Essex 15mm Biblical Line

Figure Review

by Terry Gore

Just released by Essex Miniatures is a new Biblical figure line in 15mm. The listing I received was quits, comprehensive, covering Sumerians (11 packs), Old and Middle Kingdom Egyptians (8 packs), mubians (2 packs), Early Libyans (2 packs), Midianite Arabs (5 packs), Hyksos and Early Canaanite (9 packs), Hittite and Neo-Hittito (9 packs), and Mycenaean and Minoan Greeks (10 packs).

Basically, you can build armies from WM lists one through five and eight through ten with these figures, as well as provide allies and fill for others later armies. This release is doubly welcome because this era was previously only covered in 15mm by Chariot Miniatures, so those figures provide new variety for the Biblical gamer.

The samples I received were quite impressive. Mr favorite is a Sumerian spearman with a very long spear (measuring a full 1 1/4 inches in height) in an upright position (B35), with a sheepskin kilt and bare chest crossed by "crossbelt" straps in excellent relief. He wears a typical Sumerian helmet, and his long hair is visible down his neck beneath the helmet. All in all a very nice figure, but his spear in definitely a long thrusting spear (LTS) not the optional light spear (JLS).

Also received was an Early Libyan archer (BS22) .. Another excellent figure, he is in the normal Essex shooting pose, and wears the over the shoulder cloak of which the Libyans were so fond, and a sheath-like loincloth. His hair is long, with an upright feather, and he is fully bearded. This is the only available figure, to my knowledge, of a Libyan archer in 15mm.

Finally, I received two figures from the Old Kingdom Egyptian line - a javelinman (BS17) in loincloth with shield and javelin in a stabbing position, and a foot officer (BS19) with a kilt and staff. Both figures are nicely detailed, and would mix in well with Essex's existing New Kingdom Egyptian range for added variety.

In term of size, these are right in proportion with other Roam offerings. Compared with Chariot, the only other 15mm figures offered for this period, they are stockier, and better proportioned. Height comparisons vary, but in general they will mix together without a significant height problem. The appearance factor of mixing the very slender Chariot figures with the stocky, well-fed Essex figures I leave up to you, but I have recruited a good mixture of both into my Sea Peoples and Philistine projects.

If you don't want to mix these figures with those from Chariot, you still have a very good variety to choose from. Simply using this range it is possible to build a good varied army of Sumerians, Old Kingdom Egyptians, Midianites, Hyksos, Hittites or Mycenaean Greeks. If you wanted to do Nubians or Early Libyans, I would recommend mixing in Chariot figures for more variety.

Prices are $2.89 per pack of 8 foot figure, 4 cavalry figures, or 6 foot command. Heavy chariots run $5.99 each, Light chariots $2.99. Midianite two-crew camels are $2.89 per pack of three.

Overall, I found the figures to be excellent. All were flash free, and detailed in the normal Essex manner. They paint up extremely well, and an an added bonus armies from this era are quite easy to paint as the clothing worn is rather limited. I highly recommend these figures to anyone interested in the Biblical era. They are available in the states from Wargames, Box 278, Tridelphia, WV 26059.

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