Publications of Interest

Ancient Gamers

by Terry Gore

Historical Gamer: (Number 8 / December, 1991) Of interest to SAG readers in issue #8 are an article entitled "Victoria a'Pied" on the enc of medieval warfare and the end of the dominance of the medieval knight, an excerpt from the upcoming "A Wargamers Guide: Renaissance to Reformation", soon to be published by Bob Duncan, 609 West Seventh Street, Columbia, TN 38401. Bob plans to include a new set of rules entitlec "McRules for Renaissance to Reformation, promised to be well received by those who like lots of dice (like myself).

Other articles of interest include a piece on Teutoburger Wald by Victor Schmidt and "A Tactical Primer for DBA Generals" by Prisco Hernandez, a sort of Sun Tzu meets Phil Barker. The quality of the. graphics in this issue is improved yet again, and it looks like Hg has set its sights or. continual improvement. [Available from your local hobby shop or direct from Historical Gamer Magazine, 1863 S. Limestone, Lexington, NY 40503]

Military History: (February and April, 1992) A generalist publication for the military history buff - of considerable interest to ancients enthusiasts in the February issue is a feature article on the battle of Cannae by Greg Yocherer, explaining how Hannibal was able to totally destroy a larger Roman Army. In the April issue an article entitled "Siege without Reprieve", on the Turkish capture of Constantinople in 1453 AD. [Available direct from Empire Press, PO Box 373, Mt Morris, IL 61054]

Practical Wargamer: (January/February, 1992) A "special" Napoleonics issue, it nevertheless contains a very interesting article on the battle between the Saxons and Danes at Maldon in 991 AD. A map of the area, a brief historical account, and suggestions on wargaminq the action are included.

Military Illustrated: (Nos. 43-44) Issue 143 contains a gallery selection on the last Muslim ruler of Granada, Abu 'Abdullah Mohammad XI Boabdil, including a full color painting by renouned artist Angus McBride. Issue 1 44 contains a matching piece on King Fernando el Catolico of Aragon during the conquest of Granada in 1487 AD. Both pieces cover the raiding nature of warfare between Muslim and Christian in the Iberian penninsula at this time.

Military Modelling: (January, 1992) Since the departure of the "Battles for Wargamers" feature, there is little of interest to the ancients garner in MR.

Slingshot: (Issue No. 159) The first issue of 1992, #159 contains several interesting pieces. Karl Heinz Ranitzsch comments on the discrepancies between the army lists in DBA, compared to the older lists published for 7th edition. Roy Harold examines the Sarmatians in "Wild and Exulting Horsemen", and the Rules Forum focuses on the issue of regulars and irregulars. An excellent start to the new year. (S1ingmhot is available by joining the Society of Ancients, c/o Bill Thurlow, 15 Longfleet Rd, Poole, DORSET, BH15 2HN, Great Britain)

The Courier: (Issue 55) Recently changed to a quarterly schedule, th4 latest issue of the premier North American Miniature Gaming Magazine ha: plenty to delight the ancients enthusiast. NASAMW chief umpire contribute: a review of the army lists from Book II and how they fare under 7th Edition, a nice summary of the ubiquitus WRG abbreviations by Paul Georgian, and in "The Battle of Arqualon - 1099 AD", our esteemed editor adds a battle report between rival crusader factions during the first crusade. All this and many other interesting features. [The Courier is available from the Courier Publishing Company, Box 1878, Brockton, MA 024031

Wargames Illustrated: (Numbers 49 & 50, October & November, 1991) Number 49 contains a very interesting piece by Peter Morrison on the Dark Age Greeks, analyzing "The Illiad" to determine warfare of this era. Of interest tc anyone gaming Mycenaeans or interested in the Trojan War. Number 50 continues Morrison's piece to cover the similarities to Celtic warfare, and adds a set of rules called "Chariot Warrior" to cover this type of warfare. Also in Number 50, M. J. Nichol sets up and refights the battle of Magnesia using DBA. Fought in 190 BC, Magnesia saw the Republican Romans crush the outnumbering forces of Antiochus III, Emperor of the Seleucid empire. The DBA refight used 33 Roman elements and 51 Seleucid, and resulted in a Seleucid victory.

Also in Number 50, Anthony Clipsom contributes the first' installment of an examination of the armies of the early Wars of the Roses, examining the composition of the armies as well as the weapons and equipment used. Part 2 promises an army list.

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© Copyright 1992 by Terry Gore
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