25mm Fast Play
Medieval Warfare Tournament

Historicon 2003

by Paul Schneider

Larry Irons lived up to his surname last Thursday as his Turks defeated the Mongols of Paul Schneider and the Saxons of Doug Marston. Doug's Saxon force defeated the sinister Mongol force of Ogadai "Wayne Ashcroft" in the first round. This forced a match between the gentlemen from Colorado and a Mongol civil war in the second round. Larry's Turks wore down Doug's Saxons while Wayne proved himself to be Khan in a fast and furious fratricide of his brethren. We had a lot of fun and having a fast play game the day before the AW tourney got rid of a lot of travel cobwebs. 25mm AW Tournament Results from Historicon Reported and run by Terry Gore

Allen Kaplan Alexandrian Macedonians 1st Place
Jeff Ball Seleucids 2nd Place
Norbert Brunhuber* Seleucids Most Historical Army
Paul Schneider Bosphorans Coveted Next to Last
Jim Bleed Marian Romans Best Sportsman

The rest of the players in no particular order
Wayne Ashcroft Early Romans
Dave Burton
Karen Jarosz Celtic Briton
Rich Jarosz Middle Imperial Romans
Perry Gray Late Romans
Conrad Campnest Early Imperial Romans
Bruce Taylor Alexandrian Imperial
Paul Dobbins Dachaan
Shan Palmatier Greeks
Terry Gore Graeco-Indians 15mm MW Tournament Results from Historicon Reported and run by Steve DeLucas

Sylvio Marra Medieval German (1st Place winner)
Ian Black Mongol (2nd Place)
Bert Carney Late Crusaders (Coveted Next to Last Place)
Guido Marra* Medieval English (Best Sportsman)

The rest of the players in no particular order
Greg Skelly* Medieval French
Jonas Skinner* Teutonic
George Hunsicker Grenadine
Michael Lewis* Abbysinian
Steve DeLucas Mongol
Kevin Boylan Irish
Mitch Abrams Nikephorean Byzantine
Jevon Garrett Knights of St. John
Alfred Anderson* (father + son team) War of the Roses Yorkist
Tony Marra Indian
*First time tournament players.

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