
Of Publications and Publishing

by Terry Gore

You will notice that the letters column is getting quite long. The last few issues, I haven't been able to print all of them this I regret, but I don't think you'd want SAGA to be cover to cover letters! What I'll do is print five or six per issue. Fbr the first time in a while, I have a problem with lack of articles. I have to reach into the 'vault' (early subscribers will remember reading sundry papers I'd written for my MA program, which I used to fill out an issue) and resurrect an old article sent in to me anonymously two years ago. Come on now, give me a break and send in something to print. If riot, the next thing you'll be reading will be recipes preparing Norman stew and Saxon mutton!

As you will readily note, the TACTICA business just goes on and on. As I've not received a review copy of the supplement (did I really expect to?) and I 'm not about to buy one, I guess someone will just have to loan one to me if they want an honest and personal opinion. Personally, I hope that it will do the job -- for $12.00 plus postage and handling -- of clarifying and rectifying problems, shortcomings and other complaints from various writers. I'm more than willing to give it a reading -- if I get a copy.

I hope you will pick up a copy of the October 1990 issue of MILITARY HISTORY on the newstands now. An article, this time having to do with Robert Guiscard's life and the battle of Durrazo, which I penned last year, is included. Due to a typo, the last sentence is incorrectly worded. Robert was not 'laid to rest' in Greece, his body was returned to Italy for burial. I hope you find it a good read.

Gareth Simon (of SLINGSHOT and ARQUEBUSIER) has graciously agreed to publish my fist 'booklet' of a series on campaigns, battles and leaders of the Dark Ages, the publishing house will be PALLAS ARMATA. I'll keep you abreast of the release date. The first booklet will be on the campaign in Gaul, 451 A.D., pitting Flavius Aetius against Attila the Hun. The campaign culmiinated in the decisive battle of Chalons (or Mery-sur-Marne/Mery-sur-Seine).

The text, based on contemporary writings as well as recent scholarship, covers the political and military situa- tion, as well as the campaign itself and the battle, liberally strewn with obser- vations of chroniclers of the time. I've also included organizational material for the forces involved, artwork, and a section on wargaming the campaign using De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBA) as well as a set-piece battle situation adaptable to any rules set, but based on WRG 7th.

I hope to make this a cornerstone of a series of booklets on Dark Age campaigns. My next one will either be on the 1066 campaign or the 1410 campaign in Germany, with Teutonics vrs. Lithuanians and Poles. Both are pretty much ready to go.

It is with great sadness that I must report the death of Leon Armer, my co - editor's father. Leon, called Peter by his friends, was a good friend to my own family, regaling us with his many adventures during WW II. Dave and his dad had just returned from a trip to Germany when Peter took ill. My heartfelt sympathies go out to Dave and his family.

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© Copyright 1990 by Terry Gore
This article appears in MagWeb.com (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com