
SAGA Improvements

by Terry Gore

It’s been awhile. For a time, I didn’t know what (or where) I was doing or going with SAGA. After a lot of soul searching and not a little lost sleep, I have decided to continue to keep SAGA ‘in house’ and continue publishing it. This was not an easy decision. It is a lot of work publishing SAGA. It requires so much time that I didn’t feel I could do it with all of my teaching responsibilities. Still, SAGA is my creation and giving it up would be extremely difficult.

One thing that will be changing is that SAGA will now be more or less an exclusive publication for promoting the SAGA rules systems and related books. This means that I will slowly be increasing the size of SAGA by including articles dealing with our other rules systems, from Lace Warfare to WW I! This means a change of format to a larger size as well as a change in direction to include more material dealing with these later periods of history.

Yes, I still will encourage historical articles! These are what differentiate SAGA from many of the other hobby journals. Being a history professor is one incentive for doing this, another is the fact that I like good historical articles. So, there you have it!

I am soliciting articles...what else is new? Yes, but I really need them. This issue will likely come close to exhausting my backlog, so please take the opportunity to send me any items you may have for publication. I would appreciate it!

Last but not least, thanks to everyone who has supported this journal for all these years. Without you guys, there would be no SAGA. Thanks again.

On a different note, the Summer 2004 convention season is fast upon us. We are looking forward to demonstrating our new Skirmish Warfare, Lace Warfare and World War One rules at Historicon. Of course, there will be Medieval Warfare, Ancient Warfare, Renaissance Warfare and Victorian Warfare games as well. The 25mm tournament this year will be MW and the 15mm will be AW. If you intend to play in either of these tournaments, please let me know.

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© Copyright 2004 by Terry Gore
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