15mm Medieval Warfare

Tournament Results

By Mitchell Abrams

Here are the results for the 15mm Medieval Warfare Tournament.
Tony Marra: Early Normans 6 points
Steve DeLucas Teutonic Order 5 points
John Underwood Medieval Scots 5 points
Mitch Abrams Maurikian Byzantine 5 points
Kelly Wilkenson Arab Conquest 4 points
Rob Robertson Sicilian Hohenstaffen 3 points
Silvio Marra Feudal Germans 2 points
Kevin Boylan Scots-Isles Highlanders 2 points

This was a very close tournament throughout. Other than total points there was no differentiation in the order between people with the same points on the above list. I would like to extend my thanks to all the participants as each game I witnessed was played well and in a competitive but friendly manner; as we have come to expect. As a note I appreciated getting to meet Kelly, Steve and Rob.

It should also be mentioned that historical matchups were sought but not always available with the amount of participants vs the amount of available lists. In that end I think Kevin deserves some credit for fa ing Rob's forces, John (with very few cavalry) for going up against Steve's army and Kelly for having to deal with Tony's army. It is not an easy thing to match up against armies that can overpower you, yet they all did this with a good amount of grace. It was not unnoticed and it was much appreciated. Again, thanks for everyone who participated.

I see Ken has not written about his victory over the Normans...yes, the breechless and barb'rous Scots were victorious. One item that came up we thought could use some clarification was the Mounted Breakthrough optional rule. This rule allows (in MW) a mounted unit to ride through an enemy unit if it has caused enough damage to punch a hole through it. In order to qualify for a Mounted Breakthrough (you may only do this in the initial round of a close combat), the mounted unit has to:

    1.. Inflict twice as many figure casualties as they receive from the enemy unit.
    2.. Cause the enemy unit to remove a stand (this does not mean that the mounted unit had to actually cause three or four figure casualties that round, it means that if the enemy unit already had figure casualties, enough additional casualties are caused to add up to a stand removal).
    3.. Be fighting an enemy unit no more than two ranks deep (three ranks or more cannot be broken through...too much depth).

If you qualify to Breakthrough, you roll as per a normal charge move, say Heavy Cavalry (loose order cavalry) 9" + d6 for 25mm. Divide this by 1/2 for your Breakthrough Charge move.

If you roll high enough to reach a new enemy unit, you count as charging it. The enemy unit will have to take an immediate Morale Test for being surprised (where did these guys come from?) and then you ride into them.

The enemy unit takes the charge halted unless they fail morale and turn and run away.

If the Mounted Breakthrough unit does contact a new enemy unit fight immediately. Your mounted unit is not disordered as it managed to breakthrough the enemy and kept its formation...especially useful to wedging knights! This can go on indefinitely, as long as your unit continues to break through his opponents.

If the Mounted Breakthrough unit fails to contact a new enemy it will be disordered, unless already disordered...you are not penalized any worse than this as you are winning and winning troops are exuberant and confident.

If a wedge breaks through but fails to contact, you are still in wedge, but it doesn't do you much good as you are disordered so only fight with the front rank anyway!

My rule of thumb is that if you have a shot at contacting a fresh enemy unit, go for the break through. If not, you may do yourself more harm than good winding up in the middle of the enemy army with no support!

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