
WRG 7th End of the Line

by Terry Gore

I would like to welcome Keith Wilkes to SAGA'S staff. Keith is well known for his editorship of the ROSTRUM, Ottawa's wargaming newsletter, as well as his many contributions to other hobby publications. Keith will always be pictured in my mind as the guy who pushes those hordes of 15mm Incas around the table... with wardogs as his reserves! In the near future, Keith's translations of various Russian texts will appear in these pages -- making available a whole new library of information to us in the U.S. and England. I'm looking forward to these articles with much anticipation.

HISTORICON is only a few short months away. You will note from the articles Scott Holder sent me that the theme this year will be the Dark Ages... great news for all of us who love to use Scott's so-called 'barbarian trash' armies. I haven't used my 25mm Scots for several years, but I've pulled them out of storage am in the process of redoing them for this year's tournament. Also note that the army lists will now total 1600 points instead of 1500. we used this at SIMCON with excellent results, so Scott will now be using the new total for NASAMW events ... YEAH!

Scott also brings up the point as to how 'professional' wargaming may become. The Colorado tournament with a $1,000 prize for the top finisher at first glance found me thinking, "Gee, that sure would help the monthly income-vrs.-bills ratio", but upon deeper reflection, I, like Scott (this is really weird, us agreeing so much!) become a bit apprehensive.

As Scott asks, who will umpire this thing? Not an enviable job! Can you imagine having to make an unfavorable ruling during the final round of play? It's bad enough when only egos are on the line, but $1,000 as well? No thanks! There's nothing wrong with a prize per se, it's just the magnitude of this one that gives me cause to ponder. What do you think?

Until next time...

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© Copyright 1992 by Terry Gore
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles covering military history and related topics are available at http://www.magweb.com