
Larger Format

by Terry Gore

This issue will be in a larger format (along the lines of the DIS­PATCH) which will enable me to use a larger print, resulting in a more readable text. The only drawback of doing this is cost. Printing costs are 25% higher and mailing costs are more as well. Hopefully, I'll be able to absorb this for the next three issues. I really don't want to sacri­fice the number of pages each issue, but I'll have to see what the bottom line is after cost vrs. income is calculated. Needless to say, a change in layout is necessary. The sub­ scribers who lay down hard earned cash deserve a quality product, so I'll do what I can to provide such a product, within financial restraints.

I would like to thank Dr. William Hamblin for the new SAGA logo which I started using last issue. Bill has also been instrumental in provid ­me with materials pertaining to my booklet on the 1st Crusade.

Another great time at HISTORICON this year. It was good to see - the old faces and some new ones as well. Finally, I got to meet Dick Bryant. Dick has generously given me permission to reprint some arti­cles from the COURIER, circa 1982 which I have always found of great interest. The first of these, on the Burgundian army of Charles the Bold, appears in this issue. Look for the Marnon campaign starting soon. Dick has also said he will send me a picture of him­self caricatured as Maximus Glutus - I can't wait to see that one - and I'll probably print it too!

Of course, I got to talk to Don Featherstone and Phil Barker again. Don's son's death certainly was a severe shock and it's a tribute to the man that Don continues to provide so much pleasure for others in the aftermath of his personal loss.

As you will note (from the article on the convention), there was much fun and revelry this year. I am concerned, however, about NASAMW's apparent refusal to immediately rescind their 48-page interpretation booklet. I thought an agreement had been reached, but it seems I was wrong. This is too bad. I can only continue to be a voice of the loyal opposition in stridently and forcefully refusing to acknowledge the interps in any way I can. Enough of that.

One thing that I came away from the convention with was a conviction to return to 25mm armies. I have since begun to work on two of them, an Antiochene Crusader army (circa 1125-8) and a Burgundian Ord. Army thanks to Craig Tyrrell's splendidly painted force which inspired me to look further into this late period. Both will see extensive usage this year! Also, my fourth booklet, SALADIN'S CAMPAIGNS is now available for $7.50, postpaid. Until next time...

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© Copyright 1991 by Terry Gore
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