Ancient Warfare


by Terry Gore

I hope everyone has had a chance to take a look at the latest AW edit. Thanks to those who have gotten back to me with corrections, comments and ideas for improving the rules. There are a few items that will be included in the final version.

So far, I've decided to include the optional Intelligence Gathering Rule, though we are still working on it and will playtest it Saturday. Other things are:

1. Clarification of Visibility (i.e. a unit can see all around)

2. Clarification of who sees a unit/general in rout/desroyed (must be visible AND within the correct distance away according to the Morale Modifier Table)

3. Defined more clearly the use of Dummy Markers...they do not count as orders for determining if a unit may move during the Strategic Movement phase. A unit may move during the Strategic Movement if it only had a Dummy order on it, but not a regular order marker.

4. Added the modifier to Ambushers of +2 if a General is with the Ambushing unit. Hardly likely, but if you want to do it....

5. Changed the rule about Echeloned Line flattening out if if fights and wins in a close combat. It does not and it may follow up in echelon. You will lose any overlaps, of course, but the enemy will not be able to get on your echeloned flank.

6. Noted that Disorders are cumulative no matter what, even if simultaneous.

7. Changed the rule about Bow or Longbow close order foot being able to fire three ranks deep. You used to need Defend orders to do so. Now they can fire three ranks deep period. Romans and others may now use their integral archers in a third rank to shoot even if moving.

8. Cleaned up a potential rules lawyer loophole in regards to units in a Close Combat getting a Deploy order to turn to face enemy to flank or rear. The lawyer took this to mean the unit could now have the option to follow up OR NOT as he had a Deploy order. Uh-uh. Defend or Deploy orders only count through the initial round of a close combat in respect to limiting a follow-up or pursuit.


  • Upped the number of possible stands in a unit to 12.
  • Defined all terrain types.
  • Limited ambushing units to 1/4 of the total army units.
  • Clearly defined limitations of off board flank marchers coming on table.
  • Clarified charge/countercharge limitations.
  • Added examples of play.
  • Noted that the winner of Initiative decides from which flank charges will start from.
  • Changed wording on wedge so that a single frontage wedge fights front rank and 1/2 of a rear rank stand only.
  • Changed some items re: chariot circles and chariot transports to put them more in line with rest of the rules.
  • Added Terrain Delay/Disorder chart.
  • A unit leaving the table and followed off by an enemy unit may not return to the game.

Also, check out the article in the latest Lone Warrior on dealing with using MW for a solo 1066 campaign. Very nicely done!

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