Suggested Armies for WRG 7th

Part 2: Sicilian Normans

by Terry Gore

In the October issue, I wrote up a basic Italo-Norman army for use in WRG tournament play. While this is a good, basic fighting force, if you wish to improve upon it, use list 135; Sicilian-Norman. This list reflects the Saracen influence, incorporated by Robert Guiscard and Roger de Hauteville in the late 11th and early 12th centuries, and expanded upon during the Hohenstauffen period (late 12th and 13th centuries) by William, Frederick and Manfred. Not only do you still get the wedging Norman heavy cavalry, as before. but you also get large numbers of LI/LMI archers, close order axe-wielding Germans (in the later Hohenstauffen list,), and loose order Saracens, armed with 2HCW or JLS. Afraid of being out.scoutrd? Buy the available units of Muslim LC. You see, these armies are arguably two of the most powerful offensive military machines which could be assembled in this period of study.

I'm going to start, with the Milites, or Norman heavy cavalry. Like the ltalo-Normans, you will want to go for the lrregular A option. In the NASAMW list, you are allowed up to 1 element per unit to be Irr A. For that reason, and because the Normans didn't exactly calm down when they were in Sicily, Greece or accompanying Bohemond and Tancred on the First Crusade, I have opted to use the NASAMW list rather than the older WRG Book III list for both Sicilian as well as Hohenstauffen armies.

As I noted in the first article, this makes the Normans rather unstable! In the regular Norman lists, you are not required to have your generals with Irr A figures in the same unit, in the Sicilian army, you are. Keep your commanders away from the enemy or you'll find them wading into the attack, whether you like it or not! Guiscard, Roger and their relatives usually wasted little time in trying to crush an enemy they considered inferior. Remember, with Irr A's, you MUST attack the enemy when within charge reach.

Okay, so all of your Milites have an element of lrr A's in their front rank. This does have advantages. First of all, your Normans are NEVER Uneasy! If you have to test for Waver, you have to throw a 1 to fail (as long as your other elements are Irr B). Besides that, if you're in Hand to-Hand combat, and you roll a plus on your Random die roll, you get to add an additional +2 to your tactical factor.

One other thing... your Generals may have their command element consist of HK instead of H". Go for this as well. Historically, his bodyguard troops would have more complete armor; i.e. fully covered arms and legs, thus qualifying thorn for this upgrade. When fighting in wedge, the front element determines your armor factor and HK are harder to hurt than HC (archers will still be able to hit you as HK however).

So much for the Norman Milites. Probably you will want to buy some retainers as well. They are still HC, though of lesser morale, but they can be mixed with Milites to give you more wedges. After the Muslim LC, take a unit of lU with JLS/Sh. Not only will this give you 15 scouting points (with this army, you DON'T want to he outscouted!) but also they will he able to be force-marched to tie down an enemy flank while you are getting into positiun for the coup de grace.

I wouldn't. bother with any of the other cavalry options... they aren't any cheaper and they can't fight as well, so why bother?

As for the archers, buy them all. You can get. 72 Saracen bowmen, all either LI/LMI and half can he bought with shields. This is an option which I get for maybe a unit or two of the LI. I like getting three units of 18 LI and a 24 man unit of LMI, half of them shielded (so they can fight!). You could also go for four units of 12 LI, or, if facing a knight army, get them all LI and let the enemy try to catch you.

Always get the 12 man Sicilian Greek unit as LI, they're great versus chariots or to clear/hold a woods, besides they can attack those pesky enemy missile troops that your cavalry love so well!

Finishing up our list are the Saracen axemen and spearmen. I like to buy an 18 man unit of 1/2 LHI 2HCW/Sh, 1/2 LMI JLS/Sh. These guys will keep your opponent honest... they can fight just about anything. You might, want to consider another unit of 12-18 LI Muslim spears with JLS/Sh just as a support element for your cavalry.

So much for theory, horn will this look in a viable list for tournament play?

CiC (Rohemond) w/PA as Norman Milites HK @115
Bodyguard of Milites, 2 Irr A IlK. 3 irr R HC L/Sh @ 49
2iC Tanered w/P as Norman Milites HK @ 55
Bodyguard as above @ 49
Ally-General w/P as Norman Milites @80
Bodyguard as above @ 49
3x 6 Norman Milites 1/2 Irr A, 1/2 Irr B HC L/Sh @246
1x 6 Mixed Milites/petainers 1/2 Irr A, 1/2 Irr C HC L/Sh @79
2x 12 Norman Mixed as above @260
3x 16 Saracen Archers Irr C LI 1/2 B/Sh, 1/2 B @195
1x 24 Muslim (Lombard) Archers Irr C LMI 1/2 B/Sh. 1/2 B @ 85
1x 18 Saracens Irr C 1/2 LHI 2HCW/Sh, 1/2 LMI JLS/Sh @97
1x 18 Muslim Spears Irr C 1/2 LHI, 1/2 LMI JLS/Sh @97
1x 12 Sicilian Greek Irr C LI JLS/Sh @61
1x 10 Muslim Cavalry Irr C LC JLS/Sh @85
Totals 1602

A quick note on terrain. Always pick a hill and place it near the center of the table. You might want to force-march the Saracen Spear unit to it, just so you will be able to hold onto it as in anchor for your army. I like to go with a major water feature, sell some shields, and place a unit. of archers on board. Sail up the flank and watch the fun. Best of all, pick either a rocky/brush area or two to keep your Ll/hMI in to prevent them having to take Waver tests when charged by mounted. Your cavalry can move in there okay, but it keeps the enemy close-order troops away!

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