedge, use three HK to lead your sergeants, in a mixed group of either 6 or 12 figures. I do not recommend this option unless facing foot or other knight armies.

Okay, so we have our German knights, Irr B (don't upgrade to Reg C; the advantage of maneuverability is outweighed by the disadvantage of average morale and the inability to charge impetuously - a situation which renders even SHK mediocre at best in combat). Again, I wouldn't bother upgrading all of the knights to EHK, it's very expensive. Go with 1/2 and 1/2, perhaps allowing your CiC the luxury of an all EHK bodyguard. I like to use three generals - historically most armies had three battle or divisions - and it's easier to change orders, prompt units and rally wavering troops. Altogether, you will have six units of knights. Three of them will be with your generals, two more will consist of EHK/HK and the last will be a mixed HK/Sergeant unit.

Along with our German knights comes a unit or two of German foot. I take the maximum number of close order Germans: 36. Since the Germans carried a variety of weapons, form them up with the center consisting of axemen backed with JLS armed, and the flanks made up of long spearmen (LTS/Sh). All the front rank figures should be upgraded to HI, while the rear remain MI. If you have enough points, you might want to buy the Germans in two groups of 16. Along with the close order Germans are their 18 archers. They are best utilized as LI, the first two ranks have CB, the rear rank Bow. This unique combination allows the German archers to fire with all three ranks, delivering a lot of firepower on a small frontage.

The Germans are most useful when force-marched to a hill. In this position, they are a strong forward base which screens your knights while providing a pivot to form on either attack or delay the enemy. The firepower and rough terrain troops for the Hohenstauffen armies were provided by the thousands of loyal Muslim fighters who fought throughout the early 13th century for the German Emperor. Upon completion of his 'Saracen Wars' in Sicily, Frederick II took large numbers of Muslim prisoners to Italy, establishing them in a colony there which infuriated the Lombard and Papal authorities. His policy not only removed the rebellious Muslims from Sicily, but at the same time ensured the loyalty of these former enemies. Alone, in the midst of a hostile land, they had to look to the Emperor for their continued existence. As Frederick allowed them to keep their religious and social customs, they were soon acclimated to their new homes.

The Muslim troops should all be upgraded to Regular C status. The 'D' situation for loose and open order troops is not worth bothering with. Not only are they required to take a waver test when attempting to charge, they count only minuses when fighting and fail their waver tests 50% of the time, at best! Regulars not only have superior maneuverability - important for LC/LI/LMI, but also the LMI archers are very effective, with concentrated fire on a narrower front than Irregulars. They also make their Counters on a roll of 3 or better. No contest.

Buy the maximum number of Muslim foot allowed; 72 archers and 36 javelin/axemen. I especially like the fact that the Muslim bowmen can have their front rank shielded. Though the LI have the same option, I usually don't bother with them. Allowing the LMI archers to have shields gives you the latitude to not fire and hold up shields or to have a chance in a melee situation (remember, you get to fire ALL of the archers at the charging unit before it hits you!). They are deadly to charging cavalry - provided they are not left unsupported, out in the open field and don't pass their waver test. I use two units of 16 LI archers, a unit of 16 and a unit of 24 LMI 1/2 shielded archers.

The Muslim loose order fighters are also bought in two units of 16. I like one unit of 1/2 LHI 2HCW/Sh and the rest LMI JLS/Sh. These troops are tough. They fight well against both cavalry and foot and can hold steep hills and woods. The other unit is bought as LMI with JLS/Sh. They can skirmish and are useful against elephants, enemy LI and enemy close order foot who can't catch them when they are in skirmish order. Again, they are at home in woods, swamps, etc. They are also good ambushers. The Muslims provide a quick moving reserve, if left free in the center under the CiC's direct command. They can be marched to either flank in response to enemy moves or to exploit a success.

You don't want to be outscouted with this army. Therefore, I use two units of 8 LC horse archers. These cavalry are fast, can tie up enemy flanks and are extremely maneuverable. They also provide you w ith 24 scouting points. Not bad. Again, being Reg C's, they are valuable for their speed and dexterity.

Finally, I like the 12 man Sicilian Greeks, either as LI or LMI, take your choice. Usually, I opt for the LI. They are faster than the LMI and if they rout, so what? In a recent game, these 12 LI managed to get behind the flank of a Burgundian division, routed a 16 man Ordonnance archer unit (138 pts.), a 16 man Ordonnance pike unit (90 pts.) and contributed to the demise of a mounted Gendarme SHK unit, all because they outmaneuvered the Burgundian foot! Get on the flank with these guys and watch out.

Since I favor the "One army, one list" variant for tournaments instead of the two list type, I only use these troops in the following configuration. If you desire to vary the list ... perhaps making a separate list for pike and elephant opponents, for instance, drop the cavalry down to a minimum, buy as many LC as you can get and buy all the missile troops that are allowed (i.e. Italian Mercenary Crossbows). Otherwise, play Iron Man style ... one list for all enemies. It's more challenging that way!

The Army

CiC as heaviest armored Irregular knight w/PA 115

Bodyguard German Knights Irr B, 1/2 EHK, 1/2 HK L/Sh 63

2iC Sub-General as CiC w/P 55

Bodyguard German Knights as above 63

Sub-General as CiC w/P 55

Bodyguard German Knights as above 63

2x 6 German Knights Irr B, 1/2 EHK, 1/2 HK L/Sh 206

12 German Cavalry 1/4 Irr B HK, 3/4 Irr C HC Sergeants L/Sh 130

2x 8 Muslim Cavalry Reg C LC Bows 116

12 Sicilian Greeks Irr C LI or LMI JLS/Sh 61

16 Muslim Archers Reg C LMI 1/2 B/Sh, 1/2 B 66

24 Muslim Archers Reg C LMI as above 94

2x16 Muslim Archers Reg C LI Bows 116

16 Muslim Foot Reg C 1/2 LHI 2HCW/Sh, 1/2 LMI JLS/Sh 90

16 Muslim Foot Reg C LMI JLS/Sh 74

36 Germans Irr C 1/2 HI 2HCW/Sh or LTS/Sh, 1/2 MI JLS or LTS/Sh 173

18 Germans Irr C LI 2/3 CB, 1/3 Bows 61

Total 1601

German Knights/Cavalry can fight in wedge. They dismount with 2HCW. The army has a total of 43 Scouting Points.

Note: This army is good for both the aggressive gamer and the defensive player as well. You might try sending one of the LC units on a flank march. Buy shrub and hills for your terrain. Keep your knights well back of the front lines until you see an opening or an enemy unit in trouble. Hit the target with everything you can and exploit any success. Support your knights and LI/LMI. Good luck!

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© Copyright 1992 by Terry Gore
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