AW/MW Top Ten Rules

Playing Demo Games

by Paul Dobbins

At Historicon, I ran a demo game of AW for the first time at a major convention. It seems to me that the best thing to do in a convention game is get the players playing as fast as possible, without opening the proceedings with a long winded discussion of the rules. I briefed the players fairly quickly on the object of the game, reviewed the sequence of play, special scenario rules and the basic order markers (Terry had explained the order markers/orders system in a well attended AW/MW seminar the night before, and I used remembered bits of his excellent lecture to good effect). Then on with the game.

During the course of play, it was important to point out important points of play in such a way that players didn't feel overwhelmed or cheated (NOW YOU TELL ME!). I have an idea that a list of 10 important things to know/remember about AW/MW would help demo games move along better.

Kevin Boylan was the only experienced AW/MW player in the game, and he was a tremendous help. Thanks again Kevin.

Here is my list...

1. (Almost) everything you need to know is on the QRS, but ask questions!

2. A flank charge must start behind a flank (Kevin will tell you I let the Trojans get away with one on this point, but I claim gamemaster's perogative!).

3. Wheel at the start of a move (only), and measure the wheel from the end of the radius of the wheel (the end of the outmost stand in the unit).

4. Play to have fun -- get into combat as fast as possible.

5. You cannot have fun or win by playing to avoid mistakes

6. The initiative is important. Deciding which end of the table to start resolving combat is very important.

7. Some things are simultaneous: strategic movement, missile fire and close combat between units shooting and/or fighting each other.

8. Most things are not simultaneous and depend on the initiative: movement, order of charge moves, missile shots and melee resolution

9. Don't argue the rules with the gamemaster (although I made some mistakes)

10. Don't hold up play with consultations with other players.

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