WRG Ancients Tournament


By Kruse Smith

The Ancients tournaments in L5 and 25mrs will consist of 3 preliminary) rounds, and the semi-final and final rounds on Sunday. The first round starts Friday night at 6 PM, the second round is Sat. morning, and the third. round is Sat. night. For the heats, the first two rounds are mandatory, and the third is optional. For the less intense, the rounds are the same, but single elimination. The top four players aft Sat. night will advance into the semi-finals on Sunday.

TABLESIZE- Will be 6 it by 4 it for the 15mm, and 8 it by 5 it for the 25mm games.

TERRAIN- B.Y.O.T. will be in effect (Bring Your Own Terrain). We will use the terrain system out of the back. Each side will have four pieces to place. The only pieces allowed are; major water feature, open space, hill, rise, low ridge, knoll, dune, marsh, brush, rocky or baggy area, orchards, grove, vineyard, wood, or road.

DEPLOYMENT- All battles will be fair and open.

BAGGAGE- All armies are considered to have an unprotected camp off-table in their central sector.

TIME OF DAY AND WEATHER- Will not be used.

UNRELIABLE GENERALS- Will act as per page 20 except cannot change sides.

SEQUENCE OF PLAY- The sequence of play on page 19 is modified as follows: Delete steps 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, and 14. Add a new step 2 as follows: Inform opponent which list you will be using. Add new step 14 as follows: Identify to opponent your figures as to troop type and weapons. Troops appearing an the table later will be similarly identified..

TIME LIMIT- Each game is scheduled for three hours including set up and results calculation time. Do not start a now turn within 10 minutes of the three hour limit. Exception: if you have not completed 5 turns, do so unless both players agree to stop at the time limit.

WINNERS AND LOSERS- Deduct these unit points from your total:

    All- If the body is in rout or destroyed.

    1/2- If the body is shaken (including exhausted) or off-table for any reason except rout. Do not deduct points for troops in retreat (unless S haken, etc.).

Players whose baggage is looted deduct 100 points.

The tourney points are as follows:
0 points --- No show or forfeit (quitting a game without conceding).
1 point ---- Loss or Concession (Loss by 10% or more at the time limit, or realizing you are losing and conceding the game)
2 points--Losing draw (Loss by less than 10% but not a draw).
3 points---Draw (Players are within 25 points of each other).
4 points ---Winning Draw (Win by less than 10% but more than a draw).
5 points --- Win (Win by 10% or more and most concessions)

Points given for a win by no show, forfeit, or concession will be determined by the umpire on a case-by-case basis because of all the variables involved. When one of these situations occurs, call the umpire.

DEPICTION OF FIGURES AND TERRAIN- Only painted figures and models may be used.. The umpire has the right to disqualify figures and terrain which if used would bring discredit on the hobby.

AMBUSHES- In addition to specifying in writing the location of an ambush players must also specify (in writing) the following: Formation of troop. in ambush and direction unit is facing. This information must be shown to your opponent when the body in ambush first moves, shoots, or is seen by the enemy.

ARMY LISTS- Up to six variations of a WRG troop list will be allowed. Each list must have defined the command of each body and order of march.

WRG TROOP LISTS- WRG Troop lists will be in effect except three of our now North American Society lists will be in use by selected individuals. These three lists are Lithuanian , Ottoman Turk, and Khitan Liao. On your lists you are restricted as to time, a single year. If your troops mad* a conversion and stuck with it, such as the Camillan reforms, then you must do the same. However, if your troops ware armor sometimes, depending upon the situation, then your lists may reflect this. So, for example, if your Seleucid Aegma are SHC in one list$ they must be that way in them all. On the other hand, Seleucid pikemen could contain some or all HI in some lists, and be all MI in others. So you are time restricted, but not location restricted. A Late Roman player may have one list Eastern and another Western. I know this is a little confusing, so if you have a question ask.

At the end of your first game, have your opponent sign all six lists. Have them numbered 1 to 6 (if you use that many). Have the lists available for me to check during the game. Lists that are incorrect will be penalized at that time.

As for the generals staff element, all bodyguard figures must be paid for. The staff element moves, fights, shoots, takes casualties, and tests for waver according.to the type and class of the bodyguard type.

TROOP COMBINATIONS- Don't mix troops of a different base size unless allowed by the troop list.

VISIBILITY- During march moves, troops may not move within 240 paces of each other unless one is in ambush. Troops cannot see through Light Infantry except to know there is an enemy to charge.

CALTROPS AND STAKES- will be allowed, other portable obstacles and hazards will not be allowed. Wagons, palisades, ditches, etc will not be allowed. Caltrops can be used as per the troop list restrictions, stakes will be only allowed very limited use and I will handle them on a individual basis. I.f you have stakes in your army list, let me know.

THINGS TO COME- Starting with tournaments in the Summer of '87, bases must be as per 7th Edition, so start rebasing your figures now. Also then will allow wagons, palisades, etc, so this would be a good time to think about buying same artillery to have them available if you run up against an opponent with wagons, etc.

RULES INTERPRETATIONS- Except as noted above, we have kept interprotation to a minimum to avoid overwhelming players. We will discuss a number interpretations Friday nights and if you have questions that will be the place to ask them. We will publish more formalized rules interpretation as time goes on.

SPECIAL PRIZES- In addition to the usual prizes for winning and painting a prize will be awarded to the Best Sportsman and one for the best terra used in the tournaments. The Rest Sportsman is picked from opponent nominations, so if you think your opponent should be considered, let us know.

FATIGUE SHEETS- supplied for this tournament are for your use if you prefer them to whatever bookkeeping system you are presently using. The sheet was designed by Mike DuBose of Jacksonville FL.

UMPIRES- I will have a couple of people helping me with the administrative duties and will announce them Friday night. During the games, I will attempt to stand around the umpire table when not answering a question * gaming table, so look for me at the umpire table first if you have rules question.

As this is the first 7th Edition tournament I have umpired and the first many of you have played in, I have tried to keep this tournament simple as possible, and give Phil Barker's terrain rules a chance.

--Kruse Smith, Chief Umpire, HMMC #5, Member, WRG Ancients North American Rules Committee

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