Crusader Miniatures

28mm Norman Foot

review by Terry Gore

Mark Sims sent me variety of Norman foot he is now producing. These are excellent figures and are of the usual high standards of the other U.K. figure producers. I received eight figures total. These included three unarmored Norman foot with the usual nasal helmet; hooded tunic and clean-shaven face, all empty handed so that any weapon could be used with them. Kite shields were included to be added to the figures.

Also sent were five mailed foot figures. These again are in all different poses but two of them are armed, the rest are empty-handed. Of the two armed figures, one is carrying a crossbow at waist level and is marching forward ready to fire with a very determine expression on his face. The other can be used as either a Viking or Saxon huscarl, as he is holding a two-handed axe on his shoulder. These figures also all come with separate kite shields, with three different styles, but all of them ready for transfers or painted symbols.

Not one of these figures had any flash on them and are ready to paint, the bottoms of the bases are flat and do not need filing or cutting, a real plus. The many different poses also allows you to paint them up in units that will have that varied look so important to the Dark Ages/Medieval wargames armies. Prices are $12.00 for a pack of 8 foot or 3 mounted.

Available from

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