
Letters to the Editor

by the readers


Latest SAGA just arrived. Good job! I noted Hal's letter in the issue, he makes very valid points. I too want to see SAGA grov and prosper, and I 'a willing to help where I can although that often isn't actually very much.

I'm not much of a writer. The periods your publication covers - I don't game in, and it's not heavily played in ST. Louis currently - so writers aren't abundant. For advertising, I feel that you need to sharpen the look of the publication some, not necessarily to the look of Courier or MW, but maybe a little closer to MWAN. With an improved look, I think you can get some more ads, which translates to cash and maybe covering some of the expenses of SAGA. I can't see how you can continue with only three major advertisers. Think it over and let me know what you are interested in doing. I'll help out if I can.

    --Kevin Fitzpatrick

(Ed. Thanks for the help, Kevin. As far as it goes, this issue will feature a color cover and new type-set for some areas. I know that we need more advertisers to keep our heads above water and this current issue - will be going out to all the major manufacturers and distributors of wargame supplies which deal with our period of interest...only time will tell)

Dear Terry,

I still enjoy SAGA, i.e., I look forward to reading it with enjoyment rather than a feeling of I have to" (keep up or what- ever). So please find enclosed my renewal fee. Also, I never did get the first issue and would appreciate your finding one if available. Thank you.

    --Peter Manti

(Ed. Peter's letter typifies many responses I've received. It seems many of you like the way this newsletter is put together and written ... aw, shucks, it ain't nuthin' ... By the way, the first year's issues might be made available an a package for "$10.00 plus $1.50 postage if I get any response.)

Dear Saga

I've received SAGA for 1 year now. I am pleased with your articles. I am an avid ancients wargamer in a club that meet* every Friday night wo play WRG 7th. There are ten people who show up semi-regularly to play. It's good to hear from people in the East who enjoy this hobby. I wish we had our own act together so that we could publish a mag out here in the West.

    --Richard D. Lawrence

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© Copyright 1988 by Terry Gore
This article appears in MagWeb.com (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com