

by Terry Gore

This is the second issue of the 'new' SAGA. As in the last issue, we will be dealing with all aspects of the SAGA rules system, from Ancients to World War One. Also, I will be featuring scenarios and battle reports, like last issue. These seem to be popular features, so will be expanded upon.

I have also taken the step of creating a new SAGA rules group, drawing all of the groups together under one roof. The new group will eventually supplant all of the others and bring us all under one roof, so to speak. Why do this? Basically because most of the members of the other groups belong to several if not all of these. By putting a single rules group together, we can more easily share ideas, reports, concerns, army suggestions and more.

There has been a lot said lately about the fragmenting of the hobby again. It was noted that at Historicon, there were fully five different tournaments being played for Ancients/Medieval using DBX, WAB, Armati, Warrior and our own AW/MW. Some lament the passing of the 'good old days' where 150-200 players would gather to play WRG 6th or 7th…DBM never filled that void, at least not here in the U.S. as 7th continued to be played until this last year or so.

Frankly, I like the way things are now. It is nice to be able to pick and chose what you want to play and who you want to play with! More than once I was stuck with an obnoxious player who drove me nuts in WRG tournaments. Elitism? Maybe, but hey, I'm 57 now. I have neither the desire nor the temperament to deal with this type of player any more. And guess what? They are not drawn to AW/MW! This is a very good thing.

Finally, I am in the painting mood again. Every year or so, there comes a time when I 'need' some new forces to paint. This time around, they are Carthaginians and FPW Prussians! I would like to put on a demo of VW at Cold Wars or Historicon next year and need to get some more figures ready to use. At Fall In coming up in a few months, I will be using my Carthaginians, but needed to flesh them out a bit too…so there it is. Painting is a relaxing way to spend an evening and as I return to the campus next week, I'm sure with 200 students, I'll need to relax.

Until next time…

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© Copyright 2004 by Terry Gore
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