Renaissance Warfare Battle Report

Austrian Hapsburg vs. Ottomans
The Battle

by Steve McCroary

Turn 1

The battle began with a general Austrian advance by their cavalry and the lansknecht bde. The allied units went right around the woods while the rest of the advance went left. The Ottomans responded by sending the left akinjis forward to slow the reiters, and pushing the Iaylars and Azabs forward towards the woods to split the Austrians.

Each sides’ artillery concentrated on enemy maneuver units. The boyars took 2 hits while the janissaries took 1.

Turn 2

The Austrians continued their advance with the allied units clearing the right flank of the woods, except the cossacks who caught the edge of the woods and were disordered. The akinjis, with discretion being the better part of valor, retreated back to the Ottoman line. The Iaylars and right azabs continued forward and entered the woods. The left azabs wheeled left to fire on the advancing retainers. Additionally, the Ottomans realized the danger the lancers and reiters posed to the janissaries on their right and moved up the sipahis of the Porte to support the bde. The left sipahis of the Porte moved up into the front line in preparation to countercharge the frenzied Transylvanians barreling down on them.

The Austrians gave the retreating akinjis a parting gift, 2 cannonballs right in their horses behinds. On the other flank, they continued to pound the janissaries with 2 hits. The Ottoman cannoneers couldn’t get their act together and missed all their shots. Luckily for the Ottomans, the azabs fired an incredible volley of arrows, scoring two hits on the outside retainers. The inside retainers were bloodied by the sipahiss’ bows.

Turn 3

The Ottomans finally got the initiative. With the Allies within striking range, the Ottomans charge into the boyars and retainers with the sipahis of the Porte, veteran sipahis and the regular sipahis. The allies countercharge. In the center, the Iaylars pushed deeper into the woods. The far right akinji moved through the medium artillery to intercept on the lancers. On the Austrian right, the reiters stopped to cover the allies flank. On the Austrian left, the lancers maneuvered towards the Ottoman medium guns, while the reiters positioned themselves for a charge on the janissaries.

The Ottoman artillery finally pulled their heads out of their behinds and scored a hit on the lansknect bde. The akinjis got lucky and inflicted 2 hits on the lancers. The sharpshooters in the village fired also fired at the lancers and removed a stand, the first lost in the game. The lancers took their morale check, and barely passed. The Austrian artillery replied, but to no effect.

Over on the Ottoman left, the cavalry melee began. The boyars and sipahis of the Porte locked. They each took one casualty, which caused the boyars to lose a stand. The outer retainers were pushed back and the inner retainers were destroyed by the veteran sipahis. Luckily for the Austrians, all passed their morale tests.

Turn 4

Attempting to come to grips with the akinjis, the Austrian’s left wing lancers charged. The akinjis retreated behind the medium guns. The lancers continued moving towards the battery, which promptly blew them out of their saddles, destroying the unit. The sipahis of the Porte charged the reiters threatening the janissaries. Using a deploy order, the reiters managed to turn and prevent getting caught on the flank, ending up in a column. During the movement phase the hussars supporting the reiters advanced into the open stand of the Ottomans.

Over in the cavalry melee, the disordered boyars attempted to retreat, but were out rolled by the Porte, caught and destroyed. The retainers also retreated, but managed to get away. The veteran sipahis advanced and positioned themselves to charge the retainers in the rear next turn. Meanwhile, the Iaylars deployed to threaten the cossacks supporting the retainers.

With all the cannons having already fired or being masked, a flurry of arrows and pistol shots punctuated the cavalry fights. The only hit was by the sharpshooters in the village on the Austrian reiters.

In the only melee this turn, the sipahis of the Porte rolled poorly, causing only 1 hit on the reiters. The reiters however, managed to score a hit with their automatic 10% chance, locking the melee. The hussars took a casualty and were pushed back.

Turn 5

Their blood up from the sight of their enemies backs, the Veterans charged at the retainers. With the retainers attempting to flee, both rolled for distance. The retainers were caught causing them to rout. With hordes of Turkish cavalry swarming towards them, and crazed swordsmen approaching their flank, the cossacks had had enough, routing off the board and bringing the Austrians to their breakpoint.

The battle ended with an overwhelming Ottoman victory, 5-0. As it was late in the season, the Ottomans rounded up their loot, slaves, and goats, and headed back south to plan next summers raids.

The Pain on the Plains (Introduction)

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