

by Terry Gore

This is the 'new look' of SAGA, at least for this issue! I am in the negotiation stages for a publisher, but for the time being, this is what you can expect to see for now.

First of all, you will note the large number of illustrations (this one is of Roman generals painted by David Smith). I plan to include as much artwork as possible to augment the articles. This is one place where SAGA has been remiss.

Next, the format and coverage of periods is new. We will be carrying articles dealing with all of the periods covered by the various SAGA rules systems. Making SAGA a 'house organ' for the SAGA rules systems may seem risky, but our feedback has been 90% positive.

For some time, I have been toying with idea of expanding SAGA to cover more than the Ancients, Medieval and Renaissance periods, but never had the incentive until Perry Gray came out with Sabretache. The popularity of this e-mag showed me that such a divergent coverage of different periods could and would work.

So…what should you expect from the 'new' SAGA? More. Much more. First of all, look for all the latest SAGA news. We will be publishing rules clarifications and amendments for all of our rules systems, not just AW, MW and RW. This means we are including information for the new Napoleonic Warfare rules, the Victorian Warfare rules, the still in playtesting Lace Warfare, Skirmish Warfare, Siege Warfare and World War One Warfare rules.

We are looking for articles on all of your favorite rules and armies. Please send me your musings and thoughts.

Historicon looks to be fantastic this year. We will be having over twenty SAGA events, not counting the tournaments and impromptu games. This year, we will be in the Paradise Room (where HAWKS and the Courier gang usually meet), next to Distlefink and right on the way to the 'Dealer's Area'. Can't get much better than that.

Another first for me will be having a very special woman accompanying me. Sue will be attending her first East Coast wargames convention (she went with me to Bayou Wars in New Orleans to get her first real taste of wargaming and the great camaraderie, which we so enjoy). This will be very interesting. Sue is not a wargamer…she never heard of the hobby until I showed her my 'wargaming' basement and she met my wargaming buddies. Well…that didn't scare her off…in fact she enjoyed meeting Bruce, Ken and Paul (she is really special!).

The fact that we will be very busy during the convention doesn't detract from the fact that we must be very visible and have a strong presence. This will allow us to reach more wargamers. I thank all of you who will be putting on games during the convention. Thank you…I really do appreciate it.

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© Copyright 2004 by Terry Gore
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