AW Rules Clarifications

Through July, 2001

By Terry Gore

These will bring everyone up to date for Ancient Warfare. The current rules are those with the tan cover and Egyptian motif on the front. These have not been changed since February, so these latest clarifications will catch AW up with MW in terms of all the most recent items from the rules group.

Pg. 10, Large Stands, first sentence, add the following after (…Wargames Research Group rules for 25mm figures).

2. Pg. 12 under General Leadership Ability. After the first bullet add another one: You do not have to assign units to the various generals until after the General Leadership Ability is rolled for.

3. Pg. 20 under Issuing Orders, after the first bullet, add the following:
A. There are a few exceptions; troops need no orders to -
B. Continue a frenzied Charge (and in the case of frenzied troops or fanatics, start a frenzied Charge).
C. Continue a pursuit.
D. Continue to fight in close combat.

Exception: Fanatics or frenzied units without orders must move toward and charge an enemy unit when within their normal movement range of the enemy unit. Skirmishers may be forced to Retreat by enemy units that try to move into contact with them, and any unit may be forced to Retreat as a result of failed morale.

4. Pg. 22, Under Charge, after second bullet, add the following: Exception: Frenzied units. See Frenzied Charges.

5. Pg. 23, under Frenzied Charges, add a new heading after ninth bullet: Fanatics Charging

In the next bullet (the tenth), include in the sentence "…within Engagement Range of an eligible enemy target to its front." and delete the next sentence: “Automatically begin moving….”
Delete the numbers for the next sentences and substitute bullets.
Add a new bulleted sentence:

Fanatic units are required to charge an eligible target in delaying or disordered terrain, while frenzied units are not.

Note: Some enemy targets may not be reachable, i.e. cavalry cannot charge into dense terrain, so an enemy unit in this instance does not count as an 'eligible target'.

6. Pg. 24, under Deploy/Maneuver second bullet square "Turn or face…" add after last word, add "…or face an attacker as he Charges or Advances into contact*. Under fourth square, after "…pikes" add "…or Long Spears…"

7. Pg. 25, under Retreat add a bullet before the first: Fanatics or Frenzied units may not be issued Retreat orders.

8. Pg. 26, under Recover, add a third bullet: Recover orders may be placed on Fanatic/Frenzied units to keep them from charging. Foot require one order, mounted require two.

Under the Example of Play, the last bullet, after the word "…halted…", add "…by the HC charge declared on them."

Add the following section to the bottom of the page:
Units with no orders
Units that do not have any orders when contacted by an enemy unit have no choice in their responses.
They take all charges at the halt, with no wheels, facing or any other movement.
Skirmishers may always elect to retreat, however.
Units with no orders must follow up or pursue any enemy in contact.

9. Pg. 27, under Orders Phase, add a last bullet: Remove ALL orders at the end of each turn.

10. Pg. 28, under Charge Declaration Phase, add a bullet after the first: Chargers may attempt to roll to become frenzied if eligible. After last bullet in this phase, add after "…combat…" ", moving extra if necessary to align the units against each other."

11. Pg. 29, under Close Combat Phase, after first bullet add: Exception: A multi-unit close combat is resolved as though it were a single close combat. All participating units will fight it out simultaneously no matter what their position is relative to the flank where the close combat started.

12. Pg. 32, under Movement, after the tables, delete the second Design Note section and instead add: Trained units with an ordered Retreat move, make a normal move to the rear instead of using the variable Charge/Retreat/Rout move. This reflects their superior training and ability to make an orderly withdrawal.

13. Pg. 33, under Line, change definition to: A unit is in Line when it is not considered to be in any other formation. After Mass, add a second bullet: A mass is deeper than it is wide in stands.

14. Pg. 34, under Wedge, second bullet, eliminate "…three in the third, etc."

15. Pg. 37, at the very top of the page, under Chariot and Cavalry Runners or Elephant Escort Infantry, add a second bullet: If in a Close Combat, the SI are placed directly behind the cavalry/chariots/elephants and provide an additional rank for Close Combat depth modifiers (they are considered in close support).

16. Pg. 44, under Morale Test Results, fourth bullet, at the end, add: "…and Trained units must use the Charge/Retreat/Rout Movement Table."

17. Pg. 45, after the section on Who May Fire, add the following section" Morale States and Missile Fire If the firing unit is disordered, only 1/2 of its eligible stands may fire. If the firing unit is fragmented, only 1/2 of the eligible front rank stands may fire. Routed units may not fire.

Under the Supply for Missile Units, the first number 1., change "..or Out of Missiles…" to "…but not an Out of Missiles…"

18. Pg. 48, under Firing Procedure, the third bullet, eliminate the wording after "…is measured from the…" and substitute "…first rank eligible to fire."

19. Pg. 49, after all the charts, etc, the last sentence "If a modified To Hit number…", eliminate "is not ready to shoot" and add a new sentence after the end of that one.

"See if there is another target in arc and range that you can hit and fire at that one instead."

20. Pg. 56, After Close Combat, the tenth bullet, add to the end: "The Close Combat will be fought next turn." The last bullet, add a new sentence at the end, "The unit does not receive a disorder marker."

This should bring AW in line with all our recent changes.

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