
Future Sagas

by Terry Gore

It doesn't seem all that long ago that the last issue of SAGA was put out ... well, actually it wasn't that long ago! But to try to get back on schedule, here is the latest issue, number 98.

Dick Bryant has decided to quit publishing The Courier. With him and Hal Thinglum both passing the torch on to Don Perrin, there will be a new magazine appearing combining both of these magazines into one full size glossy. I wish Don well in his new endeavor and Dick... enjoy retirement!

As many of you know, I've been having a battle with cancer. So far, it's a tie ... though I'm feeling a bit better now that the radiation therapy is over with. I still have two long sessions of chemo to get through. Unfortunately, I have had to take a leave of absence from teaching this semester. If only I felt better, I would like being home for the winter, but with weakness, nausea and sleeping 10-12 hours a day at least, there is not the time I wished to have.

I have been working on my FPW Prussians and have even managed to design a simplified WW One game for August 1914 to use in the classroom. I'll likely be posting the rules up in future SAGA so that those of you who are teachers may get some ideas.

Besides the game, I have to paint up several units of figures to use with it. I'm opting for Foundry, Renegade and Old Glory 28mm WW One figures for variety and scope. Paul Schneider is helping me with this project.

I'm in desperate need of articles for future Saga's. Please send me anything you might have as an attachment or email. Discs are fine too, as long as they are in Rich Text or Word 98/2000 format.

Thanks for all the emails and words of encouragement, cards and letters. I'm very lucky to have such a large support group! The next SAGA will likely feature a complete game for miniatures. I hope you enjoy it.

As always, thanks for supporting the magazine. Remember, if your subscription is due, it is now $30.00 per year, not $35.00.

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© Copyright 2005 by Terry Gore
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