The Message
Birth of Islam

A Movie Review

by David A. Clayton

For those of you who are as interested in Historical Theme Movies, with good battle scenes as I am, The MESSAGE is definitely one film you want to add to your collection! Since I haven't broken down to spring for a new DVD player yet, I purchased the double VHS set from "Belle & Blade" and intently spent the two and one half hours, deeply absorbed in this eye-opening film.

The MESSAGE, in a nutshell, is the story of the Birth of Islam, and thus the story of its founding by Mohammed, the Messenger (or Prophet). Those of you who are students of History know that this takes place in 7th Century Arabia with most of the initial action centered around the Cities of Mecca and Medina. Although in it's beginning, Islam is portrayed as a Religion of attraction, rather than conversion; its peaceful idealism quickly changes to militant defense (and offensive operations), as it's enemies seek to destroy it. Persecuted from the beginning for his speaking of Revelations by the Angel Gabriel, Mohammed and his early followers are forced to flee Mecca, a great merchant city and site of the Kaa'ba, a shrine to all the pagan gods of the various tribes of the Arabian Desert.

After first seeking refuge with the Christian King of Ethiopia, Mohammed's followers join him in an almost peaceful takeover of Medina, where more converts swell their ranks, enabling them to form an ever-growing army of increasingly fanatical adherents (persecution can do that to you). And since the Angel Gabriel apparently didn't bother to mention anything about turning the other cheek to Mohammed, he and his devoted followers were able to decisively defeat several Allied Armies sent to defeat them, by the various Arabian Chieftans whose commercial interests and power bases were being adversely affected by the spread of Islam.

There are excellent battle scenes that depict early styles of warfare, prevalent between the warring desert tribes. Noteworthy is the use of "champions", increasingly massed archery, and flanking tactics and feigned retreats. This of course was before the organized and ever-growing armies of Islam emerged from the Arabian desert to conquer their neighbors. The MESSAGE contains 3 excellent battle scenes and one can see how the numbers of combatants increase and how war craft evolves from the first good-sized skirmish, to full-scale battle.

One of the most unusual aspects of this film is the fact that the person of Mohammed is never shown in keeping with respect for Islamic Law! Characters talk to the camera as if they were speaking with the Prophet, thus no one actor portrays the Founder of Islam. Members of the cast include Anthony Quinn, Irene Papas, and Michael Ansara.

Of course, although the contents of this movie were screened for offensive materials and filming was supervised by the representatives of several Islamic Organizations, and thus approved, most Middle Eastern Islamic Countries nevertheless banned the film from being shown to their citizenry. Perhaps it was because they really didn't want their people to get The MESSAGE!

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