
Letters to the Editor

by the readers

Shan Palmatier

Howdy Gents, just writing to say that I had a great time at Cold Wars, despite being semi-zonked from the drive. The games I played were quality, and the crafty opposition gave me all I could handle. Most importantly, everyone was friendly (in fact this is friendliest group at the convention, imho.)

I intend to be present a Historicon, and to steadfastly represent the Ancient's crowd, hopefully we can get a little something together if not an "actual" tourney.

Amazingly, I managed to resist the Old Glory call (and I knew that Dave Burton had purchased the lot, anyway!). However, I had a change to purchase Foundry figures from Age of Glory. I strongly recommend them as a supplier. I was pleased by the prices (for Foundry) and the miniature quality.

Kevin Forrest

With reference to wedge formation. My friends and I have been using the following formation to represent a wedge -


We decided to use this formation as one of the great things about these rules is their ability to allow you to use your troops in the formations that they were designed to fight in. Using this formation would allow them to have 5 stands in contact when facing an opponent that is 2 stands wide and 2 stands deep, thus giving the wedge a better chance in the first round of combat. This formation has only been tried out using AW rules. Any comments??

[Editor: With this formation, you would still be counted as fighting on a three-stand frontage. I understand the visual aspect of this. Jeff uses his Companions in a somewhat similar manner. (See the example on page 35 of AW). Remember, though, that you will be considered fighting on the frontage of your whole formation, not just the one stand, in light of our recent wedge discussions, Three stands wide, not one. This means that your wedge would, in AW, count the front rank stands in contact - in the instance you note, there would be two in contact. In AW, wedges fight a rank and a half, so you would count your two front ranks and one of your second rank, for a total of three. The only way to get more stands into combat would be to fight against a three-stand wide enemy unit. You would then count five stands fighting, three in contact and 1/2 of the second rank...rounding up for the odd stand.

In MW, the wedge fights with all of its front and second rank stands so is more effective thanks to the stirrup and high-pommeled saddle.You are fine using the formation you show, just remember it counts as fighting on the frontage of the entire unit, not just the front stand. I favor using either split stands or a wedge marker, but it works either way,whatever looks right to you.

Jim Bleed

In the rules a unit directly behind another unit can fire if allowed by circumstance I.e., # of ranks, type of weapon etc. If for example a unit of close order archers is directly behind a double rank unit of say, huscarls, do both units need to be given defend orders for the archer to fire?

[No. You do not need Defend orders to fire from a third rank with bow or longbow. This is a holdover from MW that has since been changed for both rules sets. In the latest edition of AW, any close order troops with bow or longbow may fire up to three ranks deep. Those of you with MW rules, please turn to page 38 and under 4) Ranks Eligible to Fire, Close Order Infantry, at the end of the first bullet: "Up to three ranks deep of bow or longbow" cross out "...with Defend orders."

Thanks for reminding me of this, Jim. I meant to put this change in, but somehow it got by me.]

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