Latest Medieval Warfare Rules


by Tery Gore

Here are the latest MW rules clarifications. They apply specifically to the current SAGA edition and are referenced as such. Pg. 32

  • Under Causes of Disorder change the section "Any extra movement…" to the following:

  • Any extra movement required to be taken during the normal Movement Phase beyond that allowed in a turn i.e. SI which have already moved during their Tactical Initiative Phase and are then forced to Retreat due to enemy movement.


    Effects of Fragmentation:

  • The unit may not be in any Special Formations.
    Pg. 36 after the Who May Fire heading.

    1) Who May Fire? 2) Any missile-armed unit may fire during the Missile Fire Phase assuming they have an eligible target in range. A unit is never forced to fire. Units may not fire when they are:

    • Out of Missiles or
    • Involved in a Close Combat or
    • Mounted Infantry missile troops while mounted.

    Firing Dice

    Firing is normally conducted by rolling a d10 for each eligible firing stand. The exceptions to this are gunpowder weapons, which had a much greater psychological effect due to the noise and smoke they produced and their traumatic influence on the targets of their fire.

    • Handgunners, roll 1d10 per each two figures firing.
    • Gunpowder artillery roll 1d10 for each surviving crewman on the firing stand.
    • Each unit fires separately; you cannot combine stands from different units to come up with a more favorable number of firing dice!

    Morale States and Missile Fire

    • If the firing unit is disordered, only 1/2 of its eligible stands may fire.
    • If the firing unit is fragmented, only 1/2 of the eligible front rank stands may fire.
    • Routed units may not fire.

    Pg. 42 Add the following after the Charging or Moving into Contact section.

    1) Charge Cancellation

    2) A unit's charge may be cancelled under certain circumstances.

    • If an infantry unit in the open is charged by a non-skirmisher mounted unit, it's own charge is cancelled, unless it is within 1/2 of it's normal movement allowance of the charging mounted unit.
    • If a unit cannot physically fit in to fight against a target of its charge, the charge is cancelled. Return the unit to its starting position and replace the Charge order with an Advance order.

    And finally, a point to be made under special formations. Please note that a unit in Shieldwall or in Schiltron may not be frenzied. If they do become frenzied either from a morale die roll or otherwise, they fall out of the Shieldwall/Schiltron formation.

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