Vikings Land in England

Short Postal Campaign

By Walter Compton

At right is a map of the territory showing the coast on which the Vikings are to land for this campaign. The Vikings number 90 man in some 4 ships which can land at any of the villages H, J or K. The ships must carry at least 10 men each and somehow all 90 Vikings are on board the 4 ships. The one player must select the landing location or locations for these 4 vessels and advise how many men are in each. The opporant will then be told at which points the Vikings have landed but not how many there are at each londing place. If at only one place then it is easy to calculate.

The Englishman, to defend his lands, will have allocated some 180 men into the castles, A,B or C with at least 20 each and totaling some 120 among the 3 castles and among the towns D,E,F and G with each having at least 10 men and totaling the remaining 60 men for the 4 towns. All this before he knows where the Vikings have landed.

The map shows the roads connecting the Castles to the towns and the towns to the villages.

The Game is in 3 Parts

First, you as the Viking player must advise where the landings are and how many men in each boat. Also, as the return match will pit you as an Englishman against the Vikings you must allocate the men at arms as per the above rules for castles and towns.

Step two is that you receive the news I)as a Viking of the number of men at arms in each of the 4 towns - available to you to attack. and then you select the ones you will attack and how many men will do so. To attack the town must be connected to the village by a road. and 2) as an Englishman the news that the Vikings have landed but not not how many, only where. You must then send men via a road to the next town or village or castle but only via road and only to the next stop indicated on the road. How many will depend upon your available men and which you want to send.

Now the GM, myself, will do the work of adjucating the defence or aggression. I will dice for each man and his opponent with one die each. Vikings get one added. to the die roll for their men for this turn only as they are most aggressive to get loot from England. Which men will fight? First the moves with those who meet midway between the towns and villages if any, to be done first. Each man on the largest side gets to fight once so the ones who survive a fight may have to fight again until all on the largest side have done so once. High die does in the other and equal numbers are a stand off with no casualties.

After doing any midway meetings the fights in the towns are done. Note that the men did not have to move but could have stayed where they were. After all this fighting the sides are compared. If the defenders of a town plus 20% of their own number rounded up is a number equal to or greater to the number of Vikings remaining in the town they have not let the Vikings loot t- e town. If less then the place was plundered and looted. Results of all this a:,o advised to the aides and they can then move the men again. The Vikings will all return to the villages to depart with their loot, if any. The English men at arms will probably pursue or they may not depending upon the player.

In any case the final numbers that are in the villages must fight again as per the second step and the Vikings get a minus 1 on the die this time if they have no loot to defend and a normal die only if they do have loot. After the fighting the Vikings sail away.

Who wins?

The Englishman gets a point for each Viking killed. The Vikings get a point for each English man killed and also one point for each Viking who gets away with loot. Also, the Vikings without loot will count as 1/2 point and the Englishmen still alive will count as 1/2 point each. Sound Interesting? Just send in the start to me and your opponant when received will tell me where the English are waiting for you and also he will tell me where the Vikings land for your rematch. So we should be able to do this with a total of 3 mailings in all.

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