Gladiator Games

Huns and Vikings

review by Howard Whitehouse

Gladiator Games (11 Derwent Ave., Biggleswade, Beds SG16 SLY) offer two lines worth consideration;

1) Hobby Products of Germany produce several lines, of which the "Huns and Asiatic Hordes" caught my eye. The good thing about these figures - mostly one-piece castings - is the detail, which is clean and delicate, with fair animation. On the negative side, the range appears to offer more on paper than it provides in the way of variety, with the same figures popping up under "Heavy Cavalry Command", "Heavy Cavalry" and "Medium Cavalry" (the last ones may have been mis-packaged). The LC are very good indeed (though the "command" pack consists entirely of a two-piece standard bearer which appears to have been designed by someone other than the regular sculptor) and the infantry are A) pretty good and B) unique in that nobody elso makes them. As a rule, except for the heavy cavalry, everyone wears the skullcp-with-fur-turban headgear. I think these figures would d=fit in with most other lines. 1.5 pounds per pack of 5 horse or 10 foot.

2) Warriors of the Dark Ages: which I assume is Gladiator's "own brand" are large 15mm, roughly comparable with the bigger Thistle and the Rose items. The detailing is chunky and exaggerated, making them easy to paint but a bit stylized. The horses look malnourished. I like some of these a great deal - the Viking Bondi advancing with axe makes a terrific Scots chieftain - while others are on the chunky side, especially the Sub-Roman foot. All the spear-armed infantry are shown advancing with spear held vertically, the spears being solid items with huge heads, quite impressive if obviously overscale.

Hairiness is an obvious trait, with Santa-like beards and Motley Crue style locks on many a figure. Overall, these are not the best sculpted range ever made, but they are likeable and easy to paint. Available in packages of 10 foot/5 cav. for 1.2 pounds or in DBA army packs. Gladiator games take Visa and Access (MC) which is the simplest (and usually cheapest) way of getting figures from the U.S. Shipping is 30% surface, 50X air.

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