

by Terry Gore

Unless otherwise noted, the best source for these publications is your local hobby shop.

Spearpoint: (Volume VI, Nos 3 & 4 / January & March, 1991) Number 3 is a massive issue, containing 39 pages (1) of rules interpretations for the WRG 7th edition rules. Also included are the usual tournament announcements and results, an editorial on the interps, and a tip on making homemade pila by editor Jim Kasper's other brother (shutup) Dave Ulatowski. Number 4 returns to the normal format (16 8.5 by 11 pages) and includes articles on Byzantine trapezetoi (in which Doug Biggs argues that they should be reinstated to NASAMW revised list 117 - Nikephorian Byzantine), a successful ancients campaign, and a review of the Chariot Miniatures hoplites by Scott Holder. Jim Kasper also expounds on his philosophy regarding low morale armies, using his rather successful Philistine army as an example. Fascinating stuff! s $10 per year, including NASAMW membership, from Scott Dickson, 1009 S. Highland Ave., Landis, NC 28088]

Historical Gazer: (Numbers 2 & 3 / November, 1990 & February, 1991) HG shows some staying power with its second and third issues. Of interest to SA readers in issue #2 are an article by Dr. David Olster on the "Military Puzzle of the Fall of Rome", with a game promised for a future issue, and an extensive set of "Tactics for Tactical' by William Hawkes, Ph.D. (publisher William Biles is obviously picky about his contributors in the ancient area - those of us with masters degrees need not apply... ). Hawkes compares Tactica to chess, calling it "A rich and complex game when played PRECISELY (caps mine)." He then goes into a discussion of how to play precisely, with each tactical trick named, such as "MIG"s, blockers, the "laager", etc. This should be of interest to any Tactica players out there.

Issue #3 includes a similar article by Dr. Hawkes, this time concentrating on ten openings for Tactica. Also of interest is a review of "Centurion", a computer game by Electronic Arts simulating leadership in ancient Rome. Overall, this is a neat magazine worth looking into, especially for those with broad interests. (Available from your local hobby shop or direct from Historical Gamer Magazine, 1863 S. Limestone, Lexington, KY 40503]

Practical Wargamer: (January-February, 1991) The latest issue of this English publication features an article on Celtic forces in the ancient world "An Expandable Army." The author, Peter Holes, praises the expandability of a Gallic army, their colorful appearance on the tabletop, and their organization and tactics.

Miniature Wargames: (Numbers 91-93) Of interest to SAG reade are three scenarios for the Gallic Wars in issue 91, "The Crusade of Nicopolis" (1396 AD - French and Hungarians versus Ott Turks) in issue 92, and a creative scenario for a Byzantine Sassanid encounter in issue 93.

Military Modelling: (December, 1990 through February, 1990) interest is an article ona re-enactment of Hastings in the January, 1991 issue, with both colorand black & white photos This looks like a lot of fun. The February, 1991 issue has a piece on Richard the Lionhearted's knights during the The Crusade, with photos of reproduced equipment.

Military Illustrated: (No. 32) Speaking of the Third Crusade an interesting article on King Richard I, including a very ni color painting by the renowned Angus McBride (my person favorite military artist of all time) of Richard in the Hol Land, circa 1190 AD.

Military History: (April, 1991) Included is a brief personal piece on Zenobia, queen of Palmyra. Among the form contributors to this magazine is our editor, so nothing more no be said about the high quality of the content...

MWAN: (149, January/February, 1991) One of my favorite wargaming magazines (other than SAGA, of course), MWAN is a 142 page compendium of some of the most enthusiastic amateur writing about historical miniatures you'll ever read. Issue #49 contains two articles defending Tactics, a review of "The Western Way War" by Aelred Glidden, and Terry's report on his doings a Historicon '90. MWAN is available from Hal Thinglum, 2255 Pleasant Drive, Richton Park, IL 60471 for $20 per (6 issues/year]

Wargames Illustrated: (is 38-39) Issue 38 features Ian Weekly on building a timber Norman keep in 25mm, and Ian Wilson on "The Battle of the River Indus" 1221 AD between the Mongols and th Khwarizaian Empire, including a brief historical prelude, course of the battle, and tips on re-fighting the battle in miniature.

Issue 39 contains an article by Alan Buttery on the battle of Hydaspes 323 BC, between Alexander the Great and King Poros Indians. Alan describes the battle and provides some hints on re-fighting it, including a suggested order of battle.

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© Copyright 1991 by Terry Gore
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