Bronze Age WRG Armies Competitive Evaluation

Adapting History to Wargaming

by Craig Tyrrell

One of the more positive initiatives to come out of the North American Society of Ancient and Medieval Wargamers (NASAMW) recently has been the ncouragement of games within a particular era of history. At Cold Wars this ear, the NASAMW will sponsor a Bronze Age only singles competition. This marks the first time a NASAMW tournament has restricted the armies to be used to a given historical epoch.

The Bronze Age era is a natural for this type of approach, because many of these early armies have significant trouble against later opponents, and are therefore rather neglected on the tournament circuit. The restriction of the tournament field has a significant effect on the tournament competitiveness of these armies. In particular, the absence of elephants, scythed chariots, pikes, EHI and SHI, heavy throwing weapon, lance and knights keeps the playing field rather level for these armies.

The following article will examine the competitive environment inherent in a Bronze Age tournament, including the strengths of each of the armies of the period.

Definition of the Period:

According to the NASAMW, the Bronze Age era encompasses the following 33 armies:

ListList NameList TypeClimate
1SumerianBarker, NASAMWDry
1aOld Babylonian & Old AssyrianNASAMWDry
1bKassite BabylonianNASAMWDry
2Old & Middle Kingdom EgyptianBarker, NASAMWDry
3NubianBarker, NASAMWDry
4Early LibyanBarker, NASAMWDry
5Midianite ArabBarker, NASAMWDry
6aEarly Shang ChineseBarkerWarm
6bXia ChineseNASAMWWarm
7Northern BarbariansBarker, NASAMW Cold
8Hyksos & Early CanaaniteBarker, NASAMW Warm
9Hittite & Neo-HittiteBarker, NASAMW Warm
9bAramean SyrianNASAMWWarm
10Mycenaean & Minoan GreekBarker, NASAMWWarm
11New Kingdom EgyptianBarker, NASAMWDry
12Early AssyrianBarker, NASAMWDry
13Early HebrewBarker, NASAMWWarm
14Libyan & Sea Peoples AllianceBarker, NASAMWDry
15Philistine & Late CanaaniteBarker, NASAMWWarm
16Shang Dynasty ChineseNASAMWWarm
16aZhou Dynasty Chinese (Early)NASAMW Warm
16cCh'un Korea (Early)NASAMWCold
17Dark Age & Geometric GreekBarker, NASAMWWarm
18New Babylonian (no Mds, Prsn, Lyds)NASAMWDry
18New Babylonian (no EHC, Grks, Lyds)BarkerDry
19Later HebrewBarker, NASAMWWarm
20Libyan EgyptianBarker, NASAMW Dry
22Kushite EgyptianBarker, NASAMWDry
23New Assyrian Empire (no EHC)Barker, NASAMWDry

Bronze Age Army Analysis


Attack Troops: 19 Irr B 4-onager HCh; either 15 Irr A LKI JLS or 60 Irr C LMI JLS,Sh
Strengths: A std, large units of shielded HI with ITS, fair LI missile power, HCh with onagers (so viscious they almost have to roll plus... )
Weaknesses: required shieldless javelinmen. very limited missile power
Tactics: large units of MI LTS pin enemy units for Impetuous HCh charges


Attack Troops: 24 Irr C LMI 2HCW; 72 Irr C LMI JLS,SH
Strengths: good MI and LI missile power. good rough terrain troops
Weaknesses: low morals, "shock" troops vulnerable in the open
Tactics: need to coordinate missile troops to protect shock troops until they can launch their charge


Attack Troops: 12 Reg B + 18 Reg C 2-horse LCh; 18 Irr A LMI JLS,Sh; 144 Irr C LMI JLS,SH
Strengths: good MI and LI missile power, good rough terrain troops, lots of regular LCh
Weaknesses: low to average morale, shock troops vulnerable in the open, vulnerable to LC and HCh
Tactics: need to use missile troops and LCh to wear down opponents before shock troops launch their charge


Attack Troops:24 Reg A MI 2HCW,Sh; 18 Irr C LMI JLS,SH
Strengths:PA standard, fair LI missile power, good MI missile power and lots of MI JLS,Sh
Weaknesses:lack of punch. lots of slow close order foot, Vulnerable to HCh
Tactics:need to rely on massed missile power to hurt enemy units ant chase off HCh, spearmen must close with enemy foot


Attack Troops: 30 Irr A LKI 2SA; 40 Irr C LHI JLS,SH
Strengths:good LI missile power, shock LMI follow-up
Weaknesses:vulnerable to HCh in open & shielded close order foot with missiles
Tactics:manouever shock IMI units behind screen of LI B, wear down opponents with combination of missile power and evaded charges.


Attack Troops: none
Strengths: I can't think of any
Weaknesses: vulnerable to just about anything
Tactics: don't bother


Attack Troops: 100 MCm 2 crew with B (Biblical machine guns)
Strengths: hordes of cheap LI, deadly missile power on camels
Weaknesses: vulnerable to armies that can shoot back, especially if shielded foot.
Tactics: use a thick screen of expendable LI to wear down an opponent through missiles and evaded charges, hit vulnerable areas with massed camel archery and then charges into disordered enemies


Attack Troops: 144 Reg C MI 2HCT (1/2 Sh)
Strengths: PA standard, plentiful MI, fair LI missile power
Weaknesses: shock troops are slow and vulnerable to HCh, lack of rough terrain capability
Tactics: a straight ahead push by the close order foot using LI to cover their flanks


Attack Troops: 48 Reg B MI 2HCW,B,Sh; 24 Reg C MI LTS,B,Sh; 96 Irr C LMI 2HCW,Sh; 192 Irr C LMI JLS,Sh
Strengths: PA standard, good balance of close, loose and open foot - both missile and melee
Weaknesses: good foot are slow to close, many units are vulnerable to HCh in the open
Tactics: need to limit the board with terrain, pin with the multi- armed MI and maneuver shock LMI units behind screen of Ll and missile troops to hit weak points


Attack Troops: 45 Irr B 1MI JLS,SH; 300 Irr C LMI JLS,Sh
Strengths: hordes of shock LMI
Weaknesses: vulnerable to HCh in open, lack of missile power
Tactics: impetuous charges by shock LMI units, preferably from or in terrain


Attack Troops: 50 Irr B 2-horse LCh
Strengths: fair missile power, waves of LCh
Weaknesses: low shock value, fairly one dimensional, demands close cooperation between LCh and support troops
Tactics: manouever LCh units behind screen of LI, wear down opponent with combination of missile power and evaded charges.


Attack Troops: 26 Reg A + 10 Reg B 2-horse HCh; 20 Irr B 2-horse LCh; 16 Irr A MI 2HCW; 30 Irr C LMI JLS,Sh
Strengths: fair balance, lots of HCh and LCh, good rough terrain troops
Weaknesses: low shock value to 2-horse HCh, somewhat vulnerable to missile fire, no troops that can overpower the enemy - all need to be protected from something
Tactics: manouever HCh and shock foot units behind screen of lights, wear down opponents with combination of missile power and evaded charges, use terrain to protect vulnerable foot


Attack Troops: 4 Reg B 4-horse HCh; 30 Reg B 2-horse HCh; 78 Irr C LMI JLS,SH; 30 Reg C MC JLS,Sh
Strengths: a few 4-horse HCh, good rough terrain troops
Weaknesses: almost no light troops for screening, vulnerable to missile fire. no troops that can overpower the enemy - all need to be protected from something
Tactics: lots of terrain with HCh in the gaps


Attack Troops: 15 Reg A + 23 Reg B 2-horse LCh; 12 Irr B 2-horse LCh; 48 Irr C LKI JLS,SH
Strengths: PA standard, masses of LCh, plentiful cheap LI with B
Weaknesses: required shieldless JLS LI, fairly one dimensional, demands close cooperation between LCh and support troops
Tactics: manouever LCh units behind screen of L1. wear down opponents with combination of missile power and evaded charges


Attack Troops:28 Reg B 2-horse LCh; 6 Irr B 2-horse HCh; 24 Irr C LC B; 36 Irr C LHI JLS,Sh; 12 Irr C MCm 2 with B; 24 Reg C MC half JLS,Sh, half B
Strengths:fairly balanced, masses of LCh. good close and open order missile troops, Arab MCm and LCm, plentiful LC
Weaknesses:no high impact shock or rough terrain troops, required MC
Tactics:manouever LCh, MCm and LMI units behind screen of missile troops, wear down opponents with missile power and hit from all sides with shock troops


Attack Troops:26 Irr B 2-horse LCh; 36 Irr B HC JLS,SH; 4 Reg B 4-horse HCh; 24 Irr C LC B; 156 Irr C LKI JLS,SH
Strengths:good balance, lots of LC & LCh, good shock cavalry, good rough terrain troops, fair LI & LMI missile power
Weaknesses:shock troops are vulnerable to missile fire, many vulnerable troop types to coordinate
Tactics:use lots of terrain to operate out of. tie up the enemy with many threats, and hit weak points with shock units


Attack Troops: 22 Reg A + 33 Reg B 2-horse LCh; 6-Reg B HC JLS
Strengths: masses of manouverable LCh, blocks of either HI JLS,SH or MI LTS,Sh, good LI missile power
Weaknesses: required shieldless JLS LI, fairly one dimensional, vulnerable in close terrain
Tactics: squeeze the enemy with blocks of close order foot and hit weak areas or flanks with LCh, use LI to wear opponent down and pin enemy units.


Attack Troops:23 Reg A + 20 Reg B 2-horse LCh; 36 Irr C LMI JLS,Sh
Strengths:A standard, fairly good balance and morale, lots of LCh, good close and open order missile power
Weaknesses: no high impact shock troops, vulnerable to HCh
Tactics: use little terrain & lots of units, manouever LCh behind screen of missile troops. wear down opponents with combination of missile power and evaded charges


Attack Troops: 10 Reg A 4-horse HCh; 33 Reg B 2-horse LCh or 3/4-horse HCh; 48 Irr C LMI JLS,SH
Strengths: fighting SA standard, good balance and morale, lots of very good shock chariots, good close and open order missile power
Weaknesses: required MC, chariots must be able to close in order to win
Tactics: use little terrain & lots of HCh, manouevering behind screen of pinning missile troops


Attack Troops: 72 Irr A + 18 Irr B LKI JLS,Sh; 252 Irr C LMI JLS,Sh
Strengths: S group, shielded LI and LMI. fairly good morale, lots of rough terrain foot, great loose order shock foot
Weaknesses: very vulnerable to HCh in the open
Tactics: use lots of terrain & big units, impetuously charge anything in reach, wear down opponent's mounted with missile power


Attack Troops: 6 Irr B 2-horse HCh; 4 Irr B 2-horse LCh; 52 Irr B LHI JLS,SH; 200 Irr C LKI JLS,Sh
Strengths: fair balance and morale, eager armored loose order shock foot
Weaknesses: too few chariots, required shieldless javelinmen, very low missile power, vulnerable to HCh
Tactics: use a screen of expeadable Libyan LI to pin and wear down opponents with evaded charges (and pursuits), hit pursuing units hard with LHI/LMI or chariots


Attack Troops: 22 Irr B 2-horse LCh; 24 Reg B HI JLS,Sh; 24 Irr C LMI JLS,SH
Strengths: fairly good balance and morale, lots of LCh, good close and open order missile power
Weaknesses: lots of weak required close and open order foot, no high impact shock troops, vulnerable to HCh
Tactics: use a screen of expendable LI to pin and wear down opponents with evaded charges (and pursuits), hit pursuing units hard with chariots, flank march a command of chariots


Attack Troops: 17 Reg A + 16 Reg B 2-horse LCh with LTS-armed crew; 144 Irr C LMI JLS,Sh
Strengths: very good close order foot, very good balance and moral lots of LCh, good close, loose and open order missile p:w1er
Weaknesses: lots of required foot, no high impact shock troops
Tactics: use the foot to pin and wear down opponents with missile fire, hit weak areas hard with LCh.


Attack Troops:12 Irr B 4-horse HCh with LTS-armed crew; 12 Irr B 2-horse LCh with LTS-armed crew; 36 Irr C LMI 2HCT,(Sh); 48 Irr B LMI 2HCW,(Sh); 72 Irr C L41 JLS,SH
Strengths:outstanding chariots, very good close and loose order foot. balance and morals, available artillery and fortifications, good close, loose and open order missile power
Weaknesses:lots of required foot, tough to decide what to buy
Tactics:use the foot to pin and wear down opponents with missile fire, hit weak areas hard with chariots


Attack Troops: none
Strengths: lots of LI with B
Weaknesses: too many to list
Tactics: know any ancient Korean prayers?


Attack Troops: 35 Irr B 2-horse LCh, 36 Irr B MC JLS
Strengths:lots of close order foot (armored if you don't use chariots), a few shielded javelinmen
Weaknesses:no high impact shock troops, can't use both HI and LCh
Tactics;push hard with the HI and hope for the beat or with MI use the foot to pin the enemy and hit weak areas hard with LCh


Attack Troops: 9 Irr B 2-horse LCh; 18 Irr B HC JLS; 24 Irr C LC JLS; 24 1rr C LHI 2HCW; 72 Irr C LHI JLS,Sh
Strengths: very good close order foot (hoplites), good balance, good rough terrain foot. good cavalry for the period
Weaknesses: lack of missile power, somewhat vulnerable to missile fire and HCh
Tactics: use terrain to facilitate loose order shock movement and LC/LCh to clear away enemy lights, pin with the hoplites and hit weak areas with the LHI and HC

18. NEW BABYLONIAN (No EHC, Nodes. Persians or Lydians)

Attack Troops: 8 Reg A + 4 Reg C 4-horse HCh; 30 Reg C HC/MC JLS/B; 9 Elamite HCh; 24 Irr C LNI JLS,Sh; 36 Arab MCm
Strengths: good close (shielded) and open order missile foot, very good balance, outstanding flexibility, good shock HCh, good LC, available Arab MCm and Elamites
Weaknesses: low morals of Babylonian foot. required C class cavalry
Tactics: use a base of missile power. foot and mounted, to pin the enemy and wear his down, then hit him with the shock troops


Attack Troops: 17 Irr B 4-mule HCh; 12 Irr B 2-mula LCh; 24 Irr B LC JLS,B; 48 Irr C LHI JLS,B,SH
Strengths: good chariots, LC, and loose order foot, loads of loose and open order missile power
Weaknesses: no close order foot, somewhat one dimensional
Tactics: use the foot to pin and wear down opponents with missile fire, and the LC to clear enemy lights, hit weak areas with HCh


Attack Troops: 8 Reg A + 12 Reg 9 2-horse tCh (up to half 4-horse HCh); 8 allied 4-horse HCh; 120 Irr C LMI JLS,Sh
Strengths: 12 Arab MCm, good balance, lots of good rough terrain foot, shielded lights, good loose and open order missile power
Weaknesses: foot is vulnerable to HCh, morale is only average
Tactics: lots of terrain to shelter the loose order foot, use the foot to pin and wear down opponents with missile fire, hit weak areas with HCh


Attack Troops: 19 Reg A + 10 Reg C 2-horse LCh; 48 Irr B 1XI JLS,SH
Strengths: fair balance, plentiful LCh and LC, eager shock foot
Weaknesses: required shieldless javelinmen, no high impact shock troops, vulnerable to HCh
Tactics: use little terrain & lots of units, use LC to clear enemy lights, manouever LCh and shock foot to hit weak areas


Attack Troops: 10 Irr A 2-horse LCh; 30 HC + 30 MC Irr A JLS,SH; 96 Irr A LHI JLS,Sh
Strengths: outstanding morale, fairly good balance, outstanding shock units of LCh, HC, and LMI
Weaknesses: if any foot are Irr A, all must be. somewhat vulnerable to HCh
Tactics: can you say "impetuous charge"?


Attack Troops: 10 Reg A + 4 Reg B 4-horse HCh; 18 Reg A + 12 Reg B + 18 Reg C HC half JLS,B, half B
Strengths: S standard, good close order shielded missile troops, fairly good balance, good cavalry for the period
Weaknesses: vulnerable to high quality shock foot units or lots of HCh
Tactics: use the close order foot as a pinning force and the cavalry to press the flanks, hit the hinge with the HCh


Unless you insist on playing Early Libyans or pre-500 BC Ch'un Koreans, most of the armies in the Bronze Age era have at least something going for them, and can be played competitively within era. All are colorful, and look good on a gaming table. The absence of many of the "super weapons" in this era gives an interesting feel to Bronze Age battles. It may take a little time to get used to chariots as a decisive weapon, but the charm of the period is such that you may just get hooked.

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